Ny was tolerable in the 90s. It was amazing to see people walking to church on Sundays.
Most likely in leftist think tanks.
Dude says solid stuff. Artificial intelligence is an oxymoron.
Song sucks too.
Does that mean the cop that was on trial for shooting Ashli is not guilty after all.
That's what it has become. Marines don't want to fight all the time.
Snake Plishkin comes to mind. NYers put up with this?
They haven't been able to do it so far. All their tech is stolen from others. No one wants to be there for long. China changes the script on the few that fall for sales pitch.
Your presentation makes more sense.
Racist rants aren't my thing. I go where the Racists hang out more freedom and unfiltered info there.
Racist rants are free speech. you don't have to read them .
Bs. I use them for target practice. Echo chambers get boring after. America was founded by fighting men.
Break it down for the peoples...
100 percent. Homey don't play that mess.
How did they fall from the "depths . The Judgement has already been released against these demons.
Trump forced their hand to move early.
They are gonna be at the precipice for sure..
We won't need a decade once America gets back to building things.. The world will want our products.
Americans are not divided on this point. The landslide proves that. To place other folk over your own people is the worse type of betrayal.
Reasonable point
It won't take America a decade to recover. Fear porn . China would feel the pain if we cut off HB1..