That was prescribed my kids for their asthma years ago. Thankfully they don't have long term effects from it and didn't use it for long.
Praise the Lord. Been saying this should be one of the very first to go. Stop the slaughter of innocents. Without PP much of the evil murderous abortion industry goes away. And we will no longer give our hard earned money to pay for the butchering of infants against our wills.
Thank you. This godly family covets your prayers.
Praying she will recovery quickly
UPDATE: my friend's child was able to eat and sleep today. Plan is to go home tomorrow and then go back for more education on managing the diabetes. Thanks for your prayers.
The child has never had any. I don't know about parents but definitely no CV jabs. Mom had a bout with some type of cancer several years ago and I believe did chemo. So definitely could have an affect but their kids are all very healthy and no shots.
If you have any insight I'm sure the family would be open. They love the Lord and are very natural minded. They believe the trigger was an episode of hand foot mouth.
Id guess most of the cheating is done in cities as well, therefore even the cities aren't as blue as they appear.
π― agree.
How awesome would that be?!
General chat on FB of multiple school threats, lockdowns in Louisville and across the country. Anyone have info?? We homeschool but there have been a few local incidents in the past few months
Sa-weet! I cannot wait. I grow a lot of our food anyway but would be nice to have real food options for healthy but quick dinners when I work late.
Yep. But the sheep still gonna sheep??
Praise the Lord.
Actually even then it drove the outbreaks. So many died from them. Even the great Jonathan Edwards died from the smallpox vax. Wherever the vax campaigns went out deals followed.
We've been the baddies for a long time--we meaning our evil, corrupt, unelected government
Totally. Don't we know that people are basically developing vaids from the jabs too??
Surest way to cure cancer is stop vaccines, put the entire population on several antiparasitic meds, clean up our food water and air. There. I fixed it.
Color me surprised. But over my dead body would I put any of that garbage in myself. And I'm a cancer survivor
Amen. I'd move there if necessary
I cannot wait for the monarchies evil to be exposed.
I think I heard very early on it was made in NC (chapel Hill or Ft Dietrick) and sent to "Chyna"
It's about time. I have zero, and I mean zero, issues with LEGAL immigration. But ALL illegals need deported and never allowed back, because, when one is willing to break the law to enter one is willing to break the law. Only acceptions would be maybe Christians fleeing persecution.