2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is definitely more to be revealed. Much of it will be painful. I don’t think the deaths have peaked yet because of the vaccines. I think those that will fell the pinch though will be any who cooperated and instigated the fraud and it may get a little weird be it is all said and done. You are right about the uniting but ai think you are looking to man to unite. Look instead toward a revival. God says he will take from the enemy the young he was trying to corrupt and move them back towards him through revival of faith.

2224522 2 points ago +3 / -1

This isn’t insidious, insidious is sitting at home believing that you as one person can change the climate or bury yourself in TV social media video games to the point where you never leave the house as a 30 year old man and never procreate or have a life with a woman! They OWN you!

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

You all are giving BCBS too much power and validity. The doctors believe the vax nonsense. You know why? Because they give it to their own kids and the exact same schedules. They have no idea what they charge most of the time and it is up to the staff to charge it. No doubt there are those that know exactly what they charge and are willing to risk patients and gouge insurance companies for every dime. But most are just hard working people trying to do the right thing with what they have to work with.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Earlier it was a post about ol Joe the gorilla and now black swans? They must realize we are all into the dog comms.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Poor ol Joe died of a heart attack something new gorilla comms not dog comes? Maybe?

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are going to keep it close to home. They will travel to other Amish communities to keep the tree spreading and not going straight up.

2224522 11 points ago +11 / -0

Where you find children you WILL find pedophiles. They need access to the kids in a position of trust.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are you using for your basis? The fact that they didn’t go after just him but also his family? All of them? How about the fact that he started in the military young and has the respect of his troops? He is a strong Catholic believes in rule of law? Was rapidly targeted by deep state and financially destroyed and had to go ask for help? Gen Flynn is a proud man do you think he would ask for help if he didn’t need to?

2224522 13 points ago +13 / -0

Exactly!! They were also batched for experimental purposes. One without any thing, one causing certain mild side effects and another causing serious side effects. We were the guinea pigs. Just as they did with the little girls in Africa.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you know that TRUMP NEVER signed the NDA that Stormy talks about all of the time…that Mike Cohen made her sign? There was not NDA between her and DJT but only between her and Michael Cohen, who BTW was rumored to be having an affair with her.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol it’s Trump exposing both of them. Both are weak both are trouble. We already know what Biden is now for RFK Jr. plan and follow through.

2224522 4 points ago +10 / -6

Well we know she can think for herself now pray that she can wake up to the evil she is indulging herself in. No woman lies with a woman and enters the kingdom. I pray her awareness becomes full in Jesus!

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