Just saw a poll that said college educated women had a -38% approval of Trump. I can guarantee there’s a high level of purple hair and tattoos in that poll. Probably several cat owners also.
This college educated woman with a BS. In Government and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership loves Trump. (Some of you already hate me,) I have zero tattoos and my hair is a naturally "enhanced" blonde. My daughter-in-law has lots of cats but absolutely loves Trump. A n overwhelming majority of our friends love Trump and our newest family members are legal brand new citizens
who love Trump and freedom. Some women are just crazy. Some men are crazy too! Those men dressing as women seem to be formally educated, but true idiots.
Every time I mention the cats I get a reply and DMs. It’s just a generalism and generalisms are generally false right?
We don’t hate you. Thank you for being here.
It’s a free for all at times due to the carry over from VOAT. I personally got my feelings hurt over there several times a day. We hate globalists here, it’s a big tent movement with a lot of shitposting.
Again. Thanks for showing up.
And make sure anyone you know who has cats gets checked for T Gondii. They may need some ivermectin.
Lol, we have a cat, I'm a college educated woman and I LOVE POTUS and HATE GLOBALISTS/COMMIES/ANY SCUM WISHING TO DESTROY OUR GREAT NATION. Honestly, the cat comments make me laugh, but some folks here have posted some nasty comments about women in general that are off base.
This college educated woman stands with Trump! Too bad they most likely tried to only survey the dykes, and feminazi's and tried their best to steer clear of any of the normal, ordinary, clean, decent looking women. If it looks like a dyke or a social reject, then it is likely going to be anti-Trump, anti-American, and a target audience for a left-skewed poll.
It was in one of those underground rooms at the Kennedy Centre!
The ones without windows and cubes outside booking the entrance?
Musk. The laxative Liberals loathe, the laxative you love.
Just saw a poll that said college educated women had a -38% approval of Trump. I can guarantee there’s a high level of purple hair and tattoos in that poll. Probably several cat owners also.
This college educated woman with a BS. In Government and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership loves Trump. (Some of you already hate me,) I have zero tattoos and my hair is a naturally "enhanced" blonde. My daughter-in-law has lots of cats but absolutely loves Trump. A n overwhelming majority of our friends love Trump and our newest family members are legal brand new citizens who love Trump and freedom. Some women are just crazy. Some men are crazy too! Those men dressing as women seem to be formally educated, but true idiots.
Every time I mention the cats I get a reply and DMs. It’s just a generalism and generalisms are generally false right?
We don’t hate you. Thank you for being here. It’s a free for all at times due to the carry over from VOAT. I personally got my feelings hurt over there several times a day. We hate globalists here, it’s a big tent movement with a lot of shitposting.
Again. Thanks for showing up.
And make sure anyone you know who has cats gets checked for T Gondii. They may need some ivermectin.
Lol, we have a cat, I'm a college educated woman and I LOVE POTUS and HATE GLOBALISTS/COMMIES/ANY SCUM WISHING TO DESTROY OUR GREAT NATION. Honestly, the cat comments make me laugh, but some folks here have posted some nasty comments about women in general that are off base.
Shitposting. It’s a fine art. Some comments are aweful. I realized the desensitization did me good.
Same, B.S. in Psychology, my hair is it's natural color, I love President Trump, and am not a feminist
I resemble you, but I do have cats, several!!! ❤️ POTUS 🇺🇸
This college educated woman stands with Trump! Too bad they most likely tried to only survey the dykes, and feminazi's and tried their best to steer clear of any of the normal, ordinary, clean, decent looking women. If it looks like a dyke or a social reject, then it is likely going to be anti-Trump, anti-American, and a target audience for a left-skewed poll.
Guessing at least 90% of them haven't really had any kind of epiphany, but that they go wherever the wind blows.
Yep. The Overton Window has expanded greatly due to the Great Awakening.
Tighter than Obama’s anus in date night!
After Mike that can't happen anymore
PRO lapsed
I love him and I really worry for his safety.
Is "Wasn't that long ago" a statement or a question?