Not in Atlanta yesterday.
I feel like I'm doing my part by going back on to By reposting without comment on reliable sources, not unknowns with their own agenda. I'm not interested in those that want to cause division in those that should be aware of their junk, self serving b.s. Spreading the word to those that are hungry for the truth.
I'm stunned by the amount of new followers that I'm getting every day. Always keeping in mind that some of them are likely following, just to keep an eye on the person that's spreading what they don't want the masses to have.
Hoping for the butterfly effect. It may be a small thing to do, I'm o.k. with that. Always counting on and have faith that God is using this to reach others.
Thank you for the link. Nothing like starting my day with tears of joy!
Spot on fren!
I see a man's face/head in the sand above the metal looking thing. Look to the top left area of strip in the sand. Could just be me?
You are so right TNB! I silent pray and upvote like a crazy woman.
He looked very angry to me. A righteous anger over what has been done to this great country and it's citizen's. Anger for all that has been done to him and his family. This man is ready to start eradicating the evil that has been done and satan's minions that did this to us. Lord, give him your strength and wisdom to right this monumental wrong that has been perpetrated upon your children!
It's ok fren. I've been known to do this far to often.
Yes! Praise God!
That was my first thought too, Qtoad. They are so willing to believe the lies, especially the ones they tell themselves. It's easy to go on strike over something you've never had. Start virtue signaling heifer.
Absolutely, NO MERCY!
Look at it like this YP, if there's a metal shortage, we know where to look! Thanks for the post fren.
I see that I'm not the only one struggling with attention to detail fren! My first thought too. Kek.
In Ga. too! When I couldn't find it on the local stations, I knew then that they know the maga steam roller was upon them!! Praise God!
Wiener's are very smart and make great guard dogs too. Mine alerts and tells me how many guns and how much ammo needed for any situation.
I've seen many post asking for mental health prayers for the trauma that everyone is encountering on both sides. Those that have lost loved ones and everything they own, but especially for the volunteers that are working tirelessly to rescue, repair and recover the bodies. This is something that all of us can do for them. If you've reach the age that you can no longer physically do the work, if you don't have the resources to donate, please don't feel that you have nothing to offer. We can pray for them! Our prayers can move mountains, God hears them all.
Why are they always so repugnantly ugly??
In Georgia, each station has a printer that prints your vote. You check the printed receipt before handing it in to the poll worker to be machine counted. Each voter needs to check the paper to verify that it's actually indicates your choices. If it doesn't, report it. Demand that it be corrected, then move to another station and cast your vote again. When you get a print out that matches, PLEASE TAKE A PHOTO WITH YOUR PHONE so that you have proof for later to dispute if need be.
Check your local county's voter website for location and times. Might want to go early in the day. I went yesterday around noon and couldn't find parking. Went back early this morning and was in and out in under 10 minutes.
Thank you so much for posting this. You're a blessing to many of us here.