Under 50% of Fed Workers Have Come Back to the Office
In December last year, Sen. Joni Ernst tweeted, "On its way out the door, the Biden admin is locking in telework for 42,000 @SocialSecurity bureaucrats until AFTER President Trump leaves office! Unacceptable!" It wasn't only Social Security bureaucrats; it...
The reason this all drives me crazy is lower level federal workers are doing what the SES tell them. Some have been told to continue to work from home. So I hope that DOGE researches this throuroughly before letting people go. You’re damned if you do (by supervisors) and damned if you don’t (by DOGE). I trust they’ll do this all right.
Just turn off their paycheck and send another email announcing where they need to report if they want it. Make them interview for their own job and when it becomes clear certain ones actually do something and their boss forbid it you know who to fire.
They should cut the computer connections. That will shake them up.
Why would they listen to them when Trump has quite clearly stated "go back to office to work"
Obviously a bunch dumbasses
Looks like they want to FAFO.
If they even exist
True. I'm guessing half a million to a million fake employees.
Some are probably holding other jobs as well.
Maybe real jobs - and if they don't show up they'll get fired!
It seems an impossible task. So many traitors and so little rope!
That's insane. Much of DoD has been stuffing buildings to overflowing with people. Many buildings were consolidated during COVID with the expectation the future would always be hybrid in office/telework, never full time in office again. So, the capacity of DoD went down overall, leaving many today unable to return because there's no desk to return to. Until available space is negotiated for leases outside of military bases, many have no choice but continue to telework. However, those numbers are magnitudes lower than they were and traffic patters around bases prove that there has been an exponential rise in the number of people heading to work every day.
For those departments ignoring the president's orders, good luck. You're paid to do what is expected and to serve the public interest. That interest has shifted and now requires in person attendance. If a department has space, it's expected to be filled to capacity with people. Refusing is like resigning.
He's making a list.... checking it twice....
Is this happening at Kash and Noems workplace? And at the Pentagon? I am a bit disappointed in them for getting in Musk's way. Status quo politics need to be tossed out the window.
It’s really fked up what they did . People can spin it all they want . What Pete Kash Tulai and Noem did was undermine the presidents decision, it should not of happened . It looks really bad !
I too am sick and tired of this.
First these people went against Trump and Musk on the email thing.
Second Luna not showing JFK or Epstien documents until they have a meeting in March.
Third no arrests.
Don't pee on my leg and tell me it is raining.
I am so damn sick and tired of them saying one thing and doing another.
Same old Government different day.
Not at the Pentagon. It's a mad scramble to fill seats and find space where there is insufficient seating. What I've seen so far suggests DoD is stepping out of the way and following the president's orders. The only thing outside that is telling employees not to respond to Elon's request for "what did you do last week" and my gut tells me that is because the agencies that refused are those in the national security apparatus and not subject to the massive job cuts because there is a military to support regardless of the political environment. Those who refused are individuals Trump put in office, so I'm sure it's coordinated through his office and was expected that a few agencies didn't need to comply since they're still able to hire people to support the mission. I'm sure there's plenty of waste to find within DoD, but the working level doesn't have the privilege of a lack of work ethic or a lack of work. It could be leaned down, I'm sure, but massive cuts would destroy its ability to support the military and weaken us overall. With war likely with China over Taiwan, this isn't the time for that.
Trump already said certain people didn't have to respond to Musk's email, specifically said FBI and DOJ citing that classified military and FBI investigations should NOT be discussed in any emails.
Many were already cleaned out by the Trump team. Much of this is backfilling.
Reigning in the SES is a MUST, otherwise all this work DOGE is doing will be all for naught.
Ding, ding, ding...you win a pink slip.
Fire them damn it.
safe and effective, Nice job