It seemed for a while that the Democrats—or should I say the Deep State—were going to let Trump coast to victory in November without much resistance. But anyone paying attention knows better than that, and this past week has made it crystal clear.
Here’s the thing, though: between the infighting over H1-B visas and the countless “individual” attacks on our country, I find myself flying above it all. So high, in fact, that I don’t even feel the need to dive into the granular details.
There’s been endless speculation about who carried out the attacks and whose agenda they were advancing. But honestly, am I the only one who hasn’t cared enough to expend energy digging into it? Even within this community, there’s been disagreement over these things.
For me, it’s simple: I’m fully trusting the plan and refusing to get caught up in the noise. It’s not that I don’t care—far from it. I just believe these distractions are designed to pull our focus away from the bigger picture. And I, for one, won’t take my eyes off the target.
It’s so much easier to live life when your eyes are fixed on Jesus. It doesn’t matter all the things going on around you, when you can trust in your Lord and Savior. The divisive tactics are ramping up. I will not comply, I will not give up my own sovereignty and allow the enemy to take away my joy and peace.
Amen, sister!
Came here to say this. The calmness and serenity that Jesus gives me allows all the PHYOPS to bounce off of me. Whenever I read anything designed to induce fear and confusion, I just say “whatever” and have a sip of coffee and laugh at them. This attitude is why the deep state hates Christians. We are difficult to control. And , of course, they hate Jesus. Double whammy.
Take that Satan 🤜👿
It is why a lot of people that we would love to see flipping out about Epstein level stuff, are able to just coast above it. They have a bypass. A different movie, but a movie no less. A bypass.
Wonderful. Amen.
Amen 🙏
Great summation of how I'm feeling too; information overload. Seems like rabbit holes go so deep, but when I have enough data points or "coincidences" I "decide" and move on..... until a connection or coincidence sends me down a different rabbit hole. We all need breaks and I'm comfy trusting the plan.
Which is one way that we are sort of seeing what their intelligence does when it's flying off the handle and lacking a brain.
They literally have NO IDEA how they want to spin these events, and one tiny thing that changes feels like it provokes a TOTAL SHIFT in the messaging or approach they want to go with.
Its very strange, and one of the major reasons this latest batch of bullshit has felt like an "information overload" to your point.
You guys have the perfect attitude.
1.Reject creating ideological red lines between fellow Patriots
Be vigilant and protect yourself and your family ALWAYS.
Relax, throw on some 😎 let your hair down. We're on offense. 2nd & 1, inside their 30. Lot of paths to take to hit this tuddy and win this V.
We have to play together and this H1B thing has been a bit of a false start. There are going to be a lot of issues we take on to internally debate, and if we can't pull together and agree to disagree the big changes are never going to get off the ground.
Don't leave the movement over some silly Obama-esque [political wave rider guy's] vision for America, or a disagreement on the Cybertruck thing. Stay in it to win it and we will, we've come a long way already.
Awesome stuff. Jesus is calling to each of us for a purpose. The less we get distracted by the noise, the more he can guide us into the role he created us for. love you fren
Love you
Same. I’m tired of chasing these rabbits. My coffers are full. My armor is polished. My people are comfy. We will ride out whatever tumultuous deviance we have to endure in order to find peace.
While a laudable position . The goal is to teach us all how to recognize the enemies of God and Freedom and more important how to fight and resist this EVIL with all our might. And then to teach the children well so they too can resist
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, and against the worldly governors, the princes of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness, which are in the high places." --- Ephesians 6:12 -- 1599 Geneva
I agree. I’m thankful that my children are receptive and smart. They will be fine.
I’m EXACTLY the same way lostoros23. My wife sees new events first on X and tells me before I see them on GAW. Nothing really surprises me anymore. It’s terrible that the noise has caused loss of lives, but I still have the 40,000 foot view and I’m not dissuaded by the chaos. I trust in God and the end result and know that the end is biblical. Stay the course patriots. And aim small miss small.
If we sit back and let others do the work it wont get done. This is exactly the attitude that got us into this mess. And exactly how they want us to continue. This is a fucked up attitude. We must stay vigilant. We must stay informed. Information is our greatest weapon against them. If it wasnt for the digging anons and frogs have done this war would already be over and we would have lost. If we aint digging we are being enslaved.
I agree. If I learned anything this whole time it is to question EVERYTHING. Even Trump.
We are responsible for what happens. Yes, there may be white hats but none of this happens if we didn't get Trump in office. Now, he's gotta to prove that he isn't some psyop as well.
God wins in the end. But he doesn't give things away for free. He gives us the option to do what he wants.
Of course Trump is a psyop this is a War of psyops. When an enemy has been winning for hundreds or maybe 1000's of years you only win if you can fight on their territory with their weapons and their rules. And God wants you to discover the battle ground most of all.
"Neither shall men say, Lo here, or lo there: for behold, the kingdom of God is within you." ---Luke 17:21 -- 1599 Geneva
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of (The Deal)War
The branding on "white hats" has always been embarrassingly paternalistic, if i'm honest. But, perhaps it's the way things are done. I don't know sometimes.
Something I have to remind myself constantly. Trust God’s Plan. Nothing is outside of it.
I'm with you. We will see what happens.
Considering that Q posted ''Trust the plan'' 35 times, I'd have to agree.
And people are definitely waking up😃
If it's repeated then it's true.
Yup as soon as the drones started I knew all the BS from here on isn’t worth expending my energy on. Just praying and focusing on the family, ready for anything. Paying no mind to the noise.
Know what the LV bomber said about the drones ? And why it would change EVERYTHING ? And what Q said about hidden technologies ?
Yes I read the email. I’m just wore out at this point fren. All of these years dedicated to seeking the truth and it’s culminated to the truth of Jesus Christ. I’m resting in that truth now and it’s a peace that I cannot attain on my own.
It’s hard to when you are ground zero for an issue.
I just got done at the Fred Meyer in Redmond, Washington the home of Microsoft. I would guess about 40-50% of the people in the store were East Indian foreigners.
Good for you. But for people like me and others on here who live in these type of places or are in the tech world this is a “line in the sand” issue. Then we’re told it’s not that big of a deal or we’re shills driving a wedge or whatever.
With you on this. It’s kind of like we were expecting something, but we aren’t getting invested in the details. I think there will be more, and it’s good to be able to view it from a higher level.
Yasss! THIS! Anon, fren! You just spoke to me on what I’ve been trying to convey to people all last WEEK!! ThanQ fren, GBY! MOVIEEEEEE! 😊🐸🫵
Nice post. Thank you.
100% What you said.
I am with you, it's all part of the special operations going on.
They'll do as they must and it isn't for us to question the workings.
The H1B is a fight worth having, imo. I'm just displeased with which side of it Elon seems to be on. But the fight itself, I'm thankful he started it. Now we can weed out the neocons who want to export American labor to foreign countries just so they can pay them a slave wage. I for one am sick and tired of trying to communicate with people who can barely speak english when I call my ISP. That's not H1B but it's related to the larger issue. I'm not in the tech industry but I'm sure there are tons of Americans who would like to be.
The view from orbit over this mess is the best space one can have imo, fren. Welcome.