The bill still has to win final approval from the Senate, but that is also Republican-controlled and so far its GOP lawmakers have shown they believe in the state’s Live Free or Die motto when it comes to treatment choices about COVID-19.

Similar bills are pending legislative approval in Oklahoma, Missouri, Indiana, Arizona, and Alaska



Good Ivermectin data being manipulated or ignored by Media and Universities

Ivermectin review by pro vaccine Dr John Campbell 220,000 patients over 6 months in 2020 shows when adjusted for residual variables, reduction in mortality or hospitalization rate was about 70%

Description Ivermectin in Africa and Brazil

Mar 14 2022 Ivermectin Prophylaxis Used for COVID-19: A Citywide, Prospective, Observational Study of 223,128 Subjects Using Propensity Score Matching (Brazil)



Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of action, coronavirus infection and COVID-19-related comorbidities.

Prophylaxis combined with the known safety profile of ivermectin

Study to evaluate the impact of regular ivermectin use on subsequent COVID-19 infection and mortality rates.

Prospective, July 2020 and December 2020

Inviting the entire population of Itajaí to a medical visit to enroll in the program,

ivermectin was offered as an optional treatment to be taken for two consecutive days every 15 days at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day.

Study analysis consisted of comparing ivermectin users with non-users using cohorts


223,128 citizens of Itajaí considered

159,561 included in the analysis

113,845 (71.3%) regular ivermectin users

45,716 (23.3%) non-users

Of these

4,311 ivermectin users were infected, (3.7% infection rate)

3,034 non-users (6.6% infection rate)

A 44% reduction in COVID-19 infection rate

Risk ratio (RR), 0.56

The regular use of ivermectin led to a 68% reduction in COVID-19 mortality


25 (0.8%) deaths in the ivermectin group

79 (2.6%) among ivermectin non-users

RR, 0.32

p less than 0.0001

When adjusted for residual variables, reduction in mortality rate was 70%

There was a 56% reduction in hospitalization rate

44 in the ivermectin group

99 in non ivermectin users

After adjustment for residual variables, reduction in hospitalization rate was 67%

p less than 0.0001


In this large study, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates.



The results below in a small test show that about 3x more died in the non ivermectin group than with those taking ivermectin plus ivermectin had a range of other favorable outcomes in other serious Covid outcomes - yet the result is headlined ivermectin shows no benefit and no reporting of big patient study of 220,000 people in one city showing 70% reduction in mortality.

The study found that 52 of 241 patients in the ivermectin group and 43 of 249 patients in the control group progressed to severe illness.

Among the other findings: — 4 patients in the ivermectin group vs. 10 patients in the control group needed a ventilator; — 6 patients in the ivermectin group vs. 8 in the control group needed intensive care; — 3 patients in the ivermectin group vs. 10 in the control group died



Will it cure bronchitis?


Eight weeks after recovering from The Delta Variant, two different autoimmune diseases that rear their ugly heads very infrequently in my life came roaring back. This is caused by spike proteins from the virus and is a very common phenomenon right now. People sometimes have a resurgence of an autoimmune after Covid, and sometimes even new ones.

Also, I had some left over problems from Covid—phlegm, fatigue, brain fog, shortness of breath.

I’m taking Ivermectin daily and seeing amazing improvement. The Long Covid effect has almost completely cleared up and the two autoimmunes are much improved.

So much of autoimmune disease is caused by inflammation and Ivermectin Helps dampen inflammation.

It’s an incredible drug. No one has to suffer.


Thanking and praising God everyday!


Hey all!

Just a quick question, but I have a family member who would stand to benefit from Ivermectin, but their only concern is they have high blood pressure at the moment. Is there any danger to using Ivermectin if one has high blood pressure?

I understand that responses to this topic do not constitute medical advice, etc. I just want to know. From what I've seen Ivermectin's been great with no side effects (other than sometimes diarrhea and in my case ringing ears for a hour)



The drugs that currently treat multiple sclerosis cost $1,0000-$2,000 a month. Some even more.

I think it’s really telling that ivermectin was being used to study the treatment of all sorts of diseases before Covid. Researchers saw evidence that Ivermectin cut down inflammation in the body and also helped to repair myelin damage in MS.

If I had MS, I’d be headed to Mexico on the next plane to buy it. It’s inexpensive and pretty tolerable compared to the chemo-type drugs they give to MS patients today.


In case you were wondering the real reason why they're terrified of the world finding out what Ivermectin is truly capable of…

Ivermectin, a potential anticancer drug derived from an antiparasitic …


› pmc › articles › PMC7505114

Ivermectin has New Application in Inhibiting Colorectal Cancer …


› 34483925

Anti-parasite drug ivermectin can suppress ovarian cancer by …


› 32549918

Panacea “Wonder Drug” Ivermectin Has Anti-Cancer, Anti-Covid, …


› home › health › panacea “wonder drug” ivermectin has anti-cancer, anti-covid, anti-ms, anti-hiv and many more…

Antitumor effects of ivermectin at clinically feasible concentrations …


› 32474842

Ivermectin as an inhibitor of cancer stem‑like cells - PubMed


› 29257278



I need all the peer reviewed studies that show that Ivermectin has been effective. I've seen you guys drop like 50 links to different studies at a time. That would be really helpful right now. Hydroxychloroquine too. If my wife wants data, I'll give her data. But I need your help.

*Edit - here is a link to the study she sent me that she thinks is now definitive proof it doesn't work. What do you spot wrong with this study? Thanks in advance. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04920942

**Edit - Thanks to everyone. Great stuff. Such a great community.


Dr. Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and CEO of EbMCsquared CiC, an independent, not for profit, health-focused think tank based in the United Kingdom. She is also the founder of the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development initiative (now called BiRD International) and a co-founder of World Council for Health.

Dr. Andrew Hill, MD, is a senior visiting Research Fellow in the Pharmacology Department at Liverpool University. His main research is on antiretroviral treatment for developing countries. He is an advisor to the Clinton Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, designing clinical trial programs of dose optimization for antiretrovirals.

In October 2020 Dr Andrew Hill was tasked to report to the World Health Organization on the dozens of new studies from around the world suggesting that Ivermectin could be a remarkably safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. Dr Lawrie tried to work with Dr. Hill on an analysis of known data on IVM.

Dr. Lawrie was anxious to see IVM become available globally in order to save lives. Initially it seemed that Dr. Hill was as well. The data was all there.

Watch the video and see how Dr. Hill "defends" his actions, which negated the use of Ivermectin.


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