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Sources have been listed in the past on GAW for purchasing meds without a prescriptionto treat COVID . Then several weeks later, several sources were being confiscated enroute and meds were not being received by the customer.

I'm currently taking horse paste for "long COVID" symptoms, but I would like to order the pills online instead of haunting my local feed store. Can any frens point me to an online source that has not been compromised and meds are still getting through the mail? I'm not interested in consultation with a doctor; just in getting the meds.

Thanks in advance - I sincerely appreciate it!

Ivermectin: Peer Reviewed Study (resistthemainstream.org)
posted ago by Oblakhan ago by Oblakhan
NIH gives Ivermectin another go… (www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov)
posted ago by penisse ago by penisse

Can any of you frens suggest the best way to help my horse? Original occurrence was treated with the usual chemo-radiation options... but with new research about ivermectin and fenbendazole, I would like to treat her with something like this. If Ivermectin, I think the usual prophylactic dose would be according to body weight for several days, then once a week. No clue what a therapeutic treatment program might be.

Can I have some help here? Maybe just links to sources I can go to? I really care a lot about this particular horse.

Ivermectin the Truth (rumble.com) 🍏 Mmmm! Apples! 🍏
posted ago by Oblakhan ago by Oblakhan
Vindicated- NIH lists Ivermectin as Antiviral treatment for COVID-19. (www.covid19treatmentguidelines.nih.gov) 🍏 Mmmm! Apples! 🍏
posted ago by WuTangFlu2020 ago by WuTangFlu2020
Ivermectin: The Truth Via uk9994@GAW (rumble.com) 🍏 Mmmm! Apples! 🍏
posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog

One of you made several posts about your mom having cancer and taking ivermectin... and then no word. Just wondering and hoping she is better.

Now I have a fren who's cancer has returned (bladder tumor and lung spot) and I'm trying to figure out which research to give her...


I have stumbled across a reasonable quantity of Ivermectin and HCQ. Wanting to know if anyone has any resource on how I should dose. I don’t have any diagnosed condition or parasite, but want to get any nasty stuff lingering in my body out. I would imagine when using HCQ, zinc and vitamin C will be necessary which I also have. Sourced material preferred, still looking myself also. Thanks!


These people are sick


My horse was wandering in the Ozark wilderness last weekend and got a bad case of poison ivy. The rash did not subside with standard OTC treatment options including cortizone and Ivarest. The mare refused to go to Urgent Care as she does not do well with corticosteroids and she did not feel like paying the copay. After several days of increased blistering and crabbiness, I urged her yesterday to self-medicate with Bimectin 1.87%, which she had forgotten was in her medicine cabinet. Because she had good experience with Ivermectin for other odd ailments, she figured she would give the paste a chance as an ointment. Within an hour of applying the flowery-scented paste, the horse noticed that the rash had begun to reverse and that the blisters were no longer bubbling. It appeared that all sites of poison ivy were in the stages of healing and before retiring to her stall for the night, she applied another layer of paste. She awoke this morning to find her wounds scabbed-over, all of the new blisters she had yesterday morning were no longer bumps, but tiny fading spots -- even the itching was gone. She was so happy she had an extra cup of coffee and made an egg sandwich. Needless to say, my horse was pleasantly surprised to find an unconventional use for Bimectin 1.87%. That is all.

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