It’s infuriating because idiots believe this! We absolutely do have preferences based on who our caretakers are. So a mother’s face is appealing to an infant because they are dependent on them for survival. I’m sure the liberals twist that into a racist indicator. But my dogs prefer me over all the other people in the house because I feed them and take them places. They are dependent on me for survival. Darn dogs are racist!
White racists will DEFINITELY train pit bulls, dobermans, and shepards to go into attack mode when any dark-skinned people are near. (at least I observed this when growing up in Florida back in the 60's and 70's)
I find that babies, usually girls, are afraid of strange men, no matter the race. Sometimes the women, too. And that they are intrigued by those that look very different. I had a Vietnamese girl here for a bit (she was only potty training). All the other kids were fascinated by her. She was popular. And when I have white and black babies or toddlers together they are always most interested in touching one another's hair. I definitely don't find them being racist. This is truly insane. They simply wanted to see something and built on their own internal assumptions.
I mean, I didn't really become racist until 2nd grade, when the black boy that sat next to me kept stealing my pens and pencils out of my desk. Guess I was a late bloomer ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Having spent a a good portion of my career in public education I can confirm that this is not shocking. Brainwashing 101...furthermore; they will try and get rid of you if you are not part of the union. They did so to me; but the good news is on my way out more and more were leaving the union and standing up to corrupt DOE
When my daughter entered kindergarten, she was so excited about riding a bus with the neighborhood kids, I let her. When she got home I had a total rundown of her teacher and her day. She described Mrs. "Clock" down to the colors of her clothes, her broach, her shoes, hair and eyes....and her pronouncements. It was a week before I met the woman. She is black.
My kid is five and this is simply not true. Kids don't know anything about this stuff unless they are taught it. Kids do one thing well, they mimic adults and try to please. It's easy to manipulate their behavior when you know this
Exactly, mine has no concept of it... once he described someone as 'skin is brown like xxxx's' (our neighbor)... the only mention of acknowledgment at all. He's 7
I believe babies are similar to dogs: if one particular cohort mistreats them, they will remember that and avoid that cohort or attack it if they feel threatened.
We also need to eliminate the sexually explicit material they are also foisting on children of all ages*
DOGE needs to poke its nose into the publishing industry, because that's who is working with the DoE to create these materials that they are targeting children with.
*Yes. All ages, including board books about race, gender, and alphabet nonsense. They are targeting these children from birth.
When I was in grade 6, we had people come in to give us an anti racism assembly.
I remember I was shocked that they incepted the idea into my brain that you would be mean to someone because of their skin color.
This was near Toronto in the 90s. We went to school with kids of all races, so you just naturally made friends with everyone. In fact we didn't even know what race was until they mentioned in
The people running this seminar were trying to solve a problem that didn't exist I really felt.
Babies, by design, are very perceptive. I would wager that, if their parents are overtly racist, they have they potential to pick up on it and quickly developed biases. So the article should read, "Babies of racist parents develope racist tendencies." That I would buy, but would never pay for
While the FDOE was funding this, if funds far worse.
Child trafficking and murder.
Only low-hanging fruit gate-keepers like Chris Rufo bring up these topics.
My wife told me she saw some "news" segment where they talked about unborn children being vaccinated! We now have widespread mental illness in the population combined with the evil of the medical establishment.
What’s frustrating to me here is that all babies ARE inherently “racist.” ALL babies. Not just white ones. Babies are most comfortable with people who look like their parents, full stop. They have to be taught that other people are safe to be around.
Bad example maybe because I’m white, and I live in Utah where most people are white, but I have a black friend who I’ve been friends with since I was in the 3rd grade (I’m 41 now). My dad and step mom kept popping out babies until I turned 26. My youngest sister (of 9 sisters), is less than 2 years older than my oldest son. Every single time I introduced one of my new baby siblings to this friend of mine they would scream bloody murder. But the solution was simple: I simply put my arm around my buddy and and pull him in tight and say “He’s nice, see?” and my new baby siblings would calm right down. After they’d seen him two or three times they were completely fearless from there on out. You DO have to teach children to be comfortable with people who don’t look like their parents and siblings but it’s one of the easiest things in the world.
Racism in that sense IS inherent, but it’s ubiquitous across all races. As soon as they see their parents or siblings are ok with them, they’re ok with them. Trying to paint white people in this light and pretend we’re the only ones with this problem, and that the problem somehow sticks with us throughout life no matter what we or anybody else does, is so ignorant and tired.
It’s infuriating because idiots believe this! We absolutely do have preferences based on who our caretakers are. So a mother’s face is appealing to an infant because they are dependent on them for survival. I’m sure the liberals twist that into a racist indicator. But my dogs prefer me over all the other people in the house because I feed them and take them places. They are dependent on me for survival. Darn dogs are racist!
White racists will DEFINITELY train pit bulls, dobermans, and shepards to go into attack mode when any dark-skinned people are near. (at least I observed this when growing up in Florida back in the 60's and 70's)
The reality is people have pattern recognition traits which are basic survival instincts.
Refer to Scott Adams.
Dogs hate them for the exact same reasons
I find that babies, usually girls, are afraid of strange men, no matter the race. Sometimes the women, too. And that they are intrigued by those that look very different. I had a Vietnamese girl here for a bit (she was only potty training). All the other kids were fascinated by her. She was popular. And when I have white and black babies or toddlers together they are always most interested in touching one another's hair. I definitely don't find them being racist. This is truly insane. They simply wanted to see something and built on their own internal assumptions.
I heard a bus ministry pastor tell many stories that the little black kids would pet his head and say he had "dog hair", lol.
Haha that's cute.
I mean, I didn't really become racist until 2nd grade, when the black boy that sat next to me kept stealing my pens and pencils out of my desk. Guess I was a late bloomer ¯_(ツ)_/¯
an excuse for shitlibs to torture children
Having spent a a good portion of my career in public education I can confirm that this is not shocking. Brainwashing 101...furthermore; they will try and get rid of you if you are not part of the union. They did so to me; but the good news is on my way out more and more were leaving the union and standing up to corrupt DOE
When my daughter entered kindergarten, she was so excited about riding a bus with the neighborhood kids, I let her. When she got home I had a total rundown of her teacher and her day. She described Mrs. "Clock" down to the colors of her clothes, her broach, her shoes, hair and eyes....and her pronouncements. It was a week before I met the woman. She is black.
Just saying....
If we got rid of the Democrats there would be no racism!
If there was no such thing as discrimination, we wouldn't be able to choose a menu item at a restaurant...
My kid is five and this is simply not true. Kids don't know anything about this stuff unless they are taught it. Kids do one thing well, they mimic adults and try to please. It's easy to manipulate their behavior when you know this
Exactly, mine has no concept of it... once he described someone as 'skin is brown like xxxx's' (our neighbor)... the only mention of acknowledgment at all. He's 7
I believe babies are similar to dogs: if one particular cohort mistreats them, they will remember that and avoid that cohort or attack it if they feel threatened.
People who live in the real world know this.
And that is a problem, why?
They don't believe anything other than from where to get the money and the power.
This is a good start, BUT:
*Yes. All ages, including board books about race, gender, and alphabet nonsense. They are targeting these children from birth.
Hmmm, well I don't believe we are born sinners either.
A baby is born pure; it's humans that corrupt imo.
When I was in grade 6, we had people come in to give us an anti racism assembly.
I remember I was shocked that they incepted the idea into my brain that you would be mean to someone because of their skin color.
This was near Toronto in the 90s. We went to school with kids of all races, so you just naturally made friends with everyone. In fact we didn't even know what race was until they mentioned in
The people running this seminar were trying to solve a problem that didn't exist I really felt.
These race studies are retarded! Always a bunch of idiots biased grifters doing them!
Racism is a scam!
Little kids don’t care about race because how could they?
Babies, by design, are very perceptive. I would wager that, if their parents are overtly racist, they have they potential to pick up on it and quickly developed biases. So the article should read, "Babies of racist parents develope racist tendencies." That I would buy, but would never pay for
So, in other words, all those illegal aliens and their kids who the US government are giving tax payer dollars to are all inherently racist.
While the FDOE was funding this, if funds far worse. Child trafficking and murder. Only low-hanging fruit gate-keepers like Chris Rufo bring up these topics.
I am not racist but i really hate Stupid and uncivilized 'people'.
This was to give them "scientific" justification to discriminate against white kids and give them enhanced brainwashing, probably
My wife told me she saw some "news" segment where they talked about unborn children being vaccinated! We now have widespread mental illness in the population combined with the evil of the medical establishment.
The lowest of low use of brain and heart.....
What’s frustrating to me here is that all babies ARE inherently “racist.” ALL babies. Not just white ones. Babies are most comfortable with people who look like their parents, full stop. They have to be taught that other people are safe to be around.
Bad example maybe because I’m white, and I live in Utah where most people are white, but I have a black friend who I’ve been friends with since I was in the 3rd grade (I’m 41 now). My dad and step mom kept popping out babies until I turned 26. My youngest sister (of 9 sisters), is less than 2 years older than my oldest son. Every single time I introduced one of my new baby siblings to this friend of mine they would scream bloody murder. But the solution was simple: I simply put my arm around my buddy and and pull him in tight and say “He’s nice, see?” and my new baby siblings would calm right down. After they’d seen him two or three times they were completely fearless from there on out. You DO have to teach children to be comfortable with people who don’t look like their parents and siblings but it’s one of the easiest things in the world.
Racism in that sense IS inherent, but it’s ubiquitous across all races. As soon as they see their parents or siblings are ok with them, they’re ok with them. Trying to paint white people in this light and pretend we’re the only ones with this problem, and that the problem somehow sticks with us throughout life no matter what we or anybody else does, is so ignorant and tired.
These people are sick.
If they can pick their gender, they can pick their preferred culture. The house of mush is no more!