You see the smile on my face? You put it there. I agree why is everything so complicated? In the old days the Lone Ranger just rode in, grabbed the bad guy, threw him in jail, end of story. But you appealing to the Lord,"WHY CAN'T IT BE SIMPLE" is the cherry on top of the cake, I can relate to in a way that can barely be expressed in words, I can only say I can almost see a smile on the Lord's face, because He loves simple things. After all He loves you and me.
Let me know what we think? ASKS THE MAN (Don Lemon) who STATED on CNN, "WHITE MEN ARE THE GREATEST THREAT TO AMERICA" as he sits across from Chris Cuomo (who by the way is white) and Chris Cuomo sits there SAYING NOTHING ( just blinking like a frog in a hail storm) thinking to himself, but Don you're married to a white man? And now the same Don Lemon wants to know what we think? We think fake news, mainstream media, is the real threat to America, and you Don were a large part of the gaslighting.
(Acts 10:34) "God is no respecter of a person's, and he has no favorites" (2Peter 3:9) "God is not willing that any Parish but that all come to repentance" (John 3:16) "For God so loved (THE WORLD) that he gave his only begotten Son that (WHOEVER) believes in him should not perish but have eternal life" It seems to me from these three scriptural witnesses, THAT EVERYONE'S NAME IS WRITTEN IN THE BOOK OF LIFE, since God has no favorites and he's not willing that any Parish" Jesus said "I am come that you might have life"(John 10:10) now put that together with John 3:16, "God gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish" (not be taken out of the book of Life) therefore the opposite has to be true, rejection of Christ is rejection of life, and results in the blotting out from The book of Life, God put everyone's name in the book of life because it shows his perfect will that he is not willing that any Parish but that all have life, to be blotted out of the book of life is not God's choice it is the individual's choice by the rejecting of Christ, since Christ is the life, to reject Christ is to reject life, and the book that is written in. You cannot be blotted out of the book of life, if your name was not already in there. Therefore it is clear,When someone rejects Christ they reject life, and the book that life is written in, they have blotted themselves out of the book.
Sodom and Gomorrah is blushing, where this kind of thing goes on (and everybody knows about it) and not one leader does anything about it. 13 more days, and we will see if the combination of Trump, JFK Jr, Flynn, Elon,Tucker ,Tulsa. Addresses this abomination, in a manner worthy of the approval of God. No Nation that knowingly and willingly looks the other way, where children are murdered in the womb, and sold on the streets, can ever expect the blessings of God to remain on that said Nation. Those who turn their backs on the children turn their backs on God.
President Trump said, I know it's tradition that we take jabs at each other at this event, and try to be funny, but I didn't want to do it, I didn't want to try and be funny, they convinced me, but "THERE'S NOTHING FUNNY ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING TO OUR COUNTRY" that statement alone said volumes to the people who support TRUMP, because WE'RE NOT LAUGHING either. And to those who have attacked President Trump relentlessly and are destroying the country, if they had any doubt before, they don't now! " TRUMP AIN'T PLAYING"
Yes,although we are taught in the scriptures that there are a number of things that can hinder our prayers, such as unbelief and our own words. Unforgiveness is the only one that Jesus himself (specifically) mentioned. A great example of the benefits of forgiveness is found in "Job 42:10 where this is written "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job (WHEN) he(Job) prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before" During the time of Job's great trials, his friends came against Job,with their tongues, accusing him but (NOTICE) even though his friends had done Job wrong,Job was healed (WHEN) Job (finally) prayed for them. And not a moment sooner. This Bible principle is confirmed by (1John 5:16) where God encourages us to, "Pray ye one for another that (YOU) might be healed. DO YOU SEE IT. "That (YOU) might be healed" Our (OWN) healing comes to us when we pray for others especially those that have done us wrong, even our enemies and so the opposite has to be true, our own healing is hindered by unforgiveness. OUR Physical healing has been PAID FOR IN FULL by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, HEALING BELONGS TO US, we really don't even have to ask for it, we only have to thank God for it, BECAUSE IT IS ONE OF OUR BENEFITS AS CHILDREN BELONGING TO CHRIST. See: Psalms 1031-3. But even though it belongs to us, unforgiveness can hinder it from coming to us. For example,You may own a car, and it's true it's your car and you can drive it when you want, but if the garage door is shut, you are greatly hindered from using your car. Forgiving others and praying for others makes sure the garage door is always open for access to your car, your healing.
Dear friend, (if I may) how powerful it is when we pray one for another but sometimes what I'm about to share with you is not known. In Mark 16:18 Jesus gives us (you) instructions, on what you should do concerning your son as far as healing is concerned. In (Mark 16:18), Jesus said "THOSE WHO BELIEVE, SHALL GO IN MY NAME, THEY SHALL LAY THEIR HANDS ON THE SICK, AND THEY SHALL RECOVER" Clear instructions by Jesus, FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE.. Go in faith (in his name) and lay hands (your) hands on the sick and they SHALL recover. TESTIMONY: our son-in-law, Derek who was somewhere around 22 years old,was diagnosed with leukemia, my wife and I went and visited him in the hospital with my daughter, after a time of sharing, we asked Derek if we could pray for him(Derek not a believer at the time) Derek said yes. Before we prayed, I was led to say to Derek, Derek is there anyone you're holding any grudges or have anything against, God wants you to forgive them(would you be willing to do this) Derek said yes,, I told him, think for a minute or two, and if there is anyone, forgive them, and then we'll pray, you don't have to feel like you forgive them, all you have to do is forgive them(just say in your heart) you forgive them because God says when you stand praying if you have anything against anyone else, forgive them! This is found in (Mark 11:25) so Derek took a minute or two in silence, and forgave all who he had anything against,or had done him wrong, then my wife and I laid our hands on Derek, and claimed his healing from the top of Derek's head to the soles of his feet, saying you are healed, in Jesus name according to, Isaiah 53:5 - Psalms 103: 3 and what God said to do in Mark 16:18. Somewhere around 3 weeks to a month later, Derek was called in for an appointment, when he came into the hospital room there were five specialists, and they said to Derek, we cannot explain this, but you do not have a trace of cancer in your blood. Derek was completely healed. To this day. They told Derek however because of the leukemia, he wouldn't be able to have children. But we told Derick the same God who healed you, could give you children , we laid our hands on him again and prayed for him to be able to have children, and we now have two grandchildren, Ivy and Keaton. Time and time again we have gone and done as Jesus said to do,lay our hands on the sick and they have recovered to which I testify to the glory of God.
Likewise I don't understand where being at the precipice, or the pause, has anything to do with the white hats being in control. And if they are in control and controlling Biden, then aren't they responsible for the open borders? My original question, how does that makes sense.
White hats control Biden? So the WHs are responsible for the mass illegal immigration,and all the death and devastating effects illegals have already caused (by the Biden open border policies) Who they control? Not to mention all the policies (since they control Biden) put into effect that caused the high energy, inflation, interest rates. Let me get this straight, it's essential that we put Trump and the white hats in the White House, so they can have control of what they already have control of?
Call them out Mr Trump. Shout it from the rooftops, do not fear the wagging of their tongues. "CHRIST IS YOUR BENCHMARK!" To those (so-called lintellectuals, rulers of His day) who were leading the People astray, JESUS CHRIST, cried out, "HYPOCRITES, VIPERS, SONS OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, you don't enter and you cause those who are trying to enter to stumble, how shall you escape damnation?" In another place, Jesus (patiently and purposefully) made a whip, went into the temple, and drove the Hypocrites out, shouting you have turned my Father's house into a den of thieves" Our strength is our God. Our voice is Christ's righteousness. Our power is unity. Our whip is our vote. Driving them out of their positions of power, that they have used to enrich themselves on the backs of the poor. They knock a man down, and then bend over (when people gather) and pretend they're helping him up. Truly how shall they escape damnation, except they repent and call upon the name of the Lord.
Easy my fine feathered friend.(read my comments again) I did not say that a iceberg took the Titanic down, what and who took the Titanic down had nothing to do with the intent of my comment. My comment was: Plans fail God doesn't. Case in point: Didn't many THAT DIED on the Titanic (legitimately, sincerely) plan to go to the other side? Did they get there? So (at least to me anyways) plans don't always pan out and can never be (totally) relied on (UNLESS) it's God's plan! "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but God's word will never pass away" (fail) "God watches over his word to perform it"(Jeremiah 112)
"Don't be afraid homie" there's a train "a coming" loaded with opportunity.