You know, there are parallels with the Tower of Babel and man's desire to usurp God and show daddy that they don't need Him anymore. Look at our achievements, they say! Are we not Gods now?
My only problem with this argument is that we can say it for all technology. Like....i dunno....eye glasses. God said we should be blind as a bat at 31. Why are we going against his instructions??!!one one
God gave us our industriousness and and inexhaustible spirit, then said Love Each Other and Don't Be Stupid. Technology isn't inherently bad, just the way it's being used stupidly and without love for our fellow man.
Nobody is claiming that medical advancements aren't beneficial and the knowledge not a gift from God. However, the issue I refer to is the tampering with DNA and the ongoing war for our DNA that Q references in drop 4966:
These cretins are attempting to mold man in their own image because they are mad at God and think they can do better. They want to rewrite the literal language of life that's coded into all human beings and animals and turn it into a bastardized image of their own making.
Just as the Tower of Babel was man's attempt at bridging Heaven and Earth. They thought that they could simply reach Heaven under their own power and ingenuity. They were trying to hack the system that God created. The story ends accordingly...
Except we have done gene editing since forever. We just did it the hard way. You want the tastiest beef? Well, we spent thousands of generations getting there. You want a Yorkie? Same amount of time breeding a wolf into four brittle sticks that yap.
Don't get me wrong, I like both tasty beef and Yorkies. I just don't lie to myself about how we got them.
God gave us this world to rule over, from the very beginning per Genesis 1:26. As long as we aren't trying to breach heaven and usurp His authority (Babel's goal), we are not out of our bailiwick to change what's here.
Now, using it to hurt others? That's against his further wishes on how we are to treat animals earth, and each other.
Also there is technology that doesn't involve DNA/RNA per se but is presented as a "blessing" to help mankind and then within time is turned against mankind...robotics is just one example, but you also see it with AI. Truthfully you have to draw the line somewhere and that seems to be the problem. There is no end in sight to man's creativity and what we think will be used for good can be turned against us. But I surely recognize the benefits of different technology and inventions. It is certainly a double-edged sword.
I agree with you Fren, but the core aspect here is intent. As demonstrated via the likes of Hirari, they are seeking to become gods over man. Transhumanism IS their ultimate goal. The goal to separate us from the very thing that connects us to God in the flesh. They'd also wish to destroy the spirit or soul as well. This is the crux of the issue.
I definitely agree with that assessment...everything is a spiritual battle...the source of all the evil around us is satan, who presents as an angel of light...and this is one reason I am of wary of both Trump and Musk on these issues since I have been aware of Musk supporting AI and transhumanism as a good thing. This recent foray by Trump into the 48 hour vaxes for cancer leaves me stunned and very wary. I am watching everything unfold with great interest as well as caution.
I get your point but eye glasses don’t change your dna so there’s a difference. When technology takes the place of God or has the potential to alters His perfect design is when we have an issue. IMO glasses are just a tool invented by man.
God didn't make a perfect design. He made us imperfect but in His image. If we weren't flawed, we wouldn't have all the troubles we put ourselves into.
If glasses are a tool, what is animal husbandry? Either, we have to stay the way we were made - because God's design is perfect - or he gave us rule over the physical. I believe the latter because the Book says so, and is reinforced by Jesus' statement about dividing Ceaser's belongings and God's.
“Gen1. Everything that God created, formed, and made was perfect; the light and the darkness, the land and the sea, the plants, the sun, moon, and stars, the fish, the birds, the animals, and the man and woman.”
Sin is what made us imperfect and temptation is what led us there. God did not invent sin nor did he create us with a purpose to sin. Gods design IS perfect but we have to overcome the ego. If we only we would fully submit to Gods Will we would once again be made perfect in his image.
Nowhere in Genesis 1 did God say all was perfect. He said things were good as they were created.
If God and God's creations did not make sin, who did? How did it spread only to us and not to any other part of creation? God made the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, meaning he knew of and created sin.
If we can overcome our ego, why did He sacrifice His son to save us and declare that only through Jesus are we to find salvation?
Gods creations did not make sin. They committed sin because they were given free will and chose to listen to Satan.
You overcome the ego by submitting to Christ and His Will instead of your own. God gave you the choice to choose him or not. But you were absolutely made perfect in his image. Your ego was not and being born in Gods image doesn’t make you God either - it makes you a child of God - one who is perfectly created but has the capability to make mistakes when following one’s own will and going against God and his plan for your life. God himself makes no mistakes.
Covid vaccines could be suspended for all age groups in America under radical new plans backed by key health figures in the Trump Administration.
Several experts poised for top jobs in US health agencies subscribe to the disputed idea the shots are causing widespread side effects and deaths.
Dr Jay Bhattacharya, who has been nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has backed a petition calling for the mRNA vaccines to be paused and retested, can reveal.
He is one of the signatories of the Hope Accord, which claims there is a 'casual link' between the mRNA shots and an alarming rise in excess deaths worldwide. also understands Robert F Kennedy Jr has privately expressed concerns about the vaccines and signaled he is open to axing them if the data supports it.
A casual link?? What rock have they been hiding under? It appears "we the people" know more about the vaccines and the injury and death they have caused, what is in them...AND THEIR TRUE PURPOSE... than these doctors. Can we even trust any "testing" or "research" at this point when we see what our medical profession has done to us in the last 5 ears? We still need to be VERY vigilant.
The article says causal...however you wrote it casual in your quote above and it reads that way in the post underneath the picture...and as I read the article I read it as casual since I had seen it twice that way...but you are correct...the quote is causal...sorry to misquote the article.
The article does share some "good" news but then does its' best to defend and justify the shots. Believe me...I want nothing more than for them to be GONE. I will believe that when I see it mainly because I see a shift in the way vaccines are being discussed by the administration...Kennedy and Trump particularly.
How long could testing take? We are 5 years out and people are still dying from these covid shots. I am sure you can see that Big Pharma and the medical profession are NOT interested in studying the efficacy or effects of the shots...whether it is covid or childhood vaccines, some of which have been on the market for over 75 years.
Pharma companies are claiming out-sized profits, currently, and using their MSM mouthpieces to encourage investment in their stocks. They're looking for bag-holders.
Perhaps edit your original comment (4th sentence/paragraph) to change casual to causal. World of difference. Like tweety, when I read it I thought "casual, my arse!". The Hope Accord states causal, of course. (BTW, the spell checker has changed it twice on me in writing this so you likely typed it correctly initially and it got altered on you).
It probably is our favorite friend, autocorrect...the bane of our existence...rewriting our words....such a world of difference between those two words. I imagine what came underneath the picture was the same explanation....I find I always have to check autocorrect very closely so as NOT to be embarrassed by what I write.
That is quoting Del Bigtree who has a very sober view of the vaccines in my opinion. It says he was communications director for Kennedy's Presidential bid...I I respect his work quite a bit.
"During his first term as president, Trump spearheaded the development of the shots in record time which was widely regarded as a medical breakthrough.
The mRNA vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer are estimated to have saved tens of millions of lives globally, including 3million in the US.
President Trump has been reluctant to take credit for the achievement in recent years, however, for fear of alienating his core voter base which has become skeptical of the shots.
But he has signaled his support of other vaccines, including the polio vaccine — which he praised as the 'greatest thing' and said he was a 'big believer' in.
The Covid vaccines have been linked to a small risk of heart damage and Guillain-Barre syndrome, where the immune system attacks nerves, causing pain, fatigue and numbness.
Data from the US Covid vaccine injury compensation program suggested that 14,000 people had filed claims for injury or death they claimed were caused by the Covid vaccine as of December 2025, out of the 270million Americans who received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Dr Paul Offit, a vaccines expert at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told this highlighted that the vaccines were not dangerous.
He said: 'The vaccines have been given to billions of people at this point, and there were large prospective placebo-controlled studies that didn't show these effects.
'As the vaccines were rolled out, not everyone got them at once... and this staggering would tell you if something is a problem that was not picked up in clinical trials.
'We picked up myocarditis during this... we even picked up Guillain Barre syndrome, which has a rate after vaccination of around eight in a million.
'We would have easily picked up [these excess deaths and purported links to cancer] if true, and we haven't picked this up.' "
WAKE UP...they want to now test these vaccines...haven't enough people died and been injured from this poison. This is an article that is whitewashing what has happened in our country for the last 5 years...Trump AND Kennedy are PRO-VACCINE...please listen to what they say in other articles and interviews. I like Kennedy a lot but I am starting to hear him say supportive things about vaccines that make me pay attention.
The idea of a vaccine is defended in the " like cures like" tenet of health and homeopathy...however it is not just the mRNA that is a is aluminum, mercury, over 200 more chemicals and human and animal DNA that they add. This info has ben out there for over 50 years...and then add the frequency and you have a recipe for death and injury.
Huh, I thought the daily mail had previously been a little more neutral. This is a real hit piece against “vaccine conspiracy theorists.” That said… I would love to hope that the US would ban these vaccines.
HHS/Kennedy should revert back to the original official definition of "Vaccine" and discard the bogus version used to accommodate the Coof Jab, which was never a vaccine. Then and whatever they do for testing will not pass.
That's a start...right...all part of the brainwashing going on with the medical community to push their deadly's good you posted makes people more aware of the left's subtle push to keep all vaccines on the table...claiming safety and efficacy. Hopefully people will not be fooled any longer and see through all the lies, smoke and mirrors.
You know, there are parallels with the Tower of Babel and man's desire to usurp God and show daddy that they don't need Him anymore. Look at our achievements, they say! Are we not Gods now?
Humans have got it all figured out, right?
My only problem with this argument is that we can say it for all technology. Like....i dunno....eye glasses. God said we should be blind as a bat at 31. Why are we going against his instructions??!!one one
God gave us our industriousness and and inexhaustible spirit, then said Love Each Other and Don't Be Stupid. Technology isn't inherently bad, just the way it's being used stupidly and without love for our fellow man.
Nobody is claiming that medical advancements aren't beneficial and the knowledge not a gift from God. However, the issue I refer to is the tampering with DNA and the ongoing war for our DNA that Q references in drop 4966:
These cretins are attempting to mold man in their own image because they are mad at God and think they can do better. They want to rewrite the literal language of life that's coded into all human beings and animals and turn it into a bastardized image of their own making.
Just as the Tower of Babel was man's attempt at bridging Heaven and Earth. They thought that they could simply reach Heaven under their own power and ingenuity. They were trying to hack the system that God created. The story ends accordingly...
Except we have done gene editing since forever. We just did it the hard way. You want the tastiest beef? Well, we spent thousands of generations getting there. You want a Yorkie? Same amount of time breeding a wolf into four brittle sticks that yap.
Don't get me wrong, I like both tasty beef and Yorkies. I just don't lie to myself about how we got them.
God gave us this world to rule over, from the very beginning per Genesis 1:26. As long as we aren't trying to breach heaven and usurp His authority (Babel's goal), we are not out of our bailiwick to change what's here.
Now, using it to hurt others? That's against his further wishes on how we are to treat animals earth, and each other.
Cancer and death-causing bioweapons within a syringe come to mind...
What if it were used to cure (not treat!) Huntington's? Or Down's?
There are many ways we can do good, we just have bad people pushing those guys off a cliff so they can make themselves kings.
Also there is technology that doesn't involve DNA/RNA per se but is presented as a "blessing" to help mankind and then within time is turned against mankind...robotics is just one example, but you also see it with AI. Truthfully you have to draw the line somewhere and that seems to be the problem. There is no end in sight to man's creativity and what we think will be used for good can be turned against us. But I surely recognize the benefits of different technology and inventions. It is certainly a double-edged sword.
I agree with you Fren, but the core aspect here is intent. As demonstrated via the likes of Hirari, they are seeking to become gods over man. Transhumanism IS their ultimate goal. The goal to separate us from the very thing that connects us to God in the flesh. They'd also wish to destroy the spirit or soul as well. This is the crux of the issue.
I definitely agree with that assessment...everything is a spiritual battle...the source of all the evil around us is satan, who presents as an angel of light...and this is one reason I am of wary of both Trump and Musk on these issues since I have been aware of Musk supporting AI and transhumanism as a good thing. This recent foray by Trump into the 48 hour vaxes for cancer leaves me stunned and very wary. I am watching everything unfold with great interest as well as caution.
I get your point but eye glasses don’t change your dna so there’s a difference. When technology takes the place of God or has the potential to alters His perfect design is when we have an issue. IMO glasses are just a tool invented by man.
God didn't make a perfect design. He made us imperfect but in His image. If we weren't flawed, we wouldn't have all the troubles we put ourselves into.
If glasses are a tool, what is animal husbandry? Either, we have to stay the way we were made - because God's design is perfect - or he gave us rule over the physical. I believe the latter because the Book says so, and is reinforced by Jesus' statement about dividing Ceaser's belongings and God's.
“Gen1. Everything that God created, formed, and made was perfect; the light and the darkness, the land and the sea, the plants, the sun, moon, and stars, the fish, the birds, the animals, and the man and woman.”
Sin is what made us imperfect and temptation is what led us there. God did not invent sin nor did he create us with a purpose to sin. Gods design IS perfect but we have to overcome the ego. If we only we would fully submit to Gods Will we would once again be made perfect in his image.
Nowhere in Genesis 1 did God say all was perfect. He said things were good as they were created.
If God and God's creations did not make sin, who did? How did it spread only to us and not to any other part of creation? God made the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, meaning he knew of and created sin.
If we can overcome our ego, why did He sacrifice His son to save us and declare that only through Jesus are we to find salvation?
Gods creations did not make sin. They committed sin because they were given free will and chose to listen to Satan. You overcome the ego by submitting to Christ and His Will instead of your own. God gave you the choice to choose him or not. But you were absolutely made perfect in his image. Your ego was not and being born in Gods image doesn’t make you God either - it makes you a child of God - one who is perfectly created but has the capability to make mistakes when following one’s own will and going against God and his plan for your life. God himself makes no mistakes.
Best news I've heard all week.
Here's hoping the ban becomes a reality.
And then we can more towards the start of justice.
Covid vaccines could be suspended for all age groups in America under radical new plans backed by key health figures in the Trump Administration.
Several experts poised for top jobs in US health agencies subscribe to the disputed idea the shots are causing widespread side effects and deaths.
Dr Jay Bhattacharya, who has been nominated to lead the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has backed a petition calling for the mRNA vaccines to be paused and retested, can reveal.
He is one of the signatories of the Hope Accord, which claims there is a 'casual link' between the mRNA shots and an alarming rise in excess deaths worldwide. also understands Robert F Kennedy Jr has privately expressed concerns about the vaccines and signaled he is open to axing them if the data supports it.
A casual link?? What rock have they been hiding under? It appears "we the people" know more about the vaccines and the injury and death they have caused, what is in them...AND THEIR TRUE PURPOSE... than these doctors. Can we even trust any "testing" or "research" at this point when we see what our medical profession has done to us in the last 5 ears? We still need to be VERY vigilant.
Causal not casual
The article says causal...however you wrote it casual in your quote above and it reads that way in the post underneath the picture...and as I read the article I read it as casual since I had seen it twice that way...but you are correct...the quote is causal...sorry to misquote the article.
The article does share some "good" news but then does its' best to defend and justify the shots. Believe me...I want nothing more than for them to be GONE. I will believe that when I see it mainly because I see a shift in the way vaccines are being discussed by the administration...Kennedy and Trump particularly.
How long could testing take? We are 5 years out and people are still dying from these covid shots. I am sure you can see that Big Pharma and the medical profession are NOT interested in studying the efficacy or effects of the shots...whether it is covid or childhood vaccines, some of which have been on the market for over 75 years.
Pharma companies are claiming out-sized profits, currently, and using their MSM mouthpieces to encourage investment in their stocks. They're looking for bag-holders.
It won't be long...
Perhaps edit your original comment (4th sentence/paragraph) to change casual to causal. World of difference. Like tweety, when I read it I thought "casual, my arse!". The Hope Accord states causal, of course. (BTW, the spell checker has changed it twice on me in writing this so you likely typed it correctly initially and it got altered on you).
It probably is our favorite friend, autocorrect...the bane of our existence...rewriting our words....such a world of difference between those two words. I imagine what came underneath the picture was the same explanation....I find I always have to check autocorrect very closely so as NOT to be embarrassed by what I write.
IKR? It's pretty hard to wade through this cesspool of a leftard article.
Covid vaxes should be suspended worldwide!
"He added: 'The vaccine has proven to have negative efficacy, causing people to be more prone to infection than doing nothing at all.'"
At the very bottom of the article👆🏼
That is quoting Del Bigtree who has a very sober view of the vaccines in my opinion. It says he was communications director for Kennedy's Presidential bid...I I respect his work quite a bit.
VA is still pushing it...
along with shingles, pneumonia, hep b and flu vax - all in one visit.
so the depopulation program is still in effect.
Yikes...they are so NOT necessary...the depopulation agenda is at the core of it all...very true...
And NO mRNA vax for cancer either, please!
Casual or causal? In this instance, it most definitely matters where the "u" is placed lol.
Seriously. That was a glaringly obvious error. Are there editors for publications anymore??
"During his first term as president, Trump spearheaded the development of the shots in record time which was widely regarded as a medical breakthrough.
The mRNA vaccines made by Moderna and Pfizer are estimated to have saved tens of millions of lives globally, including 3million in the US.
President Trump has been reluctant to take credit for the achievement in recent years, however, for fear of alienating his core voter base which has become skeptical of the shots.
But he has signaled his support of other vaccines, including the polio vaccine — which he praised as the 'greatest thing' and said he was a 'big believer' in.
The Covid vaccines have been linked to a small risk of heart damage and Guillain-Barre syndrome, where the immune system attacks nerves, causing pain, fatigue and numbness.
Data from the US Covid vaccine injury compensation program suggested that 14,000 people had filed claims for injury or death they claimed were caused by the Covid vaccine as of December 2025, out of the 270million Americans who received at least one dose of the vaccine.
Dr Paul Offit, a vaccines expert at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, told this highlighted that the vaccines were not dangerous.
He said: 'The vaccines have been given to billions of people at this point, and there were large prospective placebo-controlled studies that didn't show these effects.
'As the vaccines were rolled out, not everyone got them at once... and this staggering would tell you if something is a problem that was not picked up in clinical trials.
'We picked up myocarditis during this... we even picked up Guillain Barre syndrome, which has a rate after vaccination of around eight in a million.
'We would have easily picked up [these excess deaths and purported links to cancer] if true, and we haven't picked this up.' "
WAKE UP...they want to now test these vaccines...haven't enough people died and been injured from this poison. This is an article that is whitewashing what has happened in our country for the last 5 years...Trump AND Kennedy are PRO-VACCINE...please listen to what they say in other articles and interviews. I like Kennedy a lot but I am starting to hear him say supportive things about vaccines that make me pay attention.
The idea of a vaccine is not a bad one, what is bad is the current implementation and mRNA technology.
The idea of a vaccine is defended in the " like cures like" tenet of health and homeopathy...however it is not just the mRNA that is a is aluminum, mercury, over 200 more chemicals and human and animal DNA that they add. This info has ben out there for over 50 years...and then add the frequency and you have a recipe for death and injury.
Finally some common sense around here. Science is untrustworthy because too many of its priest are fat liars or programmed dumbasses.
Huh, I thought the daily mail had previously been a little more neutral. This is a real hit piece against “vaccine conspiracy theorists.” That said… I would love to hope that the US would ban these vaccines.
HHS/Kennedy should revert back to the original official definition of "Vaccine" and discard the bogus version used to accommodate the Coof Jab, which was never a vaccine. Then and whatever they do for testing will not pass.
That's a start...right...all part of the brainwashing going on with the medical community to push their deadly's good you posted makes people more aware of the left's subtle push to keep all vaccines on the table...claiming safety and efficacy. Hopefully people will not be fooled any longer and see through all the lies, smoke and mirrors.
I am surprised to see that the state of WA is floating the banks on mRNA vax.
Ok, good, but Moderna just got $500 million to develop an mrna bird flu jab a month ago.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.
About as casual as getting hit by an 18 wheeler going 120mph.
A dot indian?