No solid evidence suggests current levels in the food supply are causing harm. Population studies, such as NHANES data, don’t link dietary phosphates from additives to widespread health crises.
That said, some argue we’re overdoing processed foods in general, and phosphates are just one piece of that puzzle. If you’re eating a ton of ultra-processed stuff, you might rack up more phosphorus than you need—natural sources like meat and dairy already provide plenty. Balance matters, but the phosphates themselves? At these doses, they’re not the villain they’re sometimes made out to be.
The problem lies not in any one chemical or food but in the aggregate from a diet that is mostly highly processed foods.
For a median income family its almost impossible to escape these foods. Two income families simply dont have the time to hunt down alternative sources and even if they can they cant afford to feed a family that way. Our grocery stores are filled with garbage. Even the produce is garbage now. The fruit you buy is tasteless with a shelf life of weeks. Thats not natural. The greens are covered in pesticides and grown with glyphosate. Its all fucking poison.
So even though this little bit of phosphorous may not kill you the aggregate will and it does. Its all part of the make you sick, keep you sick, big Ag, Big Med, Big Pharma ploy. Nobody is interested in curing disease they only treat it keeping you as a customer for life. And then when you near end of life its constant medical procedures that keep you alive long enough to suck every last penny you accumulated leaving nothing for your kids.
Something many even here may not know, is that the American middle class is the largest depository of wealth in the world. Ive seen numbers near 50 TRILLION dollars. They want it and this is one way they take it.
Thankfully they read the maha in the room a while back, lots of cereals now have no BHT and many are using organic grains (which means no glyphosate)
Mind you, I am not entirely sure glyphosate makes it to our systems after all the time elapsed. In vitro glyphosate half life is 10 hours. Most grains get a pre rinse before being processed. In the case of vegetables and fruits you should be washing at home. Maybe trace amounts but not enough to actually cause damage
I started making my own cereal some months back, but even doing that and other recipes you still have to watch out. Homemade ranch dressing is great, but even that needs mayonnaise and even there the phrases "soybean oil", high fructose corn syrup", and "natural flavor" pop up.
Also watch for "two component" trickery. We all know the fluoride in toothpaste crosses into borderline neurotoxin range based on recommended amount, but when somewhere else they're constantly telling you to "drink more [fluoridated] water", that's likely to put you into the toxic range daily. (Now you know why they push large soft drink sizes for the same price!).
And that's without diving into genetically engineered corn, soybeans and other crops themselves.
(GAW should market this post as a quick weight loss program. You won't want to eat ANYTHING!)
Yeah, I saw that. It probably gets down to the 14 servers DOGE found just adding digits to bank accounts (that tell farmers it's in their best financial interests to plant GM soybeans!).
Maybe someone needs to point out to the servers that manila rope costs $.90/ft, so they get ambitious about not adding digits out of nowhere to bank accounts?
Im almost certain thats not the only deadly ingredient in any manufactured food. I cant even trust anything to eat anymore its all harmful. Organic ? well it says organic, but whats it grown in, what chemicals is it treated with ?
Beyond that, I just ate some donuts with what had to be red dye icing because I was starving. kek eeek reeee
I eat organic eggs or oatbran. But in growing up we certainly ate those cereals! And what’s the impact on all of us? Actually we see the impact of their toxic food with 40% of Americans are overweight (obese and diabetic) which was rare in the 70s and common today. The DS corrupted so many areas of our lives that we needed a major plan to escape. Still stuns me what they’ve done!
I’m with you. What continues to blow me away is just how awkward it is to actually eat healthy around people. Why does someone mock a person for walking around eating a raw zucchini, but find it totally ok for someone to walk around eating a donut? Don’t even get me started on alcohol. The list of socially and culturally acceptable practices in the food and beverage industry is way out of hand!
As a parent, not allowed in our house, never was. Want something sweet? French Toast or Pancakes, oatmeal with maple syrup and butter. Sausage patty with egg and cheese sandwich. My sister visits "where's the cereal" I point her to the oatmeal, its whole rolled oats, she puts it in a bowl with water -"where's the micro wave", I smile, "I don't have one". She settles for toast. "Where's the margirine"? It's endless with some people. And she's older than me, and I am old. I remember when processed foods hit the market. In the 50's, it was limited to corn flakes, wheaties, special K, shredded wheat. A lot of the housewives jumped on those processed foods like nobodies business. My Dad and I went down to Florida together while Mom stayed with my sister after she had her first baby, it was Easter break, drove from Long Island to Florida. It was the first time I had real breakfasts when we got into the South, and stopped at restaurants. Suddenly his daughter had an appetite, (I was a skinny kid who did not eat much, had vitamins due to anemia from age 6), we were not poor, I just had a body that craved nutrition. They started adding the sugar and then it jumps to childhood obesity. Hash browns were a revelation to me, I was all of 11 years old. You can keep the grits though.
Cereal is highly processed junk food filled with ingredients that are doing your body no good. I have eliminated it. I eat organic rolled oats occasionally. My breakfasts are minimally processed items and fruit, vegetables, eggs and nuts. I need to correct for a lifetime of ignorant food choices. Dr. Mark Hyman has a ton of helpful info on this.
Your body is correct. I heard a podcast where they used grains and “non fat” milk to fatten up cows. Sounds like breakfast cereal to me except ours adds in lots of sugar and stuff like the video shows.
The last cereal I ate before I stopped breakfast cereal altogether, was Grape Nuts. There was only 4 or 5 ingredients and no added sugars. Now, occasionally(2-3 times/year), I might have a bowl of oatmeal, or a helping of grits.
But yeah, I used to love a big bowl of corn flakes, or raisin bran in the morning. Once I got to a certain age, I didn't care much for the sugary stuff - at least the overtly sugar laden stuff, like frosted flakes, or fruit loops.
Sorry, but anyone with a basic knowledge of chemistry sees through this
Sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride are both toxic, caustic, dangerous chemicals.....
In the right concentrations they are just baking soda and table salt
Phosphorus occurs naturally in eggs, proteins, etc. We only absorb about 40% of what is ingested.
70mg per kg of bodyweight is what fda considers "gras" for Na3p
You are not eating that in a full portion of cereal, not even in a day
Here is a table of phosphorus in cereals.
Most cereals this day have gotten rid of BHT so outside of some with excess sugar, most cereals are fine
We are frogs, do your research and keep that Q hat on at all times
Thanks. I stopped due to the sugar. I just know sugar wasn't good for me.
Sugar feeds cancer, or so I have been told.
Yes. I have been told that also.
Yes. That is why if you have cancer you should go keto/carnivore.
There are organic versions of CTCrunch as well, but yes the sugar is still inherently toxic.
Better than this video, just don’t eat anything from General Mills or Post.
They’re so good at buying up independents, though.. it IS hard not to, anymore.
I just buy rolled oats and make my own.
Go to a feed store ---- get a 50 lb bag of "groats" (rolled oats) animal feed.
Oatmeal for a year or two ----- better tasting than "oatmeal" from the grocery store, usually fresher.
The trick is to keep the bugs away ---- freezer or CO2 gassing with a sealed bucket and dry ice
Oh yes. I didn't know you can buy it from feed store but I do make my own cereal with rolled oats.
Everything in moderation.
I make my own cereal whenever I am ready to travel. It's easy to do.
yeah this is just a step up from the whole “dihydrogen monoxide” joke
My dad always likes to joke that too much dihydrogen oxide can be fatal...
The problem lies not in any one chemical or food but in the aggregate from a diet that is mostly highly processed foods.
For a median income family its almost impossible to escape these foods. Two income families simply dont have the time to hunt down alternative sources and even if they can they cant afford to feed a family that way. Our grocery stores are filled with garbage. Even the produce is garbage now. The fruit you buy is tasteless with a shelf life of weeks. Thats not natural. The greens are covered in pesticides and grown with glyphosate. Its all fucking poison.
So even though this little bit of phosphorous may not kill you the aggregate will and it does. Its all part of the make you sick, keep you sick, big Ag, Big Med, Big Pharma ploy. Nobody is interested in curing disease they only treat it keeping you as a customer for life. And then when you near end of life its constant medical procedures that keep you alive long enough to suck every last penny you accumulated leaving nothing for your kids.
Something many even here may not know, is that the American middle class is the largest depository of wealth in the world. Ive seen numbers near 50 TRILLION dollars. They want it and this is one way they take it.
There's glyphosate in a lot of kids cereals as well. I stopped eating cereals by Post and General Mills eons ago because of this.
Thankfully they read the maha in the room a while back, lots of cereals now have no BHT and many are using organic grains (which means no glyphosate)
Mind you, I am not entirely sure glyphosate makes it to our systems after all the time elapsed. In vitro glyphosate half life is 10 hours. Most grains get a pre rinse before being processed. In the case of vegetables and fruits you should be washing at home. Maybe trace amounts but not enough to actually cause damage
I started making my own cereal some months back, but even doing that and other recipes you still have to watch out. Homemade ranch dressing is great, but even that needs mayonnaise and even there the phrases "soybean oil", high fructose corn syrup", and "natural flavor" pop up. Also watch for "two component" trickery. We all know the fluoride in toothpaste crosses into borderline neurotoxin range based on recommended amount, but when somewhere else they're constantly telling you to "drink more [fluoridated] water", that's likely to put you into the toxic range daily. (Now you know why they push large soft drink sizes for the same price!).
And that's without diving into genetically engineered corn, soybeans and other crops themselves.
(GAW should market this post as a quick weight loss program. You won't want to eat ANYTHING!)
I had a post about “vegetable oil” a few weeks back. It’s not just one of them… they’re ALL just soybean oil.
Yeah, I saw that. It probably gets down to the 14 servers DOGE found just adding digits to bank accounts (that tell farmers it's in their best financial interests to plant GM soybeans!).
Maybe someone needs to point out to the servers that manila rope costs $.90/ft, so they get ambitious about not adding digits out of nowhere to bank accounts?
I just knew there's something wrong.
Im almost certain thats not the only deadly ingredient in any manufactured food. I cant even trust anything to eat anymore its all harmful. Organic ? well it says organic, but whats it grown in, what chemicals is it treated with ?
Beyond that, I just ate some donuts with what had to be red dye icing because I was starving. kek eeek reeee
That's the hard thing unless you grow everything.
😱 OMG! How? I guess the bigger question is not how do they get away with it, or why but how do we survive at all?!! Unbelievable!
I kind of knew they were not doing the right thing when I was in my 20. I quit using cereal. I used to eat lots of cereal b4 going to work.
If you need to make cereal, ask me. It's easy.
I eat organic eggs or oatbran. But in growing up we certainly ate those cereals! And what’s the impact on all of us? Actually we see the impact of their toxic food with 40% of Americans are overweight (obese and diabetic) which was rare in the 70s and common today. The DS corrupted so many areas of our lives that we needed a major plan to escape. Still stuns me what they’ve done!
Just the fact that you need to put "organic" before "eggs" is rough.
Can we stick with "chicken eggs" and it's clear enough? 🥴
It does not surprised me any more.
I’m with you. What continues to blow me away is just how awkward it is to actually eat healthy around people. Why does someone mock a person for walking around eating a raw zucchini, but find it totally ok for someone to walk around eating a donut? Don’t even get me started on alcohol. The list of socially and culturally acceptable practices in the food and beverage industry is way out of hand!
As a parent, not allowed in our house, never was. Want something sweet? French Toast or Pancakes, oatmeal with maple syrup and butter. Sausage patty with egg and cheese sandwich. My sister visits "where's the cereal" I point her to the oatmeal, its whole rolled oats, she puts it in a bowl with water -"where's the micro wave", I smile, "I don't have one". She settles for toast. "Where's the margirine"? It's endless with some people. And she's older than me, and I am old. I remember when processed foods hit the market. In the 50's, it was limited to corn flakes, wheaties, special K, shredded wheat. A lot of the housewives jumped on those processed foods like nobodies business. My Dad and I went down to Florida together while Mom stayed with my sister after she had her first baby, it was Easter break, drove from Long Island to Florida. It was the first time I had real breakfasts when we got into the South, and stopped at restaurants. Suddenly his daughter had an appetite, (I was a skinny kid who did not eat much, had vitamins due to anemia from age 6), we were not poor, I just had a body that craved nutrition. They started adding the sugar and then it jumps to childhood obesity. Hash browns were a revelation to me, I was all of 11 years old. You can keep the grits though.
Cereal is highly processed junk food filled with ingredients that are doing your body no good. I have eliminated it. I eat organic rolled oats occasionally. My breakfasts are minimally processed items and fruit, vegetables, eggs and nuts. I need to correct for a lifetime of ignorant food choices. Dr. Mark Hyman has a ton of helpful info on this.
Edit to add link to a better breakfast plan. Stay healthy, stay in the fight.
I eliminated it after 2000 for a reason. Substitute it with instant noodle (not much better) but at least no sugar.
I knew or I should say, my body knew, something was wrong with cereal.
Your body is correct. I heard a podcast where they used grains and “non fat” milk to fatten up cows. Sounds like breakfast cereal to me except ours adds in lots of sugar and stuff like the video shows.
God created us and if we only listen. There's also a warning system in us especially if you are in Christ. It's called the holy spirit.
Listen and you cannot go wrong.
Yes, I do a high protein low calorie breakfast. I don't eat anything that comes in a box.
Health issues to one side, who the hell can even afford ceral these days? Not to mention the catbs, which are astronomical!
Some of us I am sure still can, but it's a stupid idea to buy them.
Don't eat g_yslop.
I won't. I make my own cereal.
"I just cleaned my floors with acetic acid, why would you put it on your salad?! That's floor cleaner!"
That's why I don't buy them.
The last cereal I ate before I stopped breakfast cereal altogether, was Grape Nuts. There was only 4 or 5 ingredients and no added sugars. Now, occasionally(2-3 times/year), I might have a bowl of oatmeal, or a helping of grits.
But yeah, I used to love a big bowl of corn flakes, or raisin bran in the morning. Once I got to a certain age, I didn't care much for the sugary stuff - at least the overtly sugar laden stuff, like frosted flakes, or fruit loops.