Red Castle? Or LARP? Anon claims Trump to replace FEMA with Army Corps of Engineers
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FEMA? We don't need no stinking Federal Emergency Mismanagement Agency!
Realistically there’d be Utility in that. And it would provide hands on experience in real world situations for the Engineers. That you’d likely struggle to replicate during maneuvers or drills.
There’s also utility towards recreating the Office of Civil Defense or a similar program.
The Office of Civil Defense which was one of the precursor to FEMA. Primarily focused on training Civilian Auxiliaries to respond to Disasters ranging from Natural to Nuclear and Biological. Often equipping them with Military Surplus to help achieve that goal. And producing Guidebooks and Preparedness Programs.
Our President IS a Stable Genius...
At minimum the Q plan is…
What a concept ; Natural Disasters managed by Engineers😏
What a great decision!! You could have the Engineers in Divisions in a grid pattern to cover any disaster across America. If a hurricane was imminent, you bolster that area beforehand so after the disaster, you an are already on the ground running.
Common Sense leadership. Why not use the real professionals? The Corps of Engineers was slowly replaced with a group of bungling buffoons parading as disaster response experts over the past 5-6 decades, or maybe even longer.....
It's time to bring them back with all the support they can bring to the table.
The Corp of Engineers were set up to expedite military operations as well as to mitigate environmental concerns of the civilian population as necessary with tremendous success.
POTUS is spot on with this. God speed.
That could attract a lot more recruits to the army engineers if true.
Getting rid of HAARP couldn't hurt either.
Actually, that make a whole-lot of sense!!
Umm…given that Trump literally said that on tv yesterday I don’t see how it could be a larp. He IS getting rid of FEMA, and he IS replacing it with the Army corps of Engineers, and he's going to provide funding to states during emergencies and any help they need but won't be sending some bloated federal agency in who doesn't know the area to mess things up like FEMA always does. If I knew where the two videos were that I saw him say this were I would post them but I'm not sure where I saw them atm, but I definitely saw him say that.
Oh how I would love to see FEMA shut down completely. FEMA is nothing but just another money laundering program masquerading as a "superhero" to those in need. The Amish community, the Cajun Navy, and local churches and residents did more for North Carolina and Tennessee than FEMA did or ever even intended to do. The sooner FEMA is kicked to the curb the better.
There isn't any better training than doing something useful.
Makes sense. ACOI is well established in all states and can handle it! I've seen them turn a beautiful flowing river into a drainage ditch. Now that is hard to do. Maybe that wasn't a good example! Kek
Good idea. The local national guardsman could be used again too.
Great idea. No matter where they were sent, they could coordinate with local contractors.
AND VETERANS, who were the most effective responders anyway
Don’t have anything nice to say about the ACoE either. There was a pond built 30 years ago that had to get their approval. Now they’re making them rebuild the dam because, if the water was high enough to go out the spillway (which it never has) and the dam was completely removed, like disappeared with that much water behind it (which can’t happen) then the water level would be up to the top of a bridge down stream.
The only problem with this that I can see is that this idea incorporates logic. The system defies logic.
Definitely puts more Military as the way to fix some of our problems. In a slide-in, soft kind of way.
Don't send the ACOE in charge of Lake Okeechobee/Everglades water runoff... but that's a whole other story
The States and local jurisdictions should be in charge of the operation because they know these areas best, with the Engineers providing the equipment and muscle.
But each disaster should have a Master that oversees how the money that is available for the People themselves is being spent. These Masters should never be allowed to become entrenched bureaucrats.
When my house's roof got damaged by a hurricane, the Army Corps of Engineers helped me far more than FEMA ever did.