This was more serious of an event than people know. Secret service failed to keep the "press" back. Next time that mic might be dusted with fentanal. This might have been just an accident by a stupid sound tech or it might have been a dry run. Am I paranoid? Damn right I am. They want Trump out and will do anything at this point.
Yup, first thought that came to my mind was a giant COVID swab with titanium dioxide and other chemicals on it. They could have dusted that mic with some bad stuff...
Keep the press away from him, they are hateful lunatics, they don't know how to be normal & respectful and can't be trusted.
They can email their questions to his staff.
We gain nothing from the stupid questions they scream out, just useless predators. He can startup fireside chats and answer questions that deserve an answer there.
In my opinion, i really don't think they would dry run this " accident". All the cabal needs is opportunity. The best time is when trump is outside and they got him. I think it was just a mediocre boom holder that momentarily lost control. Still not right ofcourse. But I don't think it would be a dry run. That being said, it very well could have given the cabal the idea. Secret service should ofcourse back these msm folk up now that this happened.
Seems the SS is slacking. Maybe they should find some retired football players who love Trump and would love to block a move and have an excuse to knock someone into next week. i.e. we don't tolerate that shit.
Maybe it’s just me, but I still think SS Sean Curran is sus. While I yield to the notion that the SS forward team had the responsibility to secure the location prior to Trump’s arrival in Butler (don’t remember if SS performed that or if it was Homeland Security), I would think that he, as the head of Trump’s security detail would have (trusted) but VERIFIED (himself or someone on his team) that the venue was secure. That and following the shooting, Trump should have been in the car and gone in under 30 sec. I think it took substantially longer than that. Just something that bothers me still.
The boom mic and the sock it wears are designed to mute external noises so the only subject's voice can be heard over airplane noise and wind. A parabolic mic is also directional, but it amplifies everything caught by its reflector, wind noise and whatever else is present,
This was more serious of an event than people know. Secret service failed to keep the "press" back. Next time that mic might be dusted with fentanal. This might have been just an accident by a stupid sound tech or it might have been a dry run. Am I paranoid? Damn right I am. They want Trump out and will do anything at this point.
Yup, first thought that came to my mind was a giant COVID swab with titanium dioxide and other chemicals on it. They could have dusted that mic with some bad stuff...
We all should be paranoid enough to think ahead and plan for the worst to prevent it from happening.
Man I agree. They should never be that close.
Keep the press away from him, they are hateful lunatics, they don't know how to be normal & respectful and can't be trusted.
They can email their questions to his staff. We gain nothing from the stupid questions they scream out, just useless predators. He can startup fireside chats and answer questions that deserve an answer there.
In my opinion, i really don't think they would dry run this " accident". All the cabal needs is opportunity. The best time is when trump is outside and they got him. I think it was just a mediocre boom holder that momentarily lost control. Still not right ofcourse. But I don't think it would be a dry run. That being said, it very well could have given the cabal the idea. Secret service should ofcourse back these msm folk up now that this happened.
The question when dealing with the TPTB is never "Am I paranoid", it is "Am I paranoid enough?"
id be afraid of something like powder or a chemical on anything like that , that comes into skin contact with the Boss
SS should have slammed the guy to the ground - then asked questions....
Seems the SS is slacking. Maybe they should find some retired football players who love Trump and would love to block a move and have an excuse to knock someone into next week. i.e. we don't tolerate that shit.
Maybe it’s just me, but I still think SS Sean Curran is sus. While I yield to the notion that the SS forward team had the responsibility to secure the location prior to Trump’s arrival in Butler (don’t remember if SS performed that or if it was Homeland Security), I would think that he, as the head of Trump’s security detail would have (trusted) but VERIFIED (himself or someone on his team) that the venue was secure. That and following the shooting, Trump should have been in the car and gone in under 30 sec. I think it took substantially longer than that. Just something that bothers me still.
Homeland installed some of their goons for that one.
And took the boom to a lab.
Was a chick or trans
100% This ^^^^
I bet there is a new protocol in place to keep these parasite propagandists a safe distance. Bongino & Co probably went nuts when he saw it.
Right…darts? RIP Andrew Breitbart walking home from a tavern one night…scuttlebut was perhaps the heart attack gun…
More like when Kim Jung Uns brother was poisoned in the middle of a busy airport.
All joking aside. The reporter should have been detained, and the boom mic tested for any harmful substances.
If they can "mandate" half of the planet to always maintain a policy of 6 feet apart, we can certainly mandate a press policy of 10 feet apart.
Not liking this at all. Where’s SS?
Hahahaa the name tag tho....not Hillary. Also how many times did Biden get hit in the face w a mic? My first instinct said to me that was in purpose.
I'm no expert on audio, but why can't they use parabolic microphones, rather than big boom mics that could be used against POTUS?
The boom mic and the sock it wears are designed to mute external noises so the only subject's voice can be heard over airplane noise and wind. A parabolic mic is also directional, but it amplifies everything caught by its reflector, wind noise and whatever else is present,
Hahaha! Now that's funny!
This is very funny, except the part about hitting our president!
Wait, did someone actually hit him?
Clearly the Secret Service has NOT thought of everything the DS could try. Hopefully they take heed to this and rethink a few things.
Makes me wonder how well the press audio/video equipment is inspected... Everyday I worry about Trump's well-being...