Like this?
Get it before they ban it... lol
Show her stuff like this man. Plenty of reasons not to take it... for example:
I tried as hard to get my family not to take this stupid vaccine...
They did. Both my parents and my brother.
I pray nothing happens to them and I am really sorry for the lost of that family.
I bought most at 5k .... tried to pull a fast one around 15k and sold about half....
expecting it to keep going down...
never did.
Had to jump on it much later on...
Not playing with bitcoin anymore... JUST HODL!!!!
It's nice here... I hope we can keep him for a while longer!
Little Trump is kicking ass.
Thats what I felt as well.
since the titanic sunk!
This is all so important. We are more than they are. We need to stand together. The problem is that I don't hear any politician or anyone with a big voice said this to the public. WE HAVE THE STRENGHT to bring any corporation down. ANY.
The public just doesn't know it.
There is a few good post as to why GeorgeNews is not real. Search it here in this site.
At what point do we say that maybe this shit is going down? And there might be not enough patriots that will put their livelihoods on the line for the country? How many will just say: I was just following orders.
No, some random person from California set it up. She added 5 bucks. Some blue anon added 100 bucks and some other added 5 bucks.
I am actually surprised that it didn't reach it's goal but she probably had no marketing/viral traction. If this would have caught fire on the normies it might have reached it's goal.
I really have no hope for normies at this point.
I don't.. and neither when it takes off.
This is NOT Obama. Just some random kid that looks like him.
Look up pictures of young Obama and compare it to this kid.
This needs to be the top comment. This is not Obama. Stop spreading fake news. The quality of post around here has gone down the drain.
If you have the link post it.
We dodged a bullet thought. We could have ended up with a druggie bisexual Soros loving Democrat
Just lift heavy shit.
Lol dude. The left is so dumb they are gonna take this as real
Ok, great can we get a 2nd source for this? Jack Posobiec has let me down a couple of times.
And this changes the game completely
Well, let's just say....I speak fluent spanish... and might have a few connections in Peru.
I might be able to get a hold of that document and read it.
That is a pill that's too big to swallow for a lot of people. You gotta give them small red pills and get them used to the idea that.... shit is a lot darker than they believe. You can't just drop that bomb in someone that's not ready for it.
I woke up around 9/11 but still thought that the Republicans (McCain and Mitt) where better than Obama. Now I know they were all the same and we haven't had a choice since Trump.