I'm not concerned a bit. Either Q is for real or it isn't, there's no in between. So either Trump is going to disassemble the deep state or he isn't. Right now I'm seeing all the right things. Yes, I'd like to see the lists come out and if they don't in some short period of time then I will probably start to question what is going on. But for now I'm steadfast. Trump's appointees haven't been in position for but a couple of weeks at best. Kash just got into position. I think we need to give them some time. It's not like a lot of shit hasn't been hitting the fan with all the DOGE stuff coming to light. I've not been bored, that's for sure.
The purpose of Q is not to make the government "conservative," or put Trump in charge, or to put all the people into power that we think "should" be in positions to effect the changes we like, the purpose of Q is to WAKE PEOPLE UP. This is a SHOW. Everything that is happening is for that purpose; to wake people up; to unveil the lies that have controlled We The People for thousands of years (at least three thousand years, maybe many more).
There will be twists and turns in this Show. It may be that people that we trust, or who currently have been put into charge, are shown to be not good (controlled opposition). It may even be that Trump goes down (he is on the Epstein flight list multiple times and had years of personal interactions). Who the fuck knows what is intended in this Show? The purpose is about waking people up in a way that We The People take charge of our world, nothing else. Whatever it takes to make that happen is what happens, assuming Q is legit and not controlled opposition itself (which I doubt, but is not impossible).
Even if the lists were released Day 1, what would have happened? Nothing. Why? Because the judiciary is still Dem controlled. Prosecutors, judges and others need to be appointed and the dirty ones taken out. I can wait. I didn't expect everything to be done on Day 1.
No, this fag is not right, so chill out. The list will come out, but there's a reason it's not. Maybe because the Pope is done and that will consume the news cycle? I don't know, but I'm trusting the plan and no I'm not happy the list is not out yet.
I think less and less of Ariel the more I read from him. I think he must have ties to cia or at least deep state. Patel has been in office 4 days? Bongino hasn't even started yet. All three have to deal with the deep state that is in their departments. Mass firings, maybe criminal charges, preventing sabotage, preserving records, etc. I've waited four years for this day. I can wait a few more days.
I don't know this source and they are quoting anonymous sources in doj, so take it with a grain of salt, but... release on Friday. (to be followed by suicide weekend?) https://x.com/LibTearCreator1/status/1894357105609773176
Ariel has been talking out of both sides of his ass lately. He said for months that Kash would never be FBI Director. Now that he is, he's saying he won't do this or that. We'll see.
I'm not really a fan of Bongino though. I don't mind that he was picked, but I've never followed him or listened to him beyond a few clips.
I like Bongino and I listen every day, but he couldn’t say what “Middle East Country” was in possession of the Epstein list. He’s taken a lot of flak for that so interesting times ahead
He also was asked what him number one priority is and he said protecting Israel. Not America, not the Constitution, and not We The People - Israel. Fuq that.
I actually think they are slow-rolling them to get us roiled up enough to demand them. We are getting daily lessons in how the government should be run. Well, it needs to be a government by the people. We can’t rely on those appointed to do what we want without our voices being heard, loudly!
I'm not concerned a bit. Either Q is for real or it isn't, there's no in between. So either Trump is going to disassemble the deep state or he isn't. Right now I'm seeing all the right things. Yes, I'd like to see the lists come out and if they don't in some short period of time then I will probably start to question what is going on. But for now I'm steadfast. Trump's appointees haven't been in position for but a couple of weeks at best. Kash just got into position. I think we need to give them some time. It's not like a lot of shit hasn't been hitting the fan with all the DOGE stuff coming to light. I've not been bored, that's for sure.
"Either Q is for real or it isn't, there's no in between."
This. To me it is, I'm comfy af.
The purpose of Q is not to make the government "conservative," or put Trump in charge, or to put all the people into power that we think "should" be in positions to effect the changes we like, the purpose of Q is to WAKE PEOPLE UP. This is a SHOW. Everything that is happening is for that purpose; to wake people up; to unveil the lies that have controlled We The People for thousands of years (at least three thousand years, maybe many more).
There will be twists and turns in this Show. It may be that people that we trust, or who currently have been put into charge, are shown to be not good (controlled opposition). It may even be that Trump goes down (he is on the Epstein flight list multiple times and had years of personal interactions). Who the fuck knows what is intended in this Show? The purpose is about waking people up in a way that We The People take charge of our world, nothing else. Whatever it takes to make that happen is what happens, assuming Q is legit and not controlled opposition itself (which I doubt, but is not impossible).
Even if the lists were released Day 1, what would have happened? Nothing. Why? Because the judiciary is still Dem controlled. Prosecutors, judges and others need to be appointed and the dirty ones taken out. I can wait. I didn't expect everything to be done on Day 1.
No, this fag is not right, so chill out. The list will come out, but there's a reason it's not. Maybe because the Pope is done and that will consume the news cycle? I don't know, but I'm trusting the plan and no I'm not happy the list is not out yet.
Even though he's a grifter, he is right about one thing. We need to put an end to hero worship.
Agreed, but I don’t worship any of them. They’re just people like you and me trying to fight for our country.
We don't know if they are trying to fight for our country or whether they are working against us yet.
I think less and less of Ariel the more I read from him. I think he must have ties to cia or at least deep state. Patel has been in office 4 days? Bongino hasn't even started yet. All three have to deal with the deep state that is in their departments. Mass firings, maybe criminal charges, preventing sabotage, preserving records, etc. I've waited four years for this day. I can wait a few more days. I don't know this source and they are quoting anonymous sources in doj, so take it with a grain of salt, but... release on Friday. (to be followed by suicide weekend?) https://x.com/LibTearCreator1/status/1894357105609773176
They should have refrained from the "Day 1" mantra they were spouting. That created problems for them.
If they were American people, they would be locked up just as J6 Americans were.
This is 2 tiered justice system in action.
If you want something done, you have to apply pressure.
Americans have been waiting almost 10 years for the truth. Can't blame them for being testy. All the " Day 1" talk was unnecessary.
Day one (on the Q clock) gives them 2 months (I think)
Downdoot all you want, learn to read the Q clock
Ariel has been talking out of both sides of his ass lately. He said for months that Kash would never be FBI Director. Now that he is, he's saying he won't do this or that. We'll see.
I'm not really a fan of Bongino though. I don't mind that he was picked, but I've never followed him or listened to him beyond a few clips.
He is always telling us how right he is or how right he will be proved to be but hardly ever is right.
A voice of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Can't wait for the comments on this one.
I like Bongino and I listen every day, but he couldn’t say what “Middle East Country” was in possession of the Epstein list. He’s taken a lot of flak for that so interesting times ahead
He also was asked what him number one priority is and he said protecting Israel. Not America, not the Constitution, and not We The People - Israel. Fuq that.
That's something to think about.
Fuq al these Zionist mofo's. I'm sick of them.
I second that emotion.
Lest we forget...
They will all talk about Israel the same way until the day they don't anymore
You wanted these people. Well now you got them. My detractors will be stuck telling their followers why they keep falling for the shenanigans.
My followers will see it as just another day in the office. Acting like getting a job was supposed to undo all the sketchy things on their record. 😄
This is the second half of his X post
Ariel is SO smug and full of himself, he's hard to take seriously.
Ariel 😂😂😂😂
I think they still need to clean out some of the deep state traitors inside many of these Federal Departments before they release anything.
I’m ok with the wait bc we’ve seen so much exposed alread. Been waiting so long already what’s a few more months?
I actually think they are slow-rolling them to get us roiled up enough to demand them. We are getting daily lessons in how the government should be run. Well, it needs to be a government by the people. We can’t rely on those appointed to do what we want without our voices being heard, loudly!
"Everyone will fail and no one can fix anything."
I am smart!