11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe he lost his knees in a war, like Hank Hill’s dad.

11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

Barron could step on him, that would be awful.

11823 12 points ago +12 / -0

Talked to my Ex today, begged her not to get vaccinated. D dimer test... positive, heart enlarged, liver enlarged, thyroid failing, auto-immune disease and possible colon and breast cancer. working up a protocol right now. I'm so F-ing angry!!!! They gave her a hot one that's for sure. She got two because her family was going to cut her off, wait till I see them. I don't know if I'm going to be able to save her. Making Natto tomorrow, breaking out the NAC, Bromelain, Ivermectin, and the most important ingredient a prayer. wish me luck

11823 1 point ago +1 / -0

My thinking is it’s like the internet, they introduce it as something great “Wild West” then assert more and more control. It seems that with AI they are going full Monty right from the get go.

11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

All and all there are few famous people in this world, and they are dropping like flies. What must be happening in the general public that we are not hearing about?

11823 6 points ago +6 / -0

We all speculated this was a hit, plus the ATF is shady and corrupt. If this guy was connected politically there is no way this would have went down this way. Someone green lighted this guy.

11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

Got the book sitting next to me right now, haven't been able to dig into it yet. We should start a book club.

11823 1 point ago +1 / -0

I figured this out and posted it right after the terrorist attack in Moscow "well not the 322 part". March 7: Security Alert: "Avoid Large Gatherings over the Next 48 Hours.". Sent on 3/7 or 3x7... or, "On the 21st Avoid Large Gatherings over the Next 48hrs", it was code. I've decided after thinking about it, that "ISIS taking credit" is the CIA's way of sending a message to Russia that say's, "Yep, we did it and FU". I am almost 100% sure about it; think about it, ISIS.... really? Come on, everyone knows at this point ISIS is CIA and Obama. Saying that is as good as sending Putin a CIA post card with a middle finger on it. 322 is also the number of Skull and Bones "The Brotherhood of Death". We are officially up to 93 dead.. 666? Make's me wonder who's official numbers they are.

11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get our Maga Movement talent scouts on a plane tomorrow! Sign her before the feminists do.

11823 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why, the hell did I not think of this! This is genius! There is $24,000 in that picture alone. I mean you’ll have to listen to their BS on the way there, but for $24,000 I could listen to the “View” for an hour or two. Hell, mention Trump a few time’s and have fun really watching them go off their meds.

11823 5 points ago +5 / -0

I guess we can look at who doesn’t get banned on YouTube as a clue on who is glowing.

11823 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeh, they all started to collectively get the vax “not my son” and I hit the roof. My son made an emergency “prophet” intervention on my behalf and they stopped that stupid shit. Now it’s in the news of hundreds of “died suddenly’s” and again they are grateful I guess.

11823 1 point ago +1 / -0

I refuse to be a victim. In almost every case of failure in my life, I can point to something I failed to do or a decision I made that was wrong.

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