Hey frens, I've read enough testimonies here on GAW to become convinced I need to do a parasite cleanse.

That said, I'm in Canada and our options for getting fenbendazole aren't terrific. Or maybe I'm just not in the loop. Can anyone recommend any sources?

Can anyone weigh in on the difference between fenbedazole and phenbendazole? I found a sciencey site that tells me all the sciencey differences but it didn't tell me what all that MEANT. I do see phenbendazole on amazon...

How Quickly Does Fenbendazole Work For Cancer? - Oncology Support Network (www.youtube.com) 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by Dogsoldier2 ago by Dogsoldier2

I'll preface this with a reminder of HOW TERRIFIED the dirtbags who want you to DIE from lack of this information are, and what they are DOING to Dr. Makis (and others, of course) for daring to tell you how you might safely save the lives of your family members or yourself.

Alberta Government has FROZEN my Stripe Account, @X or Twitter income, SUBSTACK income, and GiveSendGo $199,370 Legal fundraiser! They are stealing all my sources of income!


If you can do anything to get that story to Elon via X or to anyone one else who might have some pull, directly or otherwise, please consider doing so.

Now back to the headlined post:

Almost the entire post here is a set of images of an article in The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, from 2024. Dr. Makis' post about this was published in October of that year.

Targeting the Mitochondrial-Stem Cell Connection in Cancer Treatment: A Hybrid Orthomolecular Protocol

Non-Substack members may not be able to view the images of the article's pages, so I've included a direct link to the ISOM site (International Society of Orthomolecular Medicine, which publishes the aforementioned Journal) at the bottom of this post.


My Take…

This paper [the link BELOW Dr. Makis' comments here] is the FIRST peer-reviewed and Published paper in the world to propose a Cancer Treatment Protocol based on the incredible properties of IVERMECTIN, MEBENDAZOLE and FENBENDAZOLE.

This was truly a labor of love.

My thanks to lead authors Ilyes Baghli and Pierrick Martinez for their incredible inspired work, FLCCC’s Dr.Paul Marik for his extensive work on repurposed drugs and every co-author who worked hard to bring this paper to life.

I hope that this paper lays the groundwork for a brand new future for Cancer Treatment.



After learning about deworming and prescribing/sharing the notes I've compiled from GAW with friends and family who have been diagnosed with cancer in the past year, a few weeks ago, I decided to have a go at it myself.

It's a wild story and TLDR is somehow taking 444mg fenbendazole (2g Panacur) 3 days on, 4 days off for the last 3 weeks has made me feel like upbeat, positive and super productive like my brain went from chugging along on 2 cylinders to firing on all 8.

I'm unvaccinated, have had the scam virus a couple times which I naturally shrugged off (with the help of DayQuil) and have no lasting side effects. I consider myself as a mostly healthy adult with some long standing quirks which I was trying to solve with this deworming program are: 1) waking up to pee too often (2-3 times average) at night - ongoing since I was a teenager, one of my parents does the same and I thought it was normal growing up, 2) tiredness and lethargy (especially around 3-4pm and past 9pm) and 3) regular low level body pain (mostly back, butt... probably from sitting at the PC too long)

I have self-diagnosed high-functioning ADHD and perhaps some form of autism, main symptoms are not being able to sit and focus on doing anything (it's a miracle I've managed to survive in the workforce for this long) and having no filter, I speak my mind freely, to the disdain of the politically correct world. I also have proven periods of hyperfocus which come and go every few years.

I got laid off a year ago and haven't been able to find a job since. Over 500 applications, many more recruiter calls, must have interviewed at over 30 companies. Been laid off several times as a combination of bad luck (toxic woke managers), ADHD and probably my autism (I suck at office politics) so this time I decided to learn how to daytrade. That hasn't been going so well and honestly I haven't been as driven as I should have been.

I've also been trying to lose weight for the past 2 years without any progress. How is that and the layoff/daytrading related? See below.

I started my first round of deworming on Feb 7-9 and by Feb 12, I had a sudden urge out of nowhere to start fasting. I've tried intermittent fasting by skipping breakfast for the past year or so, but it was often half assed - I'd fall off and get back on every few weeks. This time, it was different - really out of nowhere, I decided I wanted to fast, and not just intermittent fast 16/8, I wanted to fast for as long as possible. I started researching fasting and on that first day, I fasted 20 full hours - the longest I've ever had in my life.

In the past 7 days, I've fasted 22-23 hours on 4 of them, 17-18 on the other days (wasn't sure if I should be fasting too hardcore when taking week 2 of Panacur Feb 14-16; I had read it should be taken "with the heaviest meal of the day". In the next few weeks, I'm planning to go on a 3 day fast and then a 7 day fast by the end of next month (Dr Pradip Jamnadas https://www.youtube.com/@pradipjamnadasmd/videos and Dr Jason Fung's book The Complete Guide to Fasting, and some other folks on GAW have sold me on this plan).

On the trading front, I think it was last Tuesday or Wednesday when after months of studying at 30% and procrastinating the other 70%, suddenly I became laser focused at studying, analyzing and have had a massive desire to get good. The mental feeling I've gotten is inline with the "hyperfocus" episodes I've gotten in the past where I didn't want to do anything all day, everyday except for the one thing I was interested in doing. I hope the feeling lasts.

Now, typically my hyperfocus comes with a "trigger" that kicks my brain into full throttle but this time, I'm unable to pinpoint what that would be. I've been living the same jobless life everyday for the past year. In fact, i would hope and pray that hyperfocus would eventually kick in, and what a coincidence (or not?) that it has after I started deworming and fasting.

I also suddenly began to "get it" across many fronts in trading, and after a long string of mostly losses, I've started getting many wins and consistency is definitely up this month compared to before.

And lastly, since Friday the 14th, I've been naturally waking up between 6-7am (my previous wake up time was usually 8am) AND my brain wakes up with maximum tilt and drive to want to go out and workout. There was a point where I WAS hyperfocused on exercise but that was years ago and I've never gotten this strong of a feeling to go get fit.

Also noteworthy that previous hyperfocus episodes (which have been a thing since I was 14 or so) were solely focused on 1 thing. This time it's 2: Trading and working out. Until this past week I never knew that I could be hyperfocused on 2 different things at the same time.

Again it's either the fenbendazole based deworming, daily long fasting or both, honestly I wish I spaced their starts further apart so I could tell which one led to all of this. But i didn't expect any of this to happen and wanted to check if this is something that's normal or even known because I sure as hell didn't read about effects like this when doing my hours of research on parasite cleansing/deowrming.


These two columns arrived in my inbox within a few hours of each other. One is an amazing bit of news about a patient at death's door being saved by a combination of Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole.

The other is about Dr. Makis' X account being hacked in yet another foul attempt by SOMEONE to prevent the truth from getting out about Ivermectin and other very safe, hightly effective, and far more affordable (than mainstream approaches) medicines.

It's hard not to see this as attempted mass-murder by a group who'd rather you or your family members die in agony after being drained of your life savings rather than get well without the terrible side- and after-effects of chemo, radiation, and surgery (some or all of which might be necessary, but not always and not always in the amounts typically prescribed).


. . . My Take…

Do you know what is probably the single most annoying question I get every day?

“Is Fenbendazole safe? My doctor told me it will damage my liver”

Let me summarize:

Stage 4 Melanoma patient with extensive liver metastases told he had 2-3 days left to live, in LIVER FAILURE, was given Ivermectin, Fenbendazole and Mebendazole.

Alive 2 months later with all metastases either shrunk or gone!


If anyone ever tells you that Fenbendazole or Mebendazole will damage the liver, show them this story!

Next, details of the hack, which may still be on-going, and the disappointing "absolute" lack of support from X.


Apparently, X support is stretched too thin to help, or . . . something. Dr. Makis is seriously annoyed. After screenshots and other info about what the hackers are doing, he gives his thoughts about that:

. . . Then they were cross-posting on the two accounts and pumping these fraudulent crypto coins while X (Twitter) Support sat around and did absolutely nothing.

My Take…

They do this for a couple of hours, then delete all the posts. Then do it all over again.

It’s been a frustrating Sunday.

Dr. John Campbell and I have been targeted, our X accounts are hacked, we don’t have access to our Twitter accounts, and X or Twitter support is nowhere to be found.

I guess they went all out on this one.

Anything to stop the information on Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, Mebendazole and Cancer getting out. This happens just a few days after our almost two hour interview on Ivermectin and Cancer!

I hesitate to say this, but I’m not impressed with X Support’s lack of response here. Seriously Elon Musk, forget Mars and Grok 3 , if you can’t even get basic security on your own website right.

And that’s as nicely as I can put it.


TL;DR: I've read preventative use fenben should be taken 3 days on, 4 days off for 10 weeks but then what? When and how often should I do subsequent cycles? Also, I'm wondering if Ivermectin is necessary to take at the same time or can I just get started on only fenben (again for preventative use)

First timer here. Finally got some fenben - no existing diseases per se though I have had various issues that have come and gone since I was a kid and hoping a parasite cleanse will fix some if not all those problems.

Here are my notes I've collected from around GAW, Florida Sharkman, Joe Tippens, various substacks... on preventative treatment (which TBH is quite lacking vs dosage and schedules for cancer or covid treatment), fact check me:

  • About 444mg or 1/2 a 1g tablet of fenbendazole
  • Taken daily after the biggest meal/high fat
  • Take for 3 days in a row, then no dosage for 4 days
  • Run it for 10 weeks (but how often to repeat the cycle?)

I've read one place that recommends Ivermectin alongside Fenben for a complete cleanse. I'm wondering if it'll be dangerous to just run Fenben since that may not get rid of all the parasites and allow the survivors to flourish. At the same time, what should dosing both look like? Can I take both Ivm and Fenben together (i.e. within seconds of each other)? Again, there just aren't a lot of resources on preventative/prophylactic usage.


You see a lot on social media and here about doctors using off label drugs like Ivermectin for COVID but not cancer. I have a dear friend who is receptive to the idea but I think he'd be more comfortable doing so under a doctor's care. Has anyone run across doctors that are actually doing this?


was wondering if any pedes have any experience with any of these Ultra Botanica supplements.

these are basically the same supplements from his original protocol but are much more expensive than buying the same at the store (curcumin, quercetin, berberine)

the claim from this link is as below:

"They have developed some patented technologies that they apply to specific classes of plant extracts and botanicals that dramatically enhance delivery of those ingredients into the bloodstream at exponential levels."


any help or incite would be greatly appreciated as always!!


Fenbendazole Story (www.tiktok.com)
posted ago by Merkava_4 ago by Merkava_4
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