Newsom Signs Executive Order to Crack Down on California’s Consumption of Soda, Candy, Processed Foods
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So now he can decide who eats what? I think those Executive Orders need to be severly curtailed. State and federal
If only he was as concerned about what he was (is?) making Californians get injected into their arms as he seems to be about what they put into their pie-holes.
Like he gives a actual fuk.
So when to the Citizens admit this Emperor has No clothes? He is pure communist Insane.
We did call him out on no clothes. It was called the recall. They cheated.
NEWSCUM - It was just like Trump 2020 - We're NOT voting for these idiots. VOTER FRAUD.
Democrats ruling via EO, both at a state and federal level, is a major problem and needs to be fixed. This is not what EO’s are for!
Newsom v Cox was a fraud in 2020. We voted to recall Newsom 3 times. California is the testing ground for the rest of their bullshit. Voting machines were "tested" in California before they were in every state. There are more registered republicans in California than in any other state.
Big brother need not get involved in what we eat or spend money on. They can, however, set guidelines for their state Medicaid recipients that they can’t use their EBT for junk foods like candy, potato chips, cookies, soda pops, energy drinks, sweetened juices, etc. Today it will be soda and candy, tomorrow it will be a limit on red meat and CBDC will cut you off at the register. No. Government needs to get out of our lives.
So it doesn't actually do anything? But I bet these state agencies get a nice budget to:
"Provide recommendations to the Governor’s Office regarding potential action to limit the harms associated with “ultra-processed foods” and food ingredients that pose a health risk to individuals.
Continue investigating the adverse health impacts of synthetic food dyes.
Recommend actions to reduce the purchase of soda, candy, other ultra-processed foods and/or foods with synthetic food dye or other additives.
Investigate the feasibility of requiring Medi-Cal Managed Care plans and California hospitals to use their Community Investment dollars and Community Benefit funds to enhance access to fresh, healthy foods, mitigate the impacts of “food deserts,” and otherwise promote public health at the local level.
Identify areas where California may adopt higher standards for healthy school meals than national standards.
Explore developing new standards and partnerships to further protect and expand universal school food programs."
Just another make work program for campaign donors and a backdoor way to control what is bought and sold in Calif.
The nanny state becomes a reality...
I’m all for reducing poison such as ultra processed foods but I doubt he’ll get much done. Seems he is trying to compete and get a head start against RFK and MAHA so the Dems can claim they are the ones who had the idea to make us healthy and then their studies will show whatever they want it to so they can feed the masses another lie. He did manage to ban one of the reds food colors and that’s a plus but I still don’t trust that this dude really cares about our health all that much. He is doing this for his own image and to challenge the Trump agenda.
Hmmm, I suppose the concept of not meddling in people's lives and letting folks live how they want to never crossed his mind? Apparently to NewScum, people are too stupid to live their lives and make their own decisions without the nanny state badgering them all the time.
Freedom-sized, metabolic disease-ridden Americans are the laughingstock of the civilized world exactly because we are too stupid to make proper decisions regarding nutrition.
Fuck Commifornia in general and Newsome in particular, but the only things ballooning faster than crime and inflation in this country are our kids' blood pressure and BMI.
The better alternative would be to make healthy foods more accessible and cheaper. Force companies to stop adding bullshit chemical dyes to foods, etc.
Can someone please put this walking disaster out of his misery. And promote Californian's peace of mind at the same stroke. We are so done with this jerkous.
A stroke would do it. Just sayin
Why don't he just mandate that the food manufacturers in the state produce healthy foods?
He thinks he can ride the MAHA bandwagon by fiat.
Says the Cheese Pizza glutton