It occurs to me that as much as Tom Homan may accomplish by arresting and deporting illegal aliens, there are so many who need to go that offering an incentive and marketing it widely could greatly assist the effort. Here's what I suggest; feel free to add your ideas as well.
If you self-deport and are not arrested before leaving the US, you retain the right to apply to LEGALLY immigrate here in the future. Then you can apply like all legal immigrants, do the work, pay your money and stand in line. Once you are arrested within the borders of the US, you may NEVER legally immigrate here.
Also, offer free flights directly to their home country if they turn themselves in and leave voluntarily. You'd probably need to have a phone number for them to call where an agent can help them arrange flights and turn themselves in.
The sooner we help/force these folks to exit the US, the better.
You do know that #1 is the exact plan as stated by Holman, right?
Nope, I hadn't caught that. I'm happy to hear it, though!
President Trump’s incoming border czar, Tom Homan, has announced a groundbreaking policy proposal aimed at encouraging illegal immigrants to self-deport or face a 20-year ban on reentering the United States. The plan gives illegal immigrants the option to either leave voluntarily now or risk being barred from the U.S. for two decades, with no chance of obtaining work, tourist, or any other visas. This aggressive strategy is part of a broader effort to restore order to the southern border and prioritize American citizens over illegal immigration.
The only thing I have said differently is: self deport and you have the ability to apply legally; be removed and you are banned from ever legally immigrating or visiting.
So you difference is banned for ever vs Holman's 20 year ban.
Yes. If they broke the law coming in, but don’t have enough desire to self deport for the privilege of a chance to return legally, they need not be given the chance to be here at all.
Thanks for that!
End access to welfare/benefits, housing, schools, medical. End access to jobs/businesses. End birthright citizenship for illegal entry. End remittances. End chain/family migration. End H1B.
Sure, we won’t make you pay back what you stole. How about that....
Option 1 Reward: the plane lands before you get out. Option 2 No Reward: you get out before the plane lands.
How about a hemp-rope reward for staying? That ought get some of them to leave
WTF You dont pay people for doing something illegal or you will constantly be removing illegals. Why the hell would anyone want to pay them when they should not be there to start with.
Exactly. It’s like catching feral cats and releasing them without spaying them.
They just breed and keep coming back endlessly.
Stop giving them free stuff. How's that for a reward?
One incentive that is already working: you get to take your stuff with you instead of just the shirt on your back. Pack up the truck and move to Mexico, etc. sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies.
Part of that problem is that on the east coast we have Dominicans. They fly in and Biden gave them permanent resident status immediately! No skills, not education, no jobs, just make them permanent residents so they can start pumping out US Citizen babies.
Here’s your reward - You don’t leave in handcuffs.
The reward for self deporting is you get to go back on your own terms.
The time to claim that award expired January 20th 2025.
I think its a GREAT idea!
A One-Time Free One Way Ticket to the Destination of Your Choice!
They got ENOUGH from us already.
Like C19...
Give em a weed donut to GTFO.
Actually... I think they should be given something from Taco Bell, just to twist the knife a little...
Couldn't people who are actually citizens use #2 to get free flights south to visit relatives, hiding their US passport for the journey there and booking one way flights north to come home?
Not if we kept a no-fly list of those who are ineligible to enter the country.