Bill Burr is a POS that really doesn't read the news. Checks headlines every few weeks. So, Bill Burr's whole fucking brain is filled with shit for USAID. Imagine having so little room in your head that you can only read a couple head lines a week and that keeps your head all topped up like the shit filled rage ginger demon you are Bill.
IDK. I like Burr and his brash style of comedy. Having read the article, he was just blasting greedy people in response to a fan's email saying she was having a hard time paying bills. He didn't blast capitalism, Trump or Musk. He was merely ranting (like he always does) about how crazy rich some people are.
I read that as him being satirical and ranting about the Gulf of Mexico/Mexicans and the rename, and who the F cares about something like that when we care more about making a living. Burr's comedy comments, IMO, should never be taken too seriously. Most of his comedy is actually pretty based.
He wasn’t on stage. He was being Dear Abby — meaning, his opinion was employed to influence. Can’t always use the “comedy” card as a license to call for the death of our President. Not funny.
I swear Bill Burr has been offed and replaced with a clone.
He hasn’t been the same since he got married
Oh, then he's most likely got a handler. Sad.
Turned into will smith
Low IQ "comedian"
He's a sharp cookie..he was raised a lefty in Boston. Lately he has been coming across a.little unhinged.
Hey Bill, it's time to give up all your houses, cars, and all the money you've amassed all the years. You wanna show the world you care, right?
Bill Burr is a POS that really doesn't read the news. Checks headlines every few weeks. So, Bill Burr's whole fucking brain is filled with shit for USAID. Imagine having so little room in your head that you can only read a couple head lines a week and that keeps your head all topped up like the shit filled rage ginger demon you are Bill.
Is Mr. Burr on the USAID bankroll?
IDK. I like Burr and his brash style of comedy. Having read the article, he was just blasting greedy people in response to a fan's email saying she was having a hard time paying bills. He didn't blast capitalism, Trump or Musk. He was merely ranting (like he always does) about how crazy rich some people are.
Nothing to see here IMO.
He trashed Trump before the election. I used to really like him but now he is just another ill-informed loudmouth.
Keep reading. He goes on a "Trump is a racist" rant.
I read that as him being satirical and ranting about the Gulf of Mexico/Mexicans and the rename, and who the F cares about something like that when we care more about making a living. Burr's comedy comments, IMO, should never be taken too seriously. Most of his comedy is actually pretty based.
He wasn’t on stage. He was being Dear Abby — meaning, his opinion was employed to influence. Can’t always use the “comedy” card as a license to call for the death of our President. Not funny.
Trump and Elon were very clearly the billionaires he was referring to. Don’t be dense just because you like the guy.
Sounds like just another over weight black woman on another 'white people' rant.
Oh, wait.....
Bad case of TDS. He needs to be hospitalized, or maybe go to Canada to be euthanized.
they never say billionaires like Bloomberg, gates, Hoffman, soros
they only say right wing billionaires
never Js
Just a loser!
Just another asshole. Stfu. No one cares about you.
Trump is ending $trillions in crime every year. It takes a real idiot to attribute malice to that.
Just another asshole. Stfu. No one cares about you.
Pot meet kettle
His wife flipped off Trump at a mma event
I assume he works for free and has no money.
Nothing about the many jobs or products they create?
Bill burr suffers from micro dick. Lmao he's such an insufferable fag.