pretty sure its a natural development. people love to take buzzwords and overapply them...
but people that read everything on the internet do tend to be pretty awake. and not always in ways that we agree with. really, anons are just 'we the people'. we the people are awake, collectively. the ones who aren't brainwashed or corrupted, at least. that's not to say we're all right about everything, or that our society has finished developing...
those brainwashed people are effectively at war with themselves by supporting the system that keeps them enslaved. yes they are people, and yes they are anons... but i think its okay if 'anon' sometimes refers to not just the individuals, but to the collective of people fighting for, and not against, individual rights.
lol i don't need the value of links explained to me... just questioning the culture of entitlement surrounding links. there are all kinds of reasons that OP may not be able to provide one, but there's no reason that anons collectively shouldn't be able to find the source, especially a screenshot of a twitter account.
no need to trash or censor something just because every detail hasn't been delivered to you on a platter. just be grateful for what has been given, and add whatever you feel is missing.
i mean its a courtesy though, and not providing a direct link to something so easily verifiable doesn't count as making a sauceless post. whose time is being saved when one anon spends ten seconds retrieving a link instead of another anon?
democracy and demon come from the same word in p.i.e.
the word is 'deh' and means 'to divide'
so yeah, the democratic party is and always has been democratic.