427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I was hoping it would be Ben Carson, but I will trust and support President Trump in the choice he made.

427windsorman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Well, I was hoping it would be Ben Carson, but I will trust and support President Trump in the choice he made.

427windsorman 10 points ago +13 / -3

I do not believe there were 3 shooters. I am doubting there were even 2.

427windsorman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, if his attention is kept on the ladder he can't shoot at anyone else, either. Regardless, there are plenty of things they could have done, had they chosen to do so. The current penchant for milling around and waiting for someone else to do something is not the America I grew up in, nor the America our Founders established.

427windsorman 4 points ago +4 / -0

In my experience it was 100% of those in combat doing the fighting, unless they were wounded or dead. There may be hesitation the first time facing combat, but you get over it pretty quick. You will not last long in a combat unit if you refuse to fight.

I do agree though, there was plenty of opportunity for the men nearby to get involved. I realize some went to get the cops, and there were people on video yelling about the guy on the roof with a gun, but not one man went to confront or stop him. A group of men could have easily overpowered him, even if risking getting shot themselves.

There was a time when men did what needed to be done, regardless of the risks.

427windsorman 2 points ago +3 / -1

Any one of the men had an opportunity to stop this guy by going over and confronting him, or physically restraining him. Several men could have easily overpowered him and held him for the police to collect.

Why does everyone feel that you have to get the police to help? Why not get involved rather than just spectate when you can clearly see this person was up to no good?

WFH happened to being men?

427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am hoping either Ben Carson or Thomas Massie.

427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

True leadership inspires respect and a willingness to follow. The assassination attempt showed everyone that Trump is a legit leader, and willing to lay down his life for his principles, beliefs, and for our Republic. People will respond to naked truth.

427windsorman 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, instead, all MAGA rally attendee's should be fully armed and ready to defend themselves, and each other, from another idiot foolish enough to try it again.

427windsorman 13 points ago +13 / -0

The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone.  This was another inside job. President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

427windsorman 1 point ago +1 / -0

It does look like a hole, but maybe not a bullet hole. Awful big for a .22 or .223.

427windsorman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I agree, it is reasonable for someone lacking experience in shooting situations to question the events involving a shooting, like this one. That being said, it is just as easy for people experienced in this area to easily discern the difference between staged and real. I have seen enough death to know the difference between staged casualties and real ones.

Personally, I do not think anyone is stupid for questioning the narrative. We all have different life experiences from which to draw our own conclusions and frame our questions when plausibility seems slim.

427windsorman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Which would still take a lot less time to do for a skilled counter-sniper, than the slow job these guys put on by allowing at least 3 to 5 shots fired at President Trump before getting on target.

427windsorman 4 points ago +4 / -0

No, he wasn't. He was facing in the direction of the shooter, which was off to his right, when he was facing the podium.

427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 6 points ago +6 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a way, it was staged. all set ups are staged. In this case, those staging it are those wanting President Trump dead.

It was a real shooting, although, it appears the SS staged it enough to look convincing to the ignorant that the assassin was able to get several shots off before the SS could react. Lets' don't even take into account the lack of security of the venue, and the slow response to remove Trump from the kill zone. Of course, they had to go into full "protection" mode once too much time had passed and it became too obvious it was a set up.

427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 3 points ago +3 / -0

First of all, this was not staged. it was a real deal shooting.

This was also another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see it. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 1 point ago +1 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because the SS is compromised and were in on it.

427windsorman 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

427windsorman 17 points ago +17 / -0

This was another inside job. I don't know why this is so hard for red-pilled patriots to see. It is so blatantly obvious, it sickens me. The SS is just as compromised as the FBI, NSA, CIA, ATF, IRS, and every other federal agency. They did not secure the venue, they allowed multiple shots to be fired at Trump before returning fire, and took way too long to move Trump out of the kill zone. 

President Trump, please rely ONLY on your own personal security team going forward.

Back in the 80's I was part of a military unit that provided protection to the V-Corps Commander in Germany. At that time, it was Colin Powell. I am quite well versed in how to secure locations, and how to keep your package alive.

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