I saw this about 10 years ago (pre trump) and didn't know what to make if it, thanks for the reminder. I'm going to rewatch it and see how my opinions have been changed. I was also told recently to watch this but I still haven't.
Let me put it this way: none of it would surprise me one little bit at this point. They’ve made sharing any information that throws the official narrative into question an actual CRIME in Europe. That tells me just about all I need to know. If you can’t question history it’s not history, it’s propaganda.
It's all about usury, which is money from nothing. The Rothschild family perfected it. Hitler resisted it. Check out Germany's golden age, the five years before Hitler was vilified. It was money for the benefit of the people, and it had to be stopped.
I quesition whether Hitler was more than a Biden style figurehead by 1945. I think Bormann, Himmler, Goering and Kammler were running the show by then.
Bormann took out Himmler and Goering in the end and- I believe- escaped (or was evacuated by the British ala Op JB by Christopher Creighton). Kammler likely walked in to US custody and disappeared into black project land.
People hold up the German Comissar order as an example of crimes against humanity outside of the camps (which are hard to figure out, lots of conflicting info). The Comissar order basically said that every Zampolit (Commisar or political officer) was to be shot and not captured. That sounds harsh, until you consider that many of those were the Bolshevik thugs that perpetrated 1917, and the horrors of the purges. I think shooting commisars was actually a very sane move.
I also thimk it was possible that Op Barbarossa (Invasion of Russia) was a response to a pending Soviet invasion. The lack or preparation doesnt make sense any other way.
Finally, the behaviour of the Red Army moving through Germany was awful- somethinf like 1 in 3 women in Germany was raped, and many were tortured and executed.
Were the Germans " The good guys"? Probably not, the more I learn about history, the more I learn there often arent any good guys. But I think the Soviets were the "worse guys". I would much rather have dealt with a victorious Germany than Stalins Russia.
Most people don’t know there was a failed communist revolution in Russia in 1905. Germany took in tens of thousands of Russian Jews as refugees. These refugees were the communist revolutionists inside Germany in the 1920’s. They really were the seeds of destruction.
They also forget about how bloody the bolshevik revolution in Russia was. It was a Christian genocide that resulted in 20 million dead. And the bolsheviks in Germany who tried to take over in 1918-19 wanted to do exactly the same to the Germans.
They conveniently forget to mention this when they talk about the German camps.
It's an excellent video that raises many glaring questions, contradictions, and outright lies of the given narrative. It's a refreshing take on the WW 2 period of history. I did find it a bit too fond of Hitler, however. He certainly was not the monster he is portrayed as, at least initially.
Hitler was brilliant politician and showman with all that implies, becoming more dictatorial, and mono-sighted as his plans began to recede from his grasp. I don't think he wanted to dominate the world, but he certainly had his eye on parts of it that he rationalized as belonging to Germany.
The video made enough of an impression that I cringe when someone on GAW labels a group a Nazis, because it's a cartoon label that leaves all nuance aside -- there were thug Nazis and there were honorable Nazis.
There were food famines across Europe towards the end of ww2 to several years after. It would make sense that prisoners would be the last to get any food. It makes more sense that a lot of them starved. If the civilian population is starving... you get the idea. This 6 million number being thrown around is ludicrous.
Notice how the media and education systems don't talk about the holodomor, bolshevik killings, Armenian genocide, pol pot, etc. Publicly questioning the holohoax in Europe will get you several years in jail. And Israel brings it up everytime they need leverage in their Greater Israel project.
Hitler was a message runner during the first WW. I feel he read the secrets and personally met upper military. he must have been likable or useable. his side used antifa / brown coats to terrorize the citizens and he promised to be the cure. during his reign of power he got heavy into drugs, love the 8 balls.
History is written by the victors. Nero may actually have been a good guy trying to give the power back to the people. Those against may have burnt Rome to blame it on him.
Hitler is the left's pet boogeyman. And they love to call us nazis and fascists. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that his vile evil is a total construct of the left.
As tempting as the good or bad question is, I think the founders made a simple observation:
Government is a necessary evil.
Why? Because imperfect men ruling other imperfect men.
Hence, two types of revolution:
Ballot box supported by the soap box and the jury box
Ammo box and the deep-6 box.
However, The US is quite extraordinary in that sense, as it is not based upon government force, but the force of the people, pairing self-interest with a broader interest. Any other constitution is based on the power of the state, and the subordination of people's rights.
The first puts the onus straight on the people to remain virtuous. The latter incentivizes behavior, decisions and policies ranging between the worse and the worst.
Whether or not one could find one or more points that may sound good, the basic premise here is: the greater good. Not the greatest good, because that would be protecting certain inalienable rights. The greater good, the less good, can be anything you want it to be, from the survival of your own race till saving the world from climate change contributing cow farts.
Here comes the kicker. Most people by being brainwashed make an economic decision between worse and worst, and remain within the confines of the Kafkaian greater good.
In this for the rulers is ideal, as they can sometimes hide their iron fist. But, it remains theft, robbery and exploitation. And has been, since 4000 years. And what is more, they do not want people to discover that.
It has not been that long ago, that Ron Paul was called a cook, just because he taught about personal liberty.
Look at the world's Jewish population during the 5 years before WW2 and the 5 years after...
I saw this about 10 years ago (pre trump) and didn't know what to make if it, thanks for the reminder. I'm going to rewatch it and see how my opinions have been changed. I was also told recently to watch this but I still haven't.
What you heard jives with what I heard. I think that all of history is a lie that has been manufactured to support a certain narrative.
Let me put it this way: none of it would surprise me one little bit at this point. They’ve made sharing any information that throws the official narrative into question an actual CRIME in Europe. That tells me just about all I need to know. If you can’t question history it’s not history, it’s propaganda.
It's all about usury, which is money from nothing. The Rothschild family perfected it. Hitler resisted it. Check out Germany's golden age, the five years before Hitler was vilified. It was money for the benefit of the people, and it had to be stopped.
Here's a good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMuXQJIfmLI
Looks like a good vid....bookmarked for when I can watch all the way through
It's one of a set. I haven't watched them all but the Bank of England one has woken up some people!
Chapter 1 - How Usury Destroyed the Roman Empire
Chapter 2 - The Hidden Origins of the Bank of England
Chapter 3 - Napoléon and the Banque de France
Chapter 4 - A Century of Struggle: Rothschild versus the People
Chapter 5 - The Great Depression
Chapter 6 - The Rise and Fall of State Banking (1932-1945)
Chapter 7 - Modern Forms of State Banking
Chapter 8 - The Banking Crisis
It's an excellent series. I think there's 12 of them. Whoever said history is just what they told us was sure right.
I quesition whether Hitler was more than a Biden style figurehead by 1945. I think Bormann, Himmler, Goering and Kammler were running the show by then.
Bormann took out Himmler and Goering in the end and- I believe- escaped (or was evacuated by the British ala Op JB by Christopher Creighton). Kammler likely walked in to US custody and disappeared into black project land.
People hold up the German Comissar order as an example of crimes against humanity outside of the camps (which are hard to figure out, lots of conflicting info). The Comissar order basically said that every Zampolit (Commisar or political officer) was to be shot and not captured. That sounds harsh, until you consider that many of those were the Bolshevik thugs that perpetrated 1917, and the horrors of the purges. I think shooting commisars was actually a very sane move.
I also thimk it was possible that Op Barbarossa (Invasion of Russia) was a response to a pending Soviet invasion. The lack or preparation doesnt make sense any other way.
Finally, the behaviour of the Red Army moving through Germany was awful- somethinf like 1 in 3 women in Germany was raped, and many were tortured and executed.
Were the Germans " The good guys"? Probably not, the more I learn about history, the more I learn there often arent any good guys. But I think the Soviets were the "worse guys". I would much rather have dealt with a victorious Germany than Stalins Russia.
There were WORK CAMPS mostly for those who would undermine Germany's war effort.
Plus, Jewish leaders asked Hitler to move their people into camps where they would be safe from Allied bombing.
Most people don’t know there was a failed communist revolution in Russia in 1905. Germany took in tens of thousands of Russian Jews as refugees. These refugees were the communist revolutionists inside Germany in the 1920’s. They really were the seeds of destruction.
They also forget about how bloody the bolshevik revolution in Russia was. It was a Christian genocide that resulted in 20 million dead. And the bolsheviks in Germany who tried to take over in 1918-19 wanted to do exactly the same to the Germans.
They conveniently forget to mention this when they talk about the German camps.
It's an excellent video that raises many glaring questions, contradictions, and outright lies of the given narrative. It's a refreshing take on the WW 2 period of history. I did find it a bit too fond of Hitler, however. He certainly was not the monster he is portrayed as, at least initially.
Hitler was brilliant politician and showman with all that implies, becoming more dictatorial, and mono-sighted as his plans began to recede from his grasp. I don't think he wanted to dominate the world, but he certainly had his eye on parts of it that he rationalized as belonging to Germany.
The video made enough of an impression that I cringe when someone on GAW labels a group a Nazis, because it's a cartoon label that leaves all nuance aside -- there were thug Nazis and there were honorable Nazis.
There were food famines across Europe towards the end of ww2 to several years after. It would make sense that prisoners would be the last to get any food. It makes more sense that a lot of them starved. If the civilian population is starving... you get the idea. This 6 million number being thrown around is ludicrous.
Notice how the media and education systems don't talk about the holodomor, bolshevik killings, Armenian genocide, pol pot, etc. Publicly questioning the holohoax in Europe will get you several years in jail. And Israel brings it up everytime they need leverage in their Greater Israel project.
Here is my opinion about Hitler / Nazis that I shared last year:
Hitler was a message runner during the first WW. I feel he read the secrets and personally met upper military. he must have been likable or useable. his side used antifa / brown coats to terrorize the citizens and he promised to be the cure. during his reign of power he got heavy into drugs, love the 8 balls.
History is written by the victors. Nero may actually have been a good guy trying to give the power back to the people. Those against may have burnt Rome to blame it on him.
Hitler is the left's pet boogeyman. And they love to call us nazis and fascists. I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that his vile evil is a total construct of the left.
What I know is that in Europe there are places that even QUESTIONING the veracity of the Holocaust will land you in jail.
So that pretty much says it all.
Dont think the US is immune from the made up "anti-semitic" punishments either.
As tempting as the good or bad question is, I think the founders made a simple observation:
Why? Because imperfect men ruling other imperfect men.
Hence, two types of revolution:
However, The US is quite extraordinary in that sense, as it is not based upon government force, but the force of the people, pairing self-interest with a broader interest. Any other constitution is based on the power of the state, and the subordination of people's rights.
The first puts the onus straight on the people to remain virtuous. The latter incentivizes behavior, decisions and policies ranging between the worse and the worst.
Whether or not one could find one or more points that may sound good, the basic premise here is: the greater good. Not the greatest good, because that would be protecting certain inalienable rights. The greater good, the less good, can be anything you want it to be, from the survival of your own race till saving the world from climate change contributing cow farts.
Here comes the kicker. Most people by being brainwashed make an economic decision between worse and worst, and remain within the confines of the Kafkaian greater good.
In this for the rulers is ideal, as they can sometimes hide their iron fist. But, it remains theft, robbery and exploitation. And has been, since 4000 years. And what is more, they do not want people to discover that.
It has not been that long ago, that Ron Paul was called a cook, just because he taught about personal liberty.
History is but FAKE NEWS in the rear view mirror
"The Greatest Story Never Told" can be a bit tricky to find because it keeps disappearing for some reason!
Here is a copy that is working for now: https://archive.org/details/the-greatest-story-never-told-adolf-hitler_202106
It is a documentary series so it comes to 6.5 hours long!