208-RZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

What a fucked up world. An old black dude gets a hot young blonde.

All you ancestors just rolled in their graves V.

208-RZ 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why the fuck would someone go to a latin mass? Are you fluent in latin?

208-RZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

This meme has great potential for flipping... I'm to busy to do it, but here are my ideas.

Teacher needs rainbow hair and a nose ring.

Need pride flags on walls.

Book titles need to be CRT, DEI, LGBT+.

Witch needs to be Obama, apple needs to be rainbow striped.

208-RZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

They changed the Zeitgeist with the Dylan fiasco. It is a one way trip.

They are gonna have to rebrand it, even then, the market is different now than it was when they used decades of slick advertising to convince a nation Bud Light wasn't shitty beer.


I just realized something... Something else is a one way trip too. Poetic, really. Bud Light won't be de-transitioning from this any more than Elliot Page is gonna grow new tits.

208-RZ 29 points ago +29 / -0

He walked away alright. He took his chair with him, stuck his tongue out and laughed in our faces.

Then they fly an unknown WEF stooge over here to be crowned PM, with a Deputy PM from saudi-fucking-arabia no less, and declare the Liberal party has moved from universally hated to historically popular in a week.


208-RZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump and Putin very chummy in public, but it's escalating in the field?

Prelude to WWIII or...

A secret joint operation against the KM has gone OPERATIONAL?

208-RZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

So important I memorized it. Since I left the Catholic Church I say it in place of the rosary.

If I'm alive, the Declaration is alive.

208-RZ 9 points ago +10 / -1

Cool, take the satan statue and stick up your ass torch first.

Take the foreigners with it, y'all seem happy together. Masal-fucking-tov .

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