Volume is at 23 million right now, pre-market! For comparison, on May 1, it was 2.66 million and $11/share.

Roaring Kitty woke up on Sunday and Andrew Tate urged everyone to buy after buying $1 million worth of shares himself - to help take down the Matrix. Game on!


They also halted trading 9 times so far


Love seeing this


I just noticed that when Flynn says something things happen. His actual words are of course decoys to throw the swamp off as the white hats make their actions. In the case of todays (& I believe the next few weeks of ) market move(s), Now, remember that Q says we have the gold. This means White hats can move the markets when they need to & will, at the right time. Not for any monetary gain but to win this war. If short sellers (& their brokers) go belly up they will take a lot of the swamps gunpowder with them. It's getting to be that time to knock out the enemy's artillery..

A few years back Trump points to Flynn saying it won't be long now, then Flynn tags Musk, Carlson & others in a tweet & not long after that the twitter files begin. Yesterday Flynn tweets this: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1k9hHJV/general-flynn-breaks-down-what-h/ It seems to be a black pill but what I see is that:

A) by tweeting this:

  1. WHO declaration of a health emergency (EOM May).

he spoils the black hat's plan of a new pandemic in a few weeks. Sure they can still try but if they do, they give validity to one of the last people they want to give validity to: General Flynn.

B) in the guise of seeming defenseless, I believe he, at the same time, gave the signal to start the MOASS. A few weeks ago Nunes rallied the swamp to do the right thing about naked shorts. They, of course, laughed in his face but the thing is. That's how white hats operate. First give the enemy the chance to right their wrongs. If they don't, then proceed to use their own wrongs against them. In this case, it is the naked shorts. If they would have done the right thing it would have hurt them but not as badly as it will now. I am guessing that there will not only be hedge funds but also brokerage houses going out. It could even break the whole financial system.

I think this is the time, six months minus a day or 2 before the election & a couple of weeks before the black hats were planning their newest pandemic op. After all that waiting, I do think now is the time. This is the way I see it, at least. Let's see how the next few days & weeks go....


Just bought 25 more shares.

Going to the moon by May 17th?



Statement in Opposition to the Stockholder Proposal

GameStop does not set specific minimum qualifications for nominees for director and does not have a policy regarding the consideration of diversity for such nominees. We do not believe diversity, whether of gender, race/ethnicity or any other criteria, is a meaningful basis by which to identify and assess the qualifications of director nominees nor do we seek director nominees purely for the sake of diversity. Instead, we seek nominees for director who possess business acumen, high integrity, an ownership mentality, and a deep genuine interest in GameStop. Our Board is composed of individuals who exhibit these traits.



Superstonk thread discussing this:


More info on the shadiness surrounding this "proposal 4":



$9.99 for a brief moment today. I'm still diamond hands and HODL. If you've been waiting to buy the dip, now might be a good time. DRS!! I buy direct from Computershare for that reason..


Just daydreaming a bit here, but since Ryan of GME can now use company cash to buy securities: I wonder what would happen if he put GME’s 1bn cash into $DJT? Like I said, just a random thought....


I will try and keep this complicated theory simple as there is a long story here. For more detail on why I am putting this together (See: https://x.com/edwinbarnesc/status/1758692402016199106?s=20)

Edwin Barnes previously outlined how Trump was secretly working with companies tied to BBBY and could be part of the MOASS.

I am building on this with his particularly interesting moves with DWAC & TMTG.
TMTG up until about 5 weeks ago was going to list on the Nasdaq as TMTG - But all of a sudden they decided to change their ticker to DJT.
For those who didnt know, DJT was previously the ticker for Donald Trumps Hotel & Casino that went bankrupt. To understand this fully you should watch this youtube video about fail to deliver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0WXg5T3cBE

Failure to deliver is how market makers and corrupt wallstreet go after a company by creating synthetic shares, which they dont own. They flood the market with fake shares and when the company finally goes bankrupt they never have to reconcile the fake shares and get to keep all the profits they made by selling what they didnt own. You as a purchaser of those fake shares lose everything but the operators keep the money and up until DJT lists they have gotten away with it. The ticker DJT was one they probably never expected to come back alive.

So what happens when that ticker becomes active again? Yep, those brokers who participated in the generation of the fake shares are back on the hook as they never reconciled and covered their failure to deliver of the shares. The ledger is back and shows them owing on an asset that they havent delivered.


This may well be the start of the MOASS and may show all of these clowns on wallstreet who have participated in the flooding of fake synthetic shares that they are doomed in the long run. If tickers such as BBBY do the same BOOM they are so beyond blown up.


One of the main players is a Mayor Eric Adams appointee (Bryan Berge). Im sure their are plenty of other swamp connections.

NYC Comptroller and Pension Funds Ask GameStop to Disclose Board Demographics

New York City Comptroller Brad Lander and three of New York City’s public pension funds filed a series of shareholder proposals at gaming retail giant GameStop and energy company NextEra requesting board members disclose their self-identified race, gender, and relevant skills and attributes in a matrix format. Investors will have the opportunity to vote at each company’s annual general meeting in the next few weeks.

“When it comes to protecting shareholder interests and upholding the principles of transparent and accountable corporate governance, empowering shareholders with detailed insights into the skills, experience, and diversity of board nominees becomes paramount for sustained long-term value.” said Comptroller Brad Lander. “This underscores the broader need for transparency and genuine commitment to diversity and inclusion, ensuring a pathway to long-term shareholder value through authentic representation and equity in corporate leadership.”

These proposals are part of the Comptroller’s Office’s Boardroom Accountability Project 2.0—an initiative that began in September 2017 with the aim of setting a new standard for transparency, diversity, and inclusion on corporate boards. The project involves filing board diversity proposals at companies, engaging with the Pension Funds’ portfolio companies, and advocating for best practices in corporate governance.

Superstonk article uncovering more connections:

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander + BlackRock targeting GameStop board seats w/ a shareholder proposal under guise of diversity/inclusion


Dumb Money - GME - DJT - DWAC 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by QDay ago by QDay

If you havent seen the movie about game stop called "Dumb Money" please watch it.

The movie is a reflection on what took place during the gamestop short squeeze. In a nutshell you had Citadel who managed the order flow for RobinHood and other brokers collude with wall street hedge funds to screw over retail. The hedge funds and citadel were losing billions on their short positions in an attempt to bankrupt Game Stop.

Retailers, led by an anon who goes by Roaring Kitty noticed the large short position on GME and started to squeeze wall street. It led to a massive move in GME which was thought to be the squeeze that would end the short and wall street.

Unfortunately the brokers at the direction of Citadel disabled retail from being allowed to open new positions on GME, killing the squeeze.

Congress even investigated the events and found no wrong doing.

Now fast forward to now. Donald Trump is going to be winning back the office. He also will have a publicly traded company after his initials - $DJT on the nasdaq for Trump Media and Technology company.

Retailers who know absolutely nothing about the stock market but love Trump, will buy this stock in a frenzy just because its tied to the greatest president of our time.

I imagine a lot of shorts who have TDS will be shorting it as well, but we know our movement is greater and those shorts will be trapped. Wall street will see this as another opportunity to steal from retail and short it as well.

End result, we will see another GME with DJT stock. It will be more powerful then GME and do you really think Trump will be siding with wall street who was shorting his company? Dont think so.

Retribution is coming. We will see the real MOASS and it will take out wall street and citadel from the game they have been controlling.

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