You want to know the really crazy thing? Their board just voted against removing the DEI practices from all Disney. They are literally doubling down on it.
What you're missing is that the left/marxists/communists/fascists or whatever you want to label them.... they purpose like to undermind and destroy the pilars of our great society.
MEDIA ---> Disney: once made the pinalce of story telling. Countless families and children brought up on their creative endeavors.
EDU ---> Grade school through HigherED: Fill it with propaganda, have trannies for story hour, make it impossible to get into a good school, let alone pay for it, and then your degree doesn't help you get work.
FAMILY ---> you get it. the list goes on.
They are taking down one of the biggest pillars of America. It's not about shareholders, money, or DEI practices. This is a subersive group that took power in Disney (+ all of society) and have pressed the self implode button.
Reminds me of how here in New England, my buddy's veterinarian changed the name of his soot black dog from Sambo to just Sam. They are so programed to make everything about race, it's like they need the righteous gratification.
He objected, but they refused to change their records.
Yes this is true of the authors of this whole left woke mania but there are some who just tag along. By doubling down Disney proves that they are close to the center of this movement. They know that if it goes down they go down so they have no choice. Let them go out of biz
Disney thinks they're 100% in charge of shaping the minds of future generations.
Alot of people don't know this but in China they're coming out with a lot of their own Animation cartoon movies for their kids and alot of them are blockbuster movies there, steering away from Disney. I noticed the messages are very old fashioned conservative values like family, righteousness, hardwork, perseverance, strength through adversity, goodness, being a real man.. wow... they're so bigoted right?:P
Take in mind it's almost always a parent + child. So probably a good third of those already abyssmal attendence numbers are parents.
Plus Disney did a bunch of promotes (free/paid for) tickets to drive people into theater opening weekend (e.g. give out one free ticket since you know they'll bring one or more kids).
So glad I bought all the originals when they were released one last time before “Disgusting” sealed them back into their vault and not letting anyone know if or when they would be released again. I was happy sitting with my grandkids when they 6 and under, which was YEARS ago watching them. They really enjoyed them and sang the songs for days. When are those great days coming back?😢
Wasn't that long ago when I heard on a radio show, an open mic from some disney hr / c suite suit that was bragging about not hiring white men. Shit company and looking forward to it's continued implosion. Wondering why there has not been stock holders revolts - lawsuits. They have decimated the value of this company.
You want to know the really crazy thing? Their board just voted against removing the DEI practices from all Disney. They are literally doubling down on it.
That's the way of liberals. They want to see themselves as Brave Heroes, righteously "standing up" againt Hate and Racism.
What you're missing is that the left/marxists/communists/fascists or whatever you want to label them.... they purpose like to undermind and destroy the pilars of our great society.
MEDIA ---> Disney: once made the pinalce of story telling. Countless families and children brought up on their creative endeavors.
EDU ---> Grade school through HigherED: Fill it with propaganda, have trannies for story hour, make it impossible to get into a good school, let alone pay for it, and then your degree doesn't help you get work.
FAMILY ---> you get it. the list goes on.
They are taking down one of the biggest pillars of America. It's not about shareholders, money, or DEI practices. This is a subersive group that took power in Disney (+ all of society) and have pressed the self implode button.
Reminds me of how here in New England, my buddy's veterinarian changed the name of his soot black dog from Sambo to just Sam. They are so programed to make everything about race, it's like they need the righteous gratification.
He objected, but they refused to change their records.
Get a new vet.
Yes this is true of the authors of this whole left woke mania but there are some who just tag along. By doubling down Disney proves that they are close to the center of this movement. They know that if it goes down they go down so they have no choice. Let them go out of biz
I would add a few more to that list.
Property rights (Solving every problem with higher taxes and more government).
Wealth as well, they distain people becoming wealthy, want us all equally poor
Thought (They don't want you to think critically, just fall into the hive mind through bullying and intimidation)
Security (Defund the police, ban guns)
Government itself (Literally siphoning tax payer dollars off into their own personal shells)
Liberty- Lock down society.
They don't think anything we have is important, the will destroy it all just to satisfy their emotional whims at a current moment
Disney thinks they're 100% in charge of shaping the minds of future generations.
Alot of people don't know this but in China they're coming out with a lot of their own Animation cartoon movies for their kids and alot of them are blockbuster movies there, steering away from Disney. I noticed the messages are very old fashioned conservative values like family, righteousness, hardwork, perseverance, strength through adversity, goodness, being a real man.. wow... they're so bigoted right?:P
Board cannot vote to remove itself unlike some of Trump's picks that will actually eliminate their own job!
Direct hit. 🤣🤣
Worse than reported. Average of 191 people per theatre (4200 theatres) over the weekend if average ticket price was $20/person.
$16,000,000 / 4200 = $3810 / $20 = 191 people per theatre (3 days)
Take in mind it's almost always a parent + child. So probably a good third of those already abyssmal attendence numbers are parents.
Plus Disney did a bunch of promotes (free/paid for) tickets to drive people into theater opening weekend (e.g. give out one free ticket since you know they'll bring one or more kids).
The previews looked very creepy
They even made the bird that lands on snow white's finger black.
Did it to themselves....and they just voted AGAINST removing their DEI policies.
Disney is bound and determined to destroy itself, I guess.
So glad I bought all the originals when they were released one last time before “Disgusting” sealed them back into their vault and not letting anyone know if or when they would be released again. I was happy sitting with my grandkids when they 6 and under, which was YEARS ago watching them. They really enjoyed them and sang the songs for days. When are those great days coming back?😢
Did you get "songs of the south?"
Wasn't that long ago when I heard on a radio show, an open mic from some disney hr / c suite suit that was bragging about not hiring white men. Shit company and looking forward to it's continued implosion. Wondering why there has not been stock holders revolts - lawsuits. They have decimated the value of this company.
I don't understand how a major studio failing to produce content for our children is a win.
Somebody saw it $45 million worth in USA. Was it what they wanted or expected? Nope.