I don’t want to connect my coffee machine to the wifi network. I don’t want to share the file with OneDrive. I don’t want to download an app to check my car’s fluid levels. I don’t want to scan a QR code to view the restaurant menu. I don’t want to let Google know my location before showing me the search results. I don’t want to include a Teams link on the calendar invite. I don’t want to pay 50 different monthly subscription fees for all my software. I don’t want to upgrade to TurboTax platinum plus audit protection. I don’t want to install the Webex plugin to join the meeting. I don’t want to share my car’s braking data with the actuaries at State Farm. I don’t want to text with your AI chatbot. I don’t want to download the Instagram app to look at your picture. I don’t want to type in my email address to view the content on your company’s website. I don’t want text messages with promo codes. I don’t want to leave your company a five-star Google review in exchange for the chance to win a $20 Starbucks gift card. I don’t want to join your exclusive community in the metaverse. I don’t want AI to help me write my comments on LinkedIn. I don’t even want to be on LinkedIn in the first place.
I just want to pay for a product one time (and only one time), know that it’s going to work flawlessly, press 0 to speak to an operator if I need help, and otherwise be left alone and treated with some small measure of human dignity, if that’s not too much to ask anymore.
This. Like the idiot AI who answers the phone, gives you 3 choices for why you're calling and rejects all answers outside that parameter. Or you hold for 45 minutes and they disconnect you.
When calling someone and after the phone has rung four or five times you might get this message: "The person that you're are trying to call is not available right now, please try again later."
As if you did not already realize that by the fact that they did not answer.
Only in the past 2 years did I quasi-surrender to some of it. Like FB - mainly because of Marketplace - Craigslist being only good for crisis actor jobs and the extremely lonely and mentally ill. I was basically well insulated...I had no idea the world was an absolute leftist shithole in social media circles...I still don't to a certain degree...
I can't tell you the number of Rube Goldberg-esque work arounds I have for any number of things - because I just DON'T WANNA! I don't have any 8-track or cassette players anymore...but DO have a couple systems still running XP flawlessly I might add - mostly because of proprietary hardware that still runs. Why upgrade?
It seems you can't really buy any American vehicle (not counting Dodge because...if you know you know) - without having some OnStar et al bullshit on it...whether you want it or not. I don't want it - I'll NEVER need it and will REFUSE to use it - EVEN IF I'm on the side of the road literally DYING. Like every single other sold convenience - there's a damned SNAFU just lurking to make your life hell - mostly because you didn't read the fine print. I didn't have ANYTHING like that for decades while driving. I ALWAYS read the fine print...in fact when these pharma commercials are on - that's ALL I look at/for. May cause sudden anal leakage, heart attack and death - or all 3 at once Oh boy...sign me right up! Can I get two?
I'm fortunate to be a GenX'er - essentially walking between worlds and carrying that knowledge forward. I remember when a rotary phone would just ring and ring away in an empty room..."Whelp, guess he's not around. Oh well..." Now it's the END OF THE WORLD if you can't get someone via text in a few minutes. What an absolute DOWNGRADE in life quality. Seriously...we literally DEVOLVED in a number of ways.
I'm just thinking back as I write this when old timers had to make the leap from a carburetor to electronic fuel injection. There was HUGE resistance. "They got it locked down - you can't diagnose it!" I don't think that's ANYTHING like what we've been dealing with here with all the online stuff...but it's probably the gateway to all this...BUT I ain't giving up EFI for a manual choke and 2 pumps of the pedal anytime soon. You can have your classic carburetor (AKA "metered leak") and non-catalyzed exhaust. I can still TASTE the exhaust from that one time back in 1985 when Texaco still sold Fire Chief 100 octane...
The KEY to all of this INVASION of privacy, compelled performance and ASSumption on the part of both vendors and govt is to PUSH BACK. Tell them NO! - Tell them you need a hard copy, I don't have a phone ("they took it away" - make them THINK whatever gets you thru the situation) - It's the bullshit cavalier, obnoxious and aloof attitude of, "I've got nothing to hide", or ..."I just wanted to get it over with so I gave them everything" - sound familiar? (C19), or "Oh it's just XYZ, give it to them...or Hey buddy you're holding up the line with your damned liberty or whatever!" - All things spouted off by the low IQ, ignorant masses that were born into slavery (essentially) with absolutely NO ties or role models for sovereignty anywhere to be found....So part of it is downright ignorance and another part is downright "ignance" - The brothers will know exactly what I mean by that. It's important that we teach people about sovereignty and who gives us our rights. It's been conveniently omitted from everything.
So much has covered so much ground so quickly that they've effectively got everyone in a self-induced digital prison in no time flat. I knew there'd be SOME trade offs with the internet (early on via Altavista & Dogpile) - but have NO IDEA things would get to the point of the walking dead via cell phones like we have going on today. "I can multitask/handle it!" - No you can't...You couldn't handle regular life before this...You're still sitting there now ,the light's been green for 15 seconds and you've got your face in the matrix while a semi (illegal driver also texting) bears down on you doing 70 from behind...
2 Words ---> PUSH BACK
It's already too long of a rant, but I'll tell you the cigarette story sometime...
Why install something else when you can ignore it, thereby not providing explicit consent, or even recognition, and if they try to block you from that with a huge popup, F12 and remove the popup from the rendered HTML manually, and if they try to beat that, load the page in archive.org or .is where the script doesn’t run.
“Your consent requests do not so much as exist for me. Begone! Power ignored.”
Better when American companies start telling European companies to go fuck themselves instead of complying with draconian European laws.
What’s funny is that I actually like the ability to opt out, and it still pisses me off as a user. 1. I’m a customer not a product, treat me like one or go to hell. If you want to run big data analytics on me, allow me to opt in for perks, then make fun of people for selling themselves so cheaply. 2. YOU, business, shouldn’t be allowing yourself to be pushed into bending the knee. YOU have sovereignty. USE IT.
“Big talk, big man.” You may now proceed to make fun of me for all the places I’m not doing that myself, which is fair, but I’m not wrong.
Yup. We used to have phone booths. That old dial MaBell phone worked after your two year old had drop kicked it and during all outages. Now? No 20th century communication is possible without 21st century snoop devices.
So it looks like I'm not alone. I don't jump through any of their hoops. I even stopped using a cell phone, the 80's were just fine thanks. Except we no longer have a TV either.
And I don't want to see the contents of my refrigerator on my phone app when I am at the store because I am too stupid to make a list or just remember what I need that I buy every week!
I don't want to press "1" for English. I don't want to have my call recorded for 'quality assurance,' (or any other reason). I don't want to spend an hour and a half opening a bank account when it should take 10 minutes.
This, this, this. I can no longer watch YouTube on my phone. I have to download their ap. (I can see a video if the video appears here as part of the post but not if it sends me to you tube.)
I always write checks for food. 3 days ago, I shopped at BJ's. The Mexican who took my check needed my driver's license. My bj card wasn't enough. He asked me my birthday. It's on the license says I. He asked for my phone number. It's on the check says I. He asked for my address. On the check. Finally I asked how come their computer system knows I bought a bottle of pickles and some Tide in early 2024 but didn't know I have never bounced a check in 20 years. Bullsh*t says I.
And there were Mexicans doing the jobs there previously done by blacks whose families have lived here for at least 250 years. Sick of it all. It's not fair and it's certainly not right. Mexicans have absolutely no connection to this area. None.
I went into a T-Mobile after Hurricane Helene to see about getting a redundant wifi gadget.
The guy said, "Sure, let's see if we have coverage in your area," and pointed to an ipad mounted on a holder. It needed name, phone, and email address to continue.
I said, "You need all that just to know if you cover my area?" Yep came the answer.
"Well I'm not doing that, thanks." And I walked out.
Yeah... meanwhile anybody can get on their site and find out because they're all real proud of their coverage map... and want to sell non customers on it
This 1000x over. I’m tired of it.
I don’t want to connect my coffee machine to the wifi network. I don’t want to share the file with OneDrive. I don’t want to download an app to check my car’s fluid levels. I don’t want to scan a QR code to view the restaurant menu. I don’t want to let Google know my location before showing me the search results. I don’t want to include a Teams link on the calendar invite. I don’t want to pay 50 different monthly subscription fees for all my software. I don’t want to upgrade to TurboTax platinum plus audit protection. I don’t want to install the Webex plugin to join the meeting. I don’t want to share my car’s braking data with the actuaries at State Farm. I don’t want to text with your AI chatbot. I don’t want to download the Instagram app to look at your picture. I don’t want to type in my email address to view the content on your company’s website. I don’t want text messages with promo codes. I don’t want to leave your company a five-star Google review in exchange for the chance to win a $20 Starbucks gift card. I don’t want to join your exclusive community in the metaverse. I don’t want AI to help me write my comments on LinkedIn. I don’t even want to be on LinkedIn in the first place.
I just want to pay for a product one time (and only one time), know that it’s going to work flawlessly, press 0 to speak to an operator if I need help, and otherwise be left alone and treated with some small measure of human dignity, if that’s not too much to ask anymore.
Well said!! If you'll send me your email, I'll write you a five-star yelp review. 🤣🤣🤣
“We’re sorry, the number you’ve dialed is no longer in service. Please hang up and try your call again.”
This. Like the idiot AI who answers the phone, gives you 3 choices for why you're calling and rejects all answers outside that parameter. Or you hold for 45 minutes and they disconnect you.
What happened to dial 2 for Spanish?
All the people that record that were deported.
When calling someone and after the phone has rung four or five times you might get this message: "The person that you're are trying to call is not available right now, please try again later."
As if you did not already realize that by the fact that they did not answer.
There are more similar messages.
I just followed this guy and replied to him! 🤍
Couldn’t agree more. It’s exhausting. I’m so tired of having to “create an account” for nearly everything! Bring back simpler times.
Seriously. Fucking clown world
I don't want to open an x account to ❤️ that post.
I caved a couple of weeks ago. There is simply too much interesting going on at X. Only post here.
Only in the past 2 years did I quasi-surrender to some of it. Like FB - mainly because of Marketplace - Craigslist being only good for crisis actor jobs and the extremely lonely and mentally ill. I was basically well insulated...I had no idea the world was an absolute leftist shithole in social media circles...I still don't to a certain degree...
I can't tell you the number of Rube Goldberg-esque work arounds I have for any number of things - because I just DON'T WANNA! I don't have any 8-track or cassette players anymore...but DO have a couple systems still running XP flawlessly I might add - mostly because of proprietary hardware that still runs. Why upgrade?
It seems you can't really buy any American vehicle (not counting Dodge because...if you know you know) - without having some OnStar et al bullshit on it...whether you want it or not. I don't want it - I'll NEVER need it and will REFUSE to use it - EVEN IF I'm on the side of the road literally DYING. Like every single other sold convenience - there's a damned SNAFU just lurking to make your life hell - mostly because you didn't read the fine print. I didn't have ANYTHING like that for decades while driving. I ALWAYS read the fine print...in fact when these pharma commercials are on - that's ALL I look at/for. May cause sudden anal leakage, heart attack and death - or all 3 at once Oh boy...sign me right up! Can I get two?
I'm fortunate to be a GenX'er - essentially walking between worlds and carrying that knowledge forward. I remember when a rotary phone would just ring and ring away in an empty room..."Whelp, guess he's not around. Oh well..." Now it's the END OF THE WORLD if you can't get someone via text in a few minutes. What an absolute DOWNGRADE in life quality. Seriously...we literally DEVOLVED in a number of ways.
I'm just thinking back as I write this when old timers had to make the leap from a carburetor to electronic fuel injection. There was HUGE resistance. "They got it locked down - you can't diagnose it!" I don't think that's ANYTHING like what we've been dealing with here with all the online stuff...but it's probably the gateway to all this...BUT I ain't giving up EFI for a manual choke and 2 pumps of the pedal anytime soon. You can have your classic carburetor (AKA "metered leak") and non-catalyzed exhaust. I can still TASTE the exhaust from that one time back in 1985 when Texaco still sold Fire Chief 100 octane...
The KEY to all of this INVASION of privacy, compelled performance and ASSumption on the part of both vendors and govt is to PUSH BACK. Tell them NO! - Tell them you need a hard copy, I don't have a phone ("they took it away" - make them THINK whatever gets you thru the situation) - It's the bullshit cavalier, obnoxious and aloof attitude of, "I've got nothing to hide", or ..."I just wanted to get it over with so I gave them everything" - sound familiar? (C19), or "Oh it's just XYZ, give it to them...or Hey buddy you're holding up the line with your damned liberty or whatever!" - All things spouted off by the low IQ, ignorant masses that were born into slavery (essentially) with absolutely NO ties or role models for sovereignty anywhere to be found....So part of it is downright ignorance and another part is downright "ignance" - The brothers will know exactly what I mean by that. It's important that we teach people about sovereignty and who gives us our rights. It's been conveniently omitted from everything.
So much has covered so much ground so quickly that they've effectively got everyone in a self-induced digital prison in no time flat. I knew there'd be SOME trade offs with the internet (early on via Altavista & Dogpile) - but have NO IDEA things would get to the point of the walking dead via cell phones like we have going on today. "I can multitask/handle it!" - No you can't...You couldn't handle regular life before this...You're still sitting there now ,the light's been green for 15 seconds and you've got your face in the matrix while a semi (illegal driver also texting) bears down on you doing 70 from behind...
2 Words ---> PUSH BACK
It's already too long of a rant, but I'll tell you the cigarette story sometime...
This post is on a very “tiny” issue that, through unlimited aggregation has become a reasonably severe issue, one ToS at a time.
Oh yeah, BTW - I'm opting out of ALL your damned cookies and whatever else by default. Stop asking...
UBlockOrigin enters the chat...
Why install something else when you can ignore it, thereby not providing explicit consent, or even recognition, and if they try to block you from that with a huge popup, F12 and remove the popup from the rendered HTML manually, and if they try to beat that, load the page in archive.org or .is where the script doesn’t run.
“Your consent requests do not so much as exist for me. Begone! Power ignored.”
Good stuff.
Better when American companies start telling European companies to go fuck themselves instead of complying with draconian European laws.
What’s funny is that I actually like the ability to opt out, and it still pisses me off as a user. 1. I’m a customer not a product, treat me like one or go to hell. If you want to run big data analytics on me, allow me to opt in for perks, then make fun of people for selling themselves so cheaply. 2. YOU, business, shouldn’t be allowing yourself to be pushed into bending the knee. YOU have sovereignty. USE IT.
“Big talk, big man.” You may now proceed to make fun of me for all the places I’m not doing that myself, which is fair, but I’m not wrong.
Say it brother!
100 %. right on. Never use the cloud. Keep your old technology.
Yup. We used to have phone booths. That old dial MaBell phone worked after your two year old had drop kicked it and during all outages. Now? No 20th century communication is possible without 21st century snoop devices.
So it looks like I'm not alone. I don't jump through any of their hoops. I even stopped using a cell phone, the 80's were just fine thanks. Except we no longer have a TV either.
Amen times a million
I knew you of all people could relate!
Old man had to spend time in the hospital...
Assholes ¡¡¡TEXTED!!! him the fking bill BEFORE he even made it out if the hospital!!!
Sorry... I absolutely will NOT respond to medical billing via text.
GD cheeky little bastards...
As I said: PUSH BACK!
How can I formulate a proper plan to enslave you if you won't let me study you ? Sheesh.
This great rant needs a video like that 1 lady did during the scamdemic. " It's only 2 weeks, only a mask, for the greater good ".
And I don't want to see the contents of my refrigerator on my phone app when I am at the store because I am too stupid to make a list or just remember what I need that I buy every week!
I admit...i take a photo of the paper grocery list before I go...
I don't want to press "1" for English. I don't want to have my call recorded for 'quality assurance,' (or any other reason). I don't want to spend an hour and a half opening a bank account when it should take 10 minutes.
This, this, this. I can no longer watch YouTube on my phone. I have to download their ap. (I can see a video if the video appears here as part of the post but not if it sends me to you tube.)
I always write checks for food. 3 days ago, I shopped at BJ's. The Mexican who took my check needed my driver's license. My bj card wasn't enough. He asked me my birthday. It's on the license says I. He asked for my phone number. It's on the check says I. He asked for my address. On the check. Finally I asked how come their computer system knows I bought a bottle of pickles and some Tide in early 2024 but didn't know I have never bounced a check in 20 years. Bullsh*t says I.
And there were Mexicans doing the jobs there previously done by blacks whose families have lived here for at least 250 years. Sick of it all. It's not fair and it's certainly not right. Mexicans have absolutely no connection to this area. None.
If you're on Android... Firefox browser plus UBlockOrigin plugin...never see another video ad ever again on YT or rumble...
If apple... sorry.
Thank you. I try it today.
I never di all that anyway. I got a new vehicle and have never looked at the app that comes with it! Kek
Oooof... I feel this in my bones.
I want to go back to a Nokia 3310
I went into a T-Mobile after Hurricane Helene to see about getting a redundant wifi gadget.
The guy said, "Sure, let's see if we have coverage in your area," and pointed to an ipad mounted on a holder. It needed name, phone, and email address to continue.
I said, "You need all that just to know if you cover my area?" Yep came the answer.
"Well I'm not doing that, thanks." And I walked out.
Yeah... meanwhile anybody can get on their site and find out because they're all real proud of their coverage map... and want to sell non customers on it
I knew good and well they had coverage in my area. LOL
Well duh! That makes sense... you DID say you were an existing
Would someone please REinvent the internet and take it back to about the year 2000?