Impeachment is wayyyy too easy at this point. It's gotta be the rope, for him and the double.
I saw the flames in the title and got excited
You definitely don't have to be a politician to wear that armor. It is available to every man, woman and child on this planet. You must simply confess with your tongue and believe with your heart that Jesus IS THE SON OF GOD, that HE DIED ON THE CROSS FOR OUR SINS, and that HE WAS RESURRECTED AFTER 3 DAYS.
Was that the most super slow mo attack in history or what? It looked like he was going for the opposite side of the neck from where he was standing.
Those things are supposed to be deployed with force, not just press into your target (at least that's what someone told me). The whole thing, once again, looks fake and gay.
This sounds like our welfare system.
cancer patients and those caring for them have always typically worn mask because many of the patients have compromised immune systems.
There were a couple that refused to vax their respective countries that didn't fair too well...indirect casualties, if you will.
Why can't we give them lead painted toys and asbestos laden sheetrock insted?
This couple may need a dig. Check out their insider club (
THIS (from Tractor Supply) is what I have been giving my dogs for years. I'm not wasting my money on all the office fees just to get a scrip for the over priced stuff. 1 ml per 10 pounds of body weight mixed with food once a month. A little extra won't hurt. I give my 70 pound dog 9ml usually.
So, wait....they were actually SOUTHMEN?!?
As for me and my house, we shall remain pure blood, never tested Kekistanians!
That discomfort is rigor mortis
He only got caught because he was making it hail in the strip club.
They are going to end up getting the Sri Lanka treatment
Stealing this...thank you!
Notably, Stanford is also the university Epstein never attended but donated millions for "research"...I have no sauce for what type of research his money was used for.
Also, there is this young blood commercialization
Its just a motion thus far. When is the expected ruling? It shouldn't take but a magasecond to strike this thing down...but corruption and all...
Is this satire from him? What happened to the block chain voting system they supposedly had developed and ready to go?
Back in the day, this type of behavior was rewarded with several volleys of musket fire in your general direction. Perhaps a few blunderbuss rounds in short proximity. If you managed to survive those, a good ole tar and feathering provided a great attitudinal adjustment. Sigh....the good ole days
You see this guy? He do the Wei Wu Wei
Chinese sounds like this? (
no offense, but you don't have to be a code monkey to see this one coming
He's introducing his latest plant