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Good morning all you beautiful patriots.
Are you enjoying the show?
too stressed but slowly improving on preparations as the show continues. Hope you & everyone else is enjoying the show, Covfefe!
Yes 🙌 very much so. Hope all is well with you, friend.
Yes. These are exciting times!
Absolutely! It’s been a long time coming.
It’s not morning now, but heck yeah loving every minute of the show. ❤️
Frens, I was a pilot from 1984 to my retirement in 2016 and still retain my licenses and ratings today. I have provided flight instruction to beginning pilots and jet pilots. All those years I never broke an airplane or had anyone get hurt or killed while i was responsible for them.
With respect to the DCA crash I believe there were two primary errors made, and I am concerned.
One, the CRJ pilots should not have accepted the controller's request to switch their landing runway from runway 1 to runway 33.
Two, the controller should not have put the pilots in the position of having to make that decision.
The controller had an aircraft set up to depart on runway 1 prior to the arrival of the CRJ and for some reason the timing wasn't working out. Maybe departure control wasn't ready to accept that aircraft, maybe the aircraft was slow to get into position, maybe the controller got behind the curve because he was working two positions at the same time.
Regardless, this is why the controller requested the CRJ to change runways. Without this request the accident doesn't happen.
The CRJ pilots had their landing approach configured for runway 1. Accepting the change to runway 33 on short notice disrupted the planned, stabilized approach to landing.
Flying at perhaps 120 mph (two miles a minute) that close to the airport does not give them enough time to prepare properly and most likely put at least one set of eyes inside the airplane instead of looking outside for traffic.
Certainly as professional pilots they could pull it off, but it turned a standard straight in approach into an unplanned, visual circling approach. Circling approaches are much more demanding (the rules change), and in the congested, highly regulated DC airspace the level of awareness and preparation increases the required performance level.
Someone should have said "...this isn't going to work out..." but didn't.
Controller error? Pilot error? Either one of them could have said "...let's do something else...". The fact that neither did is extremely troubling to me as a pilot.
I heard on X the "woman" pilot is actually a trans and possibly a DEI hired. Source. "She" could have been disgruntled and acted out.. but that's just one theory. And I wonder if the "training story" is a cover up as not to report who they were transporting. This video really disturbed me as we don't know why they would be saluting unless it's a super VIP - https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKOxzFsS/idk-if-this-has-been-posted-befo/c/
Either way, I think we all hate that a plane crash happened just 10 days in Trump in office. And Hegseth saying it's a COG mission makes one think what does it all mean and if anyone here has a sound explanation, please share.
Wow, I had not seen either of these. So many layers to this onion.
The COG comment, followed by President Trump's non-acknowledgement of it is very odd.
I have nothing to base this on, but this might have been a deliberate attack on our Government and our country. And do we know everyone who was on the CRJ? Wichita is airplane "Mecca" with so much aviation activity there.
The source on X has been deleted now. Hmmm…there is a lot more to this story than they are telling for sure. Hopefully information will leak out for us.
Nice to see experienced pilots talking here. I have some questions.
How common is it to have the runway switched like this in a busy airport at such a short notice?
Even with the runway switch, without the helicopter in the way it wouldn't have been a problem correct?
How come the ATC did not realise that the helicopter would be in the way?
Does a military helicopter come under the control of the regular ATC in a regulart civilian airport?
Did you hear the audio clip of the ATC asking the Helo whether they could see the plane? Does that sound normal? I would have thought that the ATC would simply guide the Helo so that it would not end up colliding with anything, rather than leave it up to them.
Force = Mass x Acceleration
You can horse an airliner around the sky, but it won't be graceful. Airline Transport Pilots are taught to fly smoothly for passenger comfort, though some carriers want a "firm" landing.
Not an operational problem. The workload goes up; buttons need to be punched, knobs twirled, screens changed. All this stuff is supposed to done before the aircraft reaches the final approach point approximately 5 miles from landing.
Visual separation between aircraft makes it the pilot's responsibility to not hit something. Once the helicopter acknowledged he had the CRJ in sight it is his job to maintain that separation. If he loses sight of the CRJ he is supposed to immediately advise the controller.
ATC relied on a) the helicopter maintaining visual separation, b) the helicopter being at the altitude specified for transiting DCA's airspace, c) the CRJ flying an approach path that would be above the helicopter, and d) the CRJ maintaining a visual lookout for traffic.
All these things worked so well in the past, right?
Suddenly, inside the tower the conflict alert alarm goes off and the controller realizes the helicopter is too high. The controller's last call to the helicopter ("Do you have the traffic?") was his desperate, pleading, hopeful cry for assurance that everything would be OK.
By the time he realized the problem it was too late to do anything about it.
This goes back to question 3 above, visual separation. When a pilot agrees to maintain visual separation ATC no longer provides guidance.
I suspect this will be one of things that changes (at least in the DCA airspace) in the future. Positive control of all aircraft within the airspace, no more visual separation allowed.
Thanks for your input UF!
Wow, this is incredibly informative, thanks fren! I feel like all this should be distilled into a top level post.
The helo had an authorized route that had an elevation limit of 200 feet. It seems like it wouldn't be uncommon for this route to be used during busy times when planes where coming across that route at 400 feet. What seems to really make this crash suspicious is the helo diverting and ascending nearly 200 feet at the right time to collide with the plane.
The ATC wouldn't have been worried to much about the helo if it would have stayed at the expected 200 feet of elevation as would have been normal and expected.
According to this X thread there is a hard ceiling of 100 ft in DCA.
I saw a couple stating 200 feet for the route. 100 is low but seems reasonable right beside the airport. I don't have a definitive sauce. Either way, the helo can be observed ascending in the video while the plane is approaching. My tin foil hat is telling me the helo had some kind of hostile take over that utilized a SOP until it was in striking distance.
Agreed. The controller was clearly caught off guard by the altitude change. He is going to have some uncomfortable days ahead unless the investigation proves deliberate actions caused the crash.
Something else...during President Trump's press conference he was quite vehement about removing the DEI's from government and the military. Do they already know?
Here is the radar data of both the helicopter (PAT25) and CRJ (JIA5342).
It does not show the helicopter dropping hundreds of feet. 200 feet is the maximum altitude for the helicopter on the east of DCA. Watch carefully and you will see it climb to 300 feet (shown as 003 in the display black). Bang Ding Ow.
Military aircraft generally use UHF (ultra high frequency) radio bands while non-military aircraft use VHF (very high frequency) radio bands. You can't hear one if you are on the other.
I have not heard any of the UHF helicopter radio traffic so don't know about the RTB calls.
+1 Always important to have a pilot’s perspective and knowledge about the details and how things work and are supposed to go.
Chinese new year began, best wishes for those who celebrate, year of the snake 2025. 2024 was year of the dragon. I noticed a dragonfly flight pattern on one of the flight watch sites that showed 1 or 2 other planes Jan. 29 centered around D.C. Maybe a stretch to connect the dragonfly pattern to the ending of the year of the dragon.
Watch the woman in blue next to the Senator (questioning RFK Jr) wording the same words... so weird.. and I'm exhausted lol
Weird. Not that it's the first time I've seen that...
Either it's scripted and she practiced (not likely) or she's just one of those people who can process things with an almost foretelling split second speed while someone else is speaking. A kid in school I knew would do that... seemed annoying at the time, but in hindsight it's fascinating in terms of brain function and consciousness...
I highly doubt it's high brain function. Something is very abnormal and creepy with these people. They mouthed the words before him and they are dems lizards.
Not saying I don't believe you there are people w/ such brain power out there but I don't think this is the case here.
My dad has a persistent cough that won't go away. It's been several months. Can he have prayers please?
I will lift up your father to our Heavenly Father right away. ❤️🙏🏻
God bless you my frens.
Thursday Poem...Cecily Parks - Luna Moth
From Preacher To Ambassador: God’s Appointment Of Mike Huckabee For Such A Time As This
Worst Of Babylon Bee
Federal Workers Concerned That Returning To Office Will Interfere With Them Not Working
Nominee For Top Criminal Justice Position Interviewed By Nation’s Top Criminals
Democrat Senators Oppose Diversity For One Day Only
Rude: RFK Jr. Interrupts Political Grandstand
27 Number Of Genders Hits 10-Year Low
Charles Haddon Spurgeon January 30th — Evening Reading
"In whom also we have obtained an inheritance." — Ephesians 1:11
When Jesus gave Himself for us, He gave us all the rights and privileges which went with Himself; so that now, although as eternal God, He has essential rights to which no creature may venture to pretend, yet as Jesus, the Mediator, the federal Head of the covenant of grace, He has no heritage apart from us. All the glorious consequences of His obedience unto death are the joint riches of all who are in Him, and on whose behalf He accomplished the divine will. See, He enters into glory, but not for Himself alone, for it is written, "Whither the Forerunner is for us entered." Heb. 6:20. Does He stand in the presence of God?-"He appears in the presence of God for us." Heb. 9:24. Consider this, believer. You have no right to heaven in yourself: your right lies in Christ. If you are pardoned, it is through His blood; if you are justified, it is through His righteousness; if you are sanctified, it is because He is made of God unto you sanctification; if you shall be kept from falling, it will be because you are preserved in Christ Jesus; and if you are perfected at the last, it will be because you are complete in Him. Thus Jesus is magnified-for all is in Him and by Him; thus the inheritance is made certain to us-for it is obtained in Him; thus each blessing is the sweeter, and even heaven itself the brighter, because it is Jesus our Beloved "in whom" we have obtained all. Where is the man who shall estimate our divine portion? Weigh the riches of Christ in scales, and His treasure in balances, and then think to count the treasures which belong to the saints. Reach the bottom of Christ's sea of joy, and then hope to understand the bliss which God hath prepared for them that love Him. Overleap the boundaries of Christ's possessions, and then dream of a limit to the fair inheritance of the elect. "All things are yours, for ye are Christ's and Christ is God's."
Kash Patel was wearing Q cufflinks!
Where can I watch the current hearings happening & previously in the past two weeks? I’ve seen rumble links posted. My internet is too slow and rumble just spins.
Really struggling to keep up these days... Things are moving so fast!
How long has "Cyber Farting" been a thing??? 🙄🙄🙄
Weird things I found on X regarding the DC plane crash without duplicating posts there. So many different news so I'll give it 72 hr but what I found so far:
The "woman" Blackhawk pilot was a Trans.
Someone very important (worth saluting) died from the crash.
The crash was a COG Mission, according to Hegseth
I think the baby in the bath water here is the COG nugget... and section 11.3+ of the law of war manual...
Read the sticky post on how it's only 100 pages
Hopefully President Trump will provide transparency. (pun only partially intended)
Seriously, all these attacks by the "trans" people previously had me thinking they were loosely coordinated. If this comes out as another trans attack the country is going to have to have a serious think about doing something with these mentally ill people.
I agree.. let's give it another 36 hr and see what is being revealed. The 2nd link where they were saluting just boggled my mind. Any theories?
Mainstream media now has a lot of chatter from normies complaining about the NFL refereeing and their cheating for the benefit of the Chiefs, Mahomes, etc. I’m starting to wonder if exposing the NFL has been a part of the Trump/ Q plan.
Trump was a young man in the late 60s when the NFL and AFL merged and AFL owners such as Al Davis quickly became much more wealthy. Trump tried to buy into the NFL in the 70s/ early 80s but was rebuffed and possibly blackballed. That inspired him to invest in the USFL, which was somewhat successful at first. People attribute the demise of the USFL to Trump’s decision to move its season from the spring to the autumn. Trump wanted the autumn competition with the NFL to spur the NFL to merge again and make some of the USFL owners such as Trump into NFL owners. The USFL played three spring seasons but folded before the scheduled autumn season.
If Trump was bitter about not joining the NFL, he might’ve outgrown it, but he now realizes that the NFL, Goodell, and many owners are scummy. Rigging games, mandating vaxxes, putting on satanic halftime shows, etc. The NFL might be due for a takedown.
The Hellacopters - Reap A Hurricane
Has anyone heard of Obamacare code icd9e978. I came across it yesterday while looking for memes on a UK underground website. I ran it on different search engines here in the USA and couldn’t believe what I was reading. Does anyone with knowledge on this know if this is real or a hoax?
I posted this on General Chat yesterday, but an hour and a half before it was switched to the next day. I wanted to make it visible again to see what others have to say about it.
Just for completeness, repeating the link i posted yesterday which explains this code. There isn’t really any mystery here (even though Obama care deals had plenty of other fishy things)
That was one of the links I viewed before posting the comment. Since it was only up for about 90 minutes yesterday, I was hoping to get more eyes on today.
I know very little about protocols for military but something seems off to me.
Was this human error or a highjacked helicopter?
It is possible the helicopter did not see the correct plane and never saw the one right next to them and this was just an accident..... but that seems unlikely to me with 3 experienced flyers. They are watching the sky......and they probably have some sort of radar and can see other aircraft in the sky. This was not a commercial helicopter but a black hawk. I guess they could have been focused on their runway but......
What if it was highjacked and this was NOT an accident. I know this is a conspiracy theory. I am really looking for someone with knowledge to help me understand. Will the black box tell us? Will we as in the public ever really know the truth?