From the Epoch Times: "President-elect Donald Trump is hoping to jumpstart his administration with one massive bill, covering everything from border policies to taxes to energy. With less than two weeks before the inauguration, he has held closed-door meetings to win support among key figures in Congress. The goal is to fast-track the agenda through Congress and get the package of legislation on Trump’s desk by the end of April."
Comments (21)
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Not showing the country that the 2020 election was stolen in exchange for some cooperation isn't going to be the best idea going forward for this country. Everything, all the corruption, needs to be exposed. Let the whole thing collapse, we can't go forward with this system, it's too corrupt and unworkable.
100% If they don't make it a public and unmistakable, undeniable display of exposing 2020, we don't have a chance of changing shit.
What do you mean play nice or pay for your crimes. That is a NO. Pay for your crimes even if you are playing nice. No one should get to walk from the damage they caused. It should be opened up so every single American can sue every single one of these idiots for everything they have.
I agree...and I also feel that the previously uncooperative might just become suddenly rather compliant. I know, "no deals..." but there might have to be deals cut. As delightful an idea it is that we see most of congress be held accountable immediately, it may serve the White Hat plan to delay that gratification briefly.
Trump is a dealmaker. And any good negotiation has both sides feeling like they got screwed.
It's aikido, Frens. Use your opponents momentum against them. Trump is gonna pull a rope-a-dope all while getting what WE want.
He has it all, according to Q. So, if the Plan is to use the "it" as leverage, then I am not interested. That's no better. That's swamp style. He is draining it, not replacing it.
The only reward I’d agree to for “playing nice” is giving them a choice between Greenland or GITMO.
Fast track
End of April
It's so sad to see that 3 months is considered fast
This is an interesting angle, however MSM has not and will not touch it.
Soo, if you look at the Hot Topic, which is pedophilia by the U.K. , Germany, Vatican and all the same Death Cult members they are being shown by Elon Musk with the largest Bull Horn that the game is over. Trump has laid low here, while every post from Musk receives in excess of a quarter billion views globally. The people, globally know about the muslim rape gangs in the U.K. that Kier Starmer protected for over a decade while the whistleblower, Tommy Robinson is in Jail.
Justin CasTradeau, cried with his fake, "resign" comments as a result. He cannot relinquish power, he will be jailed. He knows that, they all know it. They are literelly now hyperventilating, sleepless and sick to their stomachs with this out in the open.
Diddy, Epstein, are being held , WHILE THE BLACKMAIL IS STILL BEING USED. Now it has no value any longer !!!!
Elon is devaluing the videos and pictures and all the blackmail with it going public now. That is why you are watching people cave in, going along, all of a sudden trying to suck up and be Trumps friend. Take your pick, the Checkmate is in place.
They have tried to launch the fake pandemic, they cant get it off the ground yet. They are trying to crash the markets, they can't seem to pull the pin. They want to nuke themselves to play false flag and they have been unable.
We witnessed Blue Beam Gone Wrong. . . Trump stood up and said it straight up, " The government knows, they really should tell the people". Another slam dunk.
This is God controlling the show and now we can all see it out in the open. We know what is coming and we are all smiling. Today was an unforgetable release.
I can't believe that Congress doesn't know the things we know. We're outsiders. Big time outsiders. We literally have nothing except the Q drops.
They're insiders with information we can't even guess at. And they can read Q drops, too. And I'm sure they're looking. Don't be fooled by them playing dumb.
Also, we've been told Panic in DC many times. That implies they know what's going on.
Trump should use the leverage he has to get what he wants, then let the military bust their asses when he's done with them. Get ruthless.
Yes. It's in either his or SCOTUS' back pocket no doubt giving them leverage.
Id rather they get prosecuted. I think he'll get everything he wants from the flood of disclosure making the left toxic to everyone but them.
WHITEMAILING. Do the right thing or this will happen. Way different.
Perhaps a shift in perspective to leveraging power, which Trump is quite good and practiced at.
No. Most of [them] MUST pay for [their] crimes. I can see him letting some of the smaller fish stay free but kept on a very tight leash, but the big fish MUST fry. It's the only way We, The People can begin to start trusting the govt again.
Brunson had said in an interview that the case may be taken up by the SC if Trump doesn't get a smooth transition. So, maybe you re right. He also said it may be taken up, anyway, but if the transition is smooth, there may be more leniency (as long as the defendents cooperate with exposing the 2020 election fraud).
They don't seem to want anything for Trump to be smooth, but their choices have narrowed considerably. Everything they try to pull gets exposed and countered before plans can be fully implemented.
Brunsons are grifters. They've been shut down numerous times by SC. They continue to "self represent" while begging for money on the scummiest of paytriot sources. I wish they would disclose how much money they have siphoned from the hopium addicted. It's no doubt millions.... and paying themselves with it!
Put down the hopium paytriot crack pipe frens. Open your eyes, we never needed the Brunson case to begin with.