X.... so I reopened my old account (I couldn't delete it years ago) and now I can't view anything. I'm suspended. Yesterday I could at least view the post but not the comments. Blow me!
Absolutely!!!!! I want MY money back, whether the hotels give it back or the individuals involved in spending the money have to forfeit every single penny of their wealth to make restitution. I don't care if all they are left with is a dirty pair of underwear and a pair of Birkenstocks on a cold Washinton DC winters night!!!
Fired isn’t good enough. If all I got was fired for a felony, as a federal agent, well shoot…I’d be making crazy deals with the deepstate. We NEED accountability. Arrested. Prosecuted. Jailed. If they survive in a court of law then so be it. But don’t just let them walk away. That’s a two tiered justice system. Citizens almost get shot by police for not following their basic orders.
I wonder how large her retirement account is? How much FEMA cash went into her personal slush funds? She must feel$ comfortable at home to be this insubordinate.
This is the “Karen” who was fired. https://x.com/joma_gc/status/1889014221247045755
X.... so I reopened my old account (I couldn't delete it years ago) and now I can't view anything. I'm suspended. Yesterday I could at least view the post but not the comments. Blow me!
Same here. I had to open a new account. Free speech here is a myth for many.
Big myth.
Add cancel after the x on any twitter link
And you can see the comments.
Get a new account.
She's got haircut, even if she doesn't have the name.
Make them pay it back,take their retirement/ 401k.
At the very least:
Their name should be made public (to protect a future employer).
Their wages should be garnished for life.
That’s a nice first step, how about jail time?
Bring back the chain gangs like we had when I was growing up. Put their asses to working cutting brush, cleaning ditches and repairing roads.
And the money clawed back?
Absolutely!!!!! I want MY money back, whether the hotels give it back or the individuals involved in spending the money have to forfeit every single penny of their wealth to make restitution. I don't care if all they are left with is a dirty pair of underwear and a pair of Birkenstocks on a cold Washinton DC winters night!!!
Just you watch, by next week, she'll be an anchor in MSNBC or CNN.
Or suddenly have a professor job at a university. Or a book deal. Or sell really bad artwork.
Fired isn’t good enough. If all I got was fired for a felony, as a federal agent, well shoot…I’d be making crazy deals with the deepstate. We NEED accountability. Arrested. Prosecuted. Jailed. If they survive in a court of law then so be it. But don’t just let them walk away. That’s a two tiered justice system. Citizens almost get shot by police for not following their basic orders.
Charge it with federal crimes and then sue for 1 million, wait, 1 quadrillion dollars!
In the military they give you a “Statement of Charges” for anything you owe, give whoever did it a $59 million dollar statement of charges.
My math skills are not so great. Doesn't 59M=almost 3M per for the 20M illegals? This is just one instance of criminal waste and fraud.
How about investigating them for fraud. Likely they got a kickback. Follow the money trail.
I don't think firing them is enough. People need to be sent to prison. Until there are serious consequences they will keep taking the risk.
She’s a member of the SES….so firing her is a challenge
I'd do an audit on this Person ASAP.
We need accountability and prosecutions! Not just getting fired!
I wonder how large her retirement account is? How much FEMA cash went into her personal slush funds? She must feel$ comfortable at home to be this insubordinate.