Shaming works. It's sometimes the only thing that works for younger peeps.
I'm sure their little feelings will get over it. And maybe they'll consider not wearing it if they experience more ridicule over it.
God, pc culture created such soft humans. Ugh.
At least we don't have to deal with the "goddamn, it feels good to be a gangster" guy in here kek
He's a fake president.
She has Caroline Ellison eyes. Woof.
Stop giving them "tax" money? There's a concept.
Anons knew. And we are not prophets. The fine line is perhaps in the belief system of the one hearing the information.
Nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, GOODBYE.
Right. Well that sure hasn't stopped the world's population of christians from doing it as well. You know that. And as it's been pointed out, even if this "god" only commanded one person to do it, it would still prove a vile hatred for humanity.
Not only that but he demands genital mutilation of baby boys. This happens all throughout the world to this day. People obey and willingly mutilate their baby's penis. Unfuckingreal.
Audits are in order. Always follow the money.
They're sitting on the catacombs aren't they?
Awesome. Let the world know.
The last time I saw a Madonna post was on voat during the lockdowns. She was in that same tub with rose petals (pedo signalling). Is this the only room she has? Is this wrinkled old hag on house arrest?
Thanks. He does sound familiar. I'll check him out.
Yes, Akhenaten. One and the same.
Yep. And with the ability to speak freely (mostly) on Twatter, the numbers are growing.
Moses sold out the people just like Abraham did. Forced monotheism and turned them into slaves. Fled with a portion of the people that would listen and twisted Hebrew into Jew, claiming to be the chosen of "god" (his overlords). They were a horrible group of people that were duplicitous with everyone they encountered, causing them to be chased out of pretty much every place thet went.
(But not all Anunnaki are the enemy of humans.)
Can you please share your knowledge on Moses? I would like to know more on the subject.
If It's coming from the FDA it's caca.
Wow, no problems with her spine. This is the best one yet. Hear here! Or hear hear. However that goes kek
Silly fraudster. Doesn'the know shady characters shouldn't take helicopter rides?
They're gonna take this too far. The people are reaching their boiling point and they know these vote traffickers have to sleep sometime.
This is what anons have to realize. We may have known this forever, but he's not talking to us. He's telling the ones who don't know.
Sometimes it's discouraging to hear the same thing over and over but every go around more folks start to pay attention and learn .
And we can all learn more, even on subjects we know well. So you bring up a very good point, handshake.
She was paying attention, not predicting. Smart lady.
Now do the "officials."