I hope he is arrested tomorrow morning.…by the Marines.
I’m sure if we went back and looked, we would find the whole end apartheid movement was funded by…(drumroll)…USAID.
Lol, it sure seems to be the rule.
I think the problem is that the lame stream media has been using “mass shooting” to describe your average Tuesday night on MLK Ave.
Don’t forget vitamin K2 is fat soluble just like vitamins A, D, and E. That means for your body to break them down and absorb them you must take them with some kind food that contains fat.
I don’t recall reading that this therapy has any impact on CAC scores. Calcium once deposited doesn’t tend to diminish.
Was whitehouse.gov not functioning during the Biden administration?
Can someone tell me how long whitehouse.gov has been offline or inactive. Thanks
Edit: I mean before President Trump took office today.
😢 at a bar with tears in my eyes. It’s happening
There was a well written dig/ story about this a while back. It gave all the details about the decommissioned attack submarine USS Richard B Russell. This sub fired the missile that was to take out President Trump’s plane. It talked about the guy who stole the Q400 was named Richard Russell just like the submarine and how he crashed the plane on the island and if I remember right (I may totally be misremembering) the Island I was owned by the whoever had bought the sub from the government. Does anyone have a link to that old post? It was a great read and was the embodiment of “ how many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible”.
What if the weapon systems on the ship have been compromised. I can’t believe two friendly fire occurrences so close together. Crews would be checking and double checking before firing after shooting down one of our own planes. It could be a quiet way of telling the US to sit on the sideline.
Fantastic! I hope all I ever hear about him is when his obituary is published in a few years when diabetes finally takes its toll. Total dipshit
I hope we get to wash them down the storm drains like they did at the real ‘Tiananmen Square.
I put hundreds all over East TN. Gas stations and grocery stores. Pro tip, the best place to put them at gas stations is on the “flap” that the end of the nozzle slides up in. This is what ends the sale when you finish pumping gas. You can hold it steady with a finger and apply the sticker. When a Libtard tries to pull or scratch it off they will kill the sale by pushing the flapper. I have personally watched several people melt down when they realize they have to restart the process all over.
That makes Harrison Ford a traitor. He literally sold his country out.
Ken, I'll take Loud and Clear for $1000.
Elections can’t be fixed unless cheating is exposed. That means there will be blatant cheating in this election even to the point she is temporarily declared the winner. It has to happen this way, or all this has been for nothing. Exposure of organized cheating will be the catalyst for nationwide election reform, possibly mandated by the Military. We are watching a movie.
Han shot first, in that gay bar.
I’m sure the crew from Badlands over on Rumble will have coverage/ commentary.
I haven’t heard President Trump apologize.
I guess you could do the touch test.
Where are the Governors of these states confirming there has been no federal support. They should be the loudest voices. It’s easy for regular people to be ignored but Governors should be able to break through the media blackout. The local news stations and local law enforcement could get the word out and provide validation. If it is truly this bad and the Feds have abandoned them then it needs to be amplified to the point the national news has to address it.
Yeah, we’re gonna have to dock you .5 for your use of the European communist metric scale Director Wray.
All the guys in this photo caught AIDS just breathing the air in the same room as those.
Edit: Also, wanted to add when Lyndsey Graham’s brain froze on camera several months ago, it was because he was thinking of a big pile of dildos just like this.
All their money is our money. If they paid for it, that means we paid for it.