I live in Japan. You'd think I could just find ivermectin at candy stores or whatever, but I really do not know where to begin looking for it---at least not without some prescription. The home center sells antiparasitics for pets, but the selection is very limited. I found something called piperazine. I did a bit of research.

https://applbiolchem.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s13765-021-00651-0#Sec12 "can act as an anticancer chemotherapeutic by stimulating the intrinsic mitochondrial signaling pathway to induce cytotoxicity and apoptosis in cancer cells."

https://peerj.com/articles/1588/ "displayed a strong suppressive effect on liver cancer cells"

I'm finding a bunch of articles on Yandex, but I am not highly scientifically-minded when it comes to so many various medical terms. If you wanna read something hilarious that came up with my search on piperazine, check this babblespam. It's so funny.


KEK! Reminds me of those bizarre spam email from the early 2000's.

So... erectile dysfunction? I think piperazine enhances nitric oxide, and so does L-Arginine. I take L-Arginine for health and exercise potential. Apparently it plays a part in immunity, anti-fungal, etc.


First lets define SV 40, Simian Virus 40 is a monkey virus that can cause cancers in animals. Monkey kidney cells were used to culture vaccines. The Simian virus was later isolated and administered to lab rats and it caused 60% to develop cancer.


SV40 DNA was considered a laboratory contaminant. SV 40 wasn't intenyionally inserted in the polio vaccines; it was an unfortunate byproduct that was found afterwards. They tried to neutralize the Simian Virus by putting formaldehyde in the vaccines. That didn't work, the Simina Virus was still present.

Is it really a good idea to add a second harmful ingredient to attempt to eliminate an original harmful ingredient? Can you see how the vaccine industry grew into a bioweapon used against humanity?

(This article was produced in 2004.)

Emergent Human Pathogen Simian Virus 40 and Its Role in Cancer

The polyomavirus simian virus 40 (SV40) is a known oncogenic DNA virus which induces primary brain and bone cancers, malignant mesothelioma, and lymphomas in laboratory animals. Persuasive evidence now indicates that SV40 is causing infections in humans today and represents an emerging pathogen.


Health Canada Confirms an Undisclosed Presence of DNA Sequence in Pfizer Shot

That would be the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) DNA sequence that they are talking about.


This article claims that regulatory agencies knew the SV 40 was in the covid vaccines but basically said, "It's not going to hurt you, go ahead and take it.

Contrary to viral claim, regulatory agencies knew of residual DNA in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines; no evidence this poses health concern


I saw other articles claiming the SV 40 DNA in the covid vaccines was a promoter, it attacked the cancer killer genes of our immune system.

There are some people here who have suggested that cancers are caused by viruses, well, this is all the proof you need. The Simian Virus from monkeys does cause cancer.

Ivermectin is a medicine that kills parasites.

Ivermectin: an award-winning drug with expected antiviral activity against COVID-19


Trump told us to use hydroxychloroquine back during the pandemic, it is an anti-parasitic drug.

Ivermectin and Fenbendazole are also antiparasitic / antiviral agents.

SV 40 is a virus, guess what, if you have any SV 40 hibernating in your body, waiting to cause cancer in the near future, a round of Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on a yearly basis (perhaps couple times per year) could prevent future cancers.

It is just a wild guess, I'm not a doctor, but it could be a good prophylactic measure to keep yourself healthy, especially if you were the unlucky recipient of a covid jab.


My mom has terminal pancreatic cancer and the oncologist has stopped treatment and recommended hospice. They're giving her just weeks to live.

I just bought the ivermectin horse paste. I know its a long shot. Hail Mary at this point.

I know many here have experience. Please help. How much should i dose her with? Will there be any negative side effects?

posted ago by QDay ago by QDay

One of my co workers whose vaxd and boosted is asking for info & articles about vax covid injuries. He prides himself on J&J and the boosters but is open to hearing about details in injuries.

Can anyone provide good links without me savagely running thru a millions posts here?


Tamoxifen is a drug that is frequently used to treat breast cancer because it efficiently prevents the effects of estrogen on cancer cells. For both early and advanced stages, this hormone therapy is essential since it lowers the chance of a cancer recurrence and increases survival rates. Tamoxifen is an essential weapon and a ray of hope in the fight against breast cancer.

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