The main reason parents vaccinate their children is for SCHOOL ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS.
The Department of Education should immediately drop any requirements to vaccinate a child as a condition of enrollment in public school or daycare.
The CDC and NIH should immediately ban all hospitals and clinics from requiring vaccination as a prerequisite for surgery or medical procedures... and ban any hospital, clinic or doctor from pressuring any parent or patient to get a particular vaccination. They can suggest it, and provide all of the benefits and side effects, but the patient or parents must sign an informed consent to vaccinate.
I would bet more than 50% of parents would then choose to raise a healthy child instead, especially as facts are being revealed.
We decided to not give my son his 4 year vaccines and were dropped by our pediatrician after 4 years (hes now 8). We were told he would not be welcomed back even if we capitulated and brought him "up to date"..... Its disgusting.
You and u/Patriot_1 have likely dodged bullets by getting dropped by your doctors (pharma reps). If your kid's doctors can't figure the vaxxines out, then they were likely to make other poor medical recommendations for other health concerns as well.
I agree. Doctors and this ridiculous modern medical system are killing people every single day. You only need a doctor for a serious injury or accident. Otherwise, they are selling a load of crap, and it's meant to create a permanent patient. STAY FAR AWAY from them. I predict we will soon have more reasonable health promoting doctors available (but even they could shift to profit motives). We have all the info available now, use your brain.
Good for you though for staying strong. Wonderful gift for your son. It's not easy going against such a thoroughly brainwashed herd. Especially the so-called experts who fancy themselves in a position of authority.
God, You, Us, and eventually Your Son will all know YOU WERE RIGHT. Respect to you for doing the right thing, even when they make it so hard or illegal even.
Only God knows, but you very well could've saved your son's life or quality of health for life.
Pediatrician dropped you because there's no money to be made off of you.
The main reason parents vaccinate their children is for SCHOOL ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS.
The Department of Education should immediately drop any requirements to vaccinate a child as a condition of enrollment in public school or daycare.
The CDC and NIH should immediately ban all hospitals and clinics from requiring vaccination as a prerequisite for surgery or medical procedures... and ban any hospital, clinic or doctor from pressuring any parent or patient to get a particular vaccination. They can suggest it, and provide all of the benefits and side effects, but the patient or parents must sign an informed consent to vaccinate.
I would bet more than 50% of parents would then choose to raise a healthy child instead, especially as facts are being revealed.
We decided to not give my son his 4 year vaccines and were dropped by our pediatrician after 4 years (hes now 8). We were told he would not be welcomed back even if we capitulated and brought him "up to date"..... Its disgusting.
Our doctor dropped us for not vaccinating our kids.
Which only futher confirmed that they're just vaccine/ pharma sales people.
One of the reasons they cited was to protect the sick people in the waiting room.
The two questions the doctor did not like was.
You and u/Patriot_1 have likely dodged bullets by getting dropped by your doctors (pharma reps). If your kid's doctors can't figure the vaxxines out, then they were likely to make other poor medical recommendations for other health concerns as well.
I agree. Doctors and this ridiculous modern medical system are killing people every single day. You only need a doctor for a serious injury or accident. Otherwise, they are selling a load of crap, and it's meant to create a permanent patient. STAY FAR AWAY from them. I predict we will soon have more reasonable health promoting doctors available (but even they could shift to profit motives). We have all the info available now, use your brain.
The doctors get cash based on % of children they get vaccinated and the total #.
They drop those that do not take shots because it directly affects them financially.
Money is more important to them than your child's health. They all know the ill effects of the vaccines and chose money anyway.
Remember this and act accordingly.
This! They have to make their vaccine quota to get their bonus.
Good for you though for staying strong. Wonderful gift for your son. It's not easy going against such a thoroughly brainwashed herd. Especially the so-called experts who fancy themselves in a position of authority.
God, You, Us, and eventually Your Son will all know YOU WERE RIGHT. Respect to you for doing the right thing, even when they make it so hard or illegal even.
Only God knows, but you very well could've saved your son's life or quality of health for life.
Pediatrician dropped you because there's no money to be made off of you.
isn't that the textbook definition of discrimination? If it were me, I'd lawyer up. Your child cannot be denied service on this condition.
Unfortunately pHARMa has their paws all over the medical industry and gate keep many medical services as a result.
What was your pediatricians last name? Just asking...
It was in north Alabama if that helps narrow it down. Last name might give give it away too easy.