Mr. McBride and his Demonrat colleagues are very upset that sane members of Congress refuse to address him as Miss or Sarah simply because he wears A DRESS 👗. It is driving them to new levels of crazy 😜.
Did you see that video where the dem dude lost his crackers when a Republican said “ now we’ll hear from mr. McBride ! The dude McBride acknowledged and started talking but the other dem went nuts kept saying what did you ssy ,, thst was Hillarious !
Wow that’s wonderful , I wanted to send to my son ! He’s a fully awake patriot and we enjoy swapping little clips like this ! I gotta give that guy a lot of credit , you don’t see anyone else calling them out . Why we are at it how the hell is that demon Ilan still in office . Committing crimes should be a mandatory, get the hell out She admitted to stealing funds , but paid it back , yeah pay it back but you also need to get the hell out .
American Thinker has a piece from today about this. Turns out the Congressman who called him mister is a retired Green Beret who spent 25 years in the service. No wonder he didn’t take any crap from the bully.
They seemingly are not learning that their bully tactics are no longer working, but it is the only tool in their box. How else can you try to force someone to acknowledge something that is crazy as “normal.”
Elements of The CIA must be very Proud of themselves, since one of their MK ULTRA Specimens made it into Congress....
This type of Insanity should be kept in a special place where it can be monitored an possibly treated and possibly reversed, but I really don't have much hope for any treatment to work since they only treat the Body, an never address the One that inhabits it....
Totally agree ! We have had many mayors etc which was enough of a horror, but in congress , openly allowing mentally ill people in congress and we pay the bill , but we have murderers Pedos and everything in between in congress and senate ! I do hope we see arrests someday !
I am of the belief that we really should have Every Political Candidate regardless of where or for what, just make full on Testing on Founding Documents and ALL Treaties, a Mandatory thing....
And make the Results Public, so we see just how Stupid they are....
My Hometown Elected an Illiterate Mayor, literally couldn't read much past Labels, but his Wife was a School Teacher, my 1st Grade Teacher, who taught me to always, always, always, use a dictionary, no matter what....
That is not a real man. Real men are protective of women and children. Look at Tyrus on Gutfeld. Men like him (tall and big) have grown up knowing they had to be more careful than most or they might hurt smaller or weaker people. Women who love big and tall men know this better than most, and that's why such men have to fend off so many women.
To quote Austin Powers, "That's a MAN, baby!"
But seriously, it's this type of silliness and all the other things they are/have been doing that in my opinion will eventually kill the demonratic party. I find it hard to believe that they are sticking to their guns as far as all the queer, dei, pro wasteful funding/spending etcetera strategy. Enjoy the show. The only thing missing is the circus music.
This country deserves better.
Mr. McBride and his Demonrat colleagues are very upset that sane members of Congress refuse to address him as Miss or Sarah simply because he wears A DRESS 👗. It is driving them to new levels of crazy 😜.
I am enjoying every moment of watching it. 😁
Did you see that video where the dem dude lost his crackers when a Republican said “ now we’ll hear from mr. McBride ! The dude McBride acknowledged and started talking but the other dem went nuts kept saying what did you ssy ,, thst was Hillarious !
Yes, one of my favorites of the week.
Do u have it by any chance . I lost track of it .
It’s on YouTube under this title:
Rep. Sarah McBride misgendered by Republican colleague during committee hearing
Wow that’s wonderful , I wanted to send to my son ! He’s a fully awake patriot and we enjoy swapping little clips like this ! I gotta give that guy a lot of credit , you don’t see anyone else calling them out . Why we are at it how the hell is that demon Ilan still in office . Committing crimes should be a mandatory, get the hell out She admitted to stealing funds , but paid it back , yeah pay it back but you also need to get the hell out .
American Thinker has a piece from today about this. Turns out the Congressman who called him mister is a retired Green Beret who spent 25 years in the service. No wonder he didn’t take any crap from the bully.
They seemingly are not learning that their bully tactics are no longer working, but it is the only tool in their box. How else can you try to force someone to acknowledge something that is crazy as “normal.”
Elements of The CIA must be very Proud of themselves, since one of their MK ULTRA Specimens made it into Congress....
This type of Insanity should be kept in a special place where it can be monitored an possibly treated and possibly reversed, but I really don't have much hope for any treatment to work since they only treat the Body, an never address the One that inhabits it....
Totally agree ! We have had many mayors etc which was enough of a horror, but in congress , openly allowing mentally ill people in congress and we pay the bill , but we have murderers Pedos and everything in between in congress and senate ! I do hope we see arrests someday !
I am of the belief that we really should have Every Political Candidate regardless of where or for what, just make full on Testing on Founding Documents and ALL Treaties, a Mandatory thing....
And make the Results Public, so we see just how Stupid they are....
My Hometown Elected an Illiterate Mayor, literally couldn't read much past Labels, but his Wife was a School Teacher, my 1st Grade Teacher, who taught me to always, always, always, use a dictionary, no matter what....
His name is Timothy McBride and if Trump can replace names we can too.
Tampon Tim (D-DE)
And he's a democrat! How very surprising!
From Delaware no less. Weird fucking state
This is a MAN, not a woman!
That is not a real man. Real men are protective of women and children. Look at Tyrus on Gutfeld. Men like him (tall and big) have grown up knowing they had to be more careful than most or they might hurt smaller or weaker people. Women who love big and tall men know this better than most, and that's why such men have to fend off so many women.
Well, he surely looked like a "real" man to me. And I am one, so to each their own.
He grooms children too with the book reading story time stuff. Saw a video of it the other day (maybe here?).
Yes put him front and center. What's in his background? Put him under the microscope!
The Demorats always project what they are in fact guilty of themselves.
that's called narcissism.
To quote Austin Powers, "That's a MAN, baby!" But seriously, it's this type of silliness and all the other things they are/have been doing that in my opinion will eventually kill the demonratic party. I find it hard to believe that they are sticking to their guns as far as all the queer, dei, pro wasteful funding/spending etcetera strategy. Enjoy the show. The only thing missing is the circus music.
The default response to all these cunts should be made "At least we don't rape kids" across the board.
Sure are a lot of mentally sick people in congress. Mostly dems.
Isn't Joe Biden from Delaware? It must be something in the water up there....
Hahaha🤣 🤡🌏 honk honk
From Tim to Sarah.....