Hasn't he been pardoned, by his incapable father, for all those years he "may have done something illegal?" I, for one, don't think he may have but surely did some criminal activity during those years. His father (who I imagine, loves him) should not have been able to issue a wide and diverse pardon as he did. Maybe because he is/wasn't a legitimate president-the pardon(s) won't be worth a hill of beans!!
I don't think he was in the mental capacity to pardon a flea on a dog, but that is me and only me. We will see if this is something that will be reversed.
Blood, urine, saliva and organ and other tissue samples are examples of PREDICT biospecimens collected in China during the years and months immediately preceding the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
February 2019 is when Hunter was ranting about people accusing him of having people killed in China and children burned alive in Ukraine.
Only issue with this that Clandestine missed, is that Trump fired this IG last week. He was a part of the 17 inspectors that Trump kicked out. Makes me question how well the investigation was performed.
Maybe he fired this IG so he could go into witness protection? So you're thinking it was more of a case of "the government investigated itself and found itself to be free of corruption" ?? At the end of the day we know that Q has it all but what evidence can be used in court is the question?
So basically, Hunter Biden was the vector used to rig-covid (new word invention, verb, use it) the election for the Big Guy. His people funded, and created the virus with US taxpayer money, in China, and Ukraine and, the Biden democrat establishment profited from it.
I suggest a trade. Russia can have Fauci & HB to prosecute publicly and unleash a flood of truth regarding a wide swathe of nefarious crimes against humanity. In return, Western Ukraine gets remodeled into an impotent rump state. New borders, new neutral govt, no military, and certainly no NATO membership.
Somebody oughta look at Hunters travel schedule through China in November 2019
Hasn't he been pardoned, by his incapable father, for all those years he "may have done something illegal?" I, for one, don't think he may have but surely did some criminal activity during those years. His father (who I imagine, loves him) should not have been able to issue a wide and diverse pardon as he did. Maybe because he is/wasn't a legitimate president-the pardon(s) won't be worth a hill of beans!!
Stolen election, it'll one day be rectified.
Also, was he really in the mental capacity to pardon anyone? 🤔
I don't think he was in the mental capacity to pardon a flea on a dog, but that is me and only me. We will see if this is something that will be reversed.
Can't pardon someone for treason and possibly crimes against humanity.
I have heard this before, hopefully Hunter will be charged with treason-Joe is, or should be, right up there also.
February 2019 is when Hunter was ranting about people accusing him of having people killed in China and children burned alive in Ukraine.
Only issue with this that Clandestine missed, is that Trump fired this IG last week. He was a part of the 17 inspectors that Trump kicked out. Makes me question how well the investigation was performed.
He fired the IG that was slow walking the investigation and probably suppressing critical evidence
Maybe he fired this IG so he could go into witness protection? So you're thinking it was more of a case of "the government investigated itself and found itself to be free of corruption" ?? At the end of the day we know that Q has it all but what evidence can be used in court is the question?
2024? So the investigation should be about complete.
So basically, Hunter Biden was the vector used to rig-covid (new word invention, verb, use it) the election for the Big Guy. His people funded, and created the virus with US taxpayer money, in China, and Ukraine and, the Biden democrat establishment profited from it.
Very, very promising
I hope this investigation actually leads to an indictment and not a dead end due to everyone involved being covered by Biden's pardons.
Bring it! Ukrainian "CHYNA" biolabs is one of the last blocks I need to stamp on my bingo card so I can finally redeem for a prize pepe!
Can someone link to the source of that memo, please?
Purkiss ALWAYS supplies links. Just click his headlines or check his comments.
Anyway, here ya go:
Thank you fren. I saw the substack, yes, but couldn’t find the link to the Inspector General letter itself, where Clandestine got it from.
He was complicit in aiding and abetting our enemies in their efforts to destroy us.
He is pardoned.
Doesn't matter to the ICC, Interpol, nor the FSB.
I suggest a trade. Russia can have Fauci & HB to prosecute publicly and unleash a flood of truth regarding a wide swathe of nefarious crimes against humanity. In return, Western Ukraine gets remodeled into an impotent rump state. New borders, new neutral govt, no military, and certainly no NATO membership.
Sounds good.
What’s with those conspiracy theories? The just refuse to stay in their own lanes. Next?