5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to believe. But it must be so open, so public,so in your face, that the truth cannot and will never again be able to be denied.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. The weight of it all is sometimes crushing. To know and not be "allowed" to speak is at times almost unbearable. God knows. And I pray so often that He will break open the flood gates of truth on this and other topics soon--very soon. The world needs to know just how evil this is, how indefensible being pro-vax really is.

5Solasreformation 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yet I still see so many just parroting the MSM and big pharma about how safe and effective all the baby jabs are. They refuse to look at the true evidence (not the "fake studies"). They don't want to hear the truth. They don't want to know that vaccines kill and always have. They have never saved lives.

Smallpox. Vaccine drove the outbreaks and killed more than saved. Just reading a missionary story last night with my kids about Mary Slessor. She helped push and deliver as many smallpox vaccines to help but even the book noted that the vaccine often killed and went on to say that it didn't stop the epidemic but numbers continued to mount. So while the book is pro vax in my opinion (the whole series seems to be, but will occasionally put in one liners that seem to indicate vaccines don't work as purported). In another series in the the book about David Brand I believe, they mention him taking vaccines to encourage the native Indian people to participate. The vaccines cause his health to decline and it said in the book he blamed the vaccines for his ultimate death.

Most evangelical Christians I know don't care about the aborted babies used for R&D, don't care that their cells are in the jabs, most don't care about the known neuro toxins in them, most don't care about the lack of studies on safety. Most just go back and point to some old data charts showing the drop in polio. Which we all know isn't due to an actual drop in polio (because evidence suggests that polio vaccines also caused polio and drove the epidemics) but due to renaming paralytic events as something else--acute flaccid paralysis, Guillian Barre syndrome, etc I've been told repeatedly that profiting off the deaths of these babies is fine because the medical establishment was going to do it anyway and we didn't actually kill those babies so it's perfectly moral and fine . I've been told I'm stupid because I can't read a statistics chart in an article properly (meaning coming to the conclusion of the author). I've been called crazy and uneducated on jabs. I've been told that pharma means well so they should be able to do what they want even up to producing self spreading vaccines giving humanity no choice (was actually told that is perfectly ethical and moral for them to do to humanity) I've been banned from talking about anything jab related, been told to isolate from social media, been told to shut off all that I deeply care about. I'm not allowed to share my experiences with questioning parents. I'm silenced. But somehow this person thinks that's healthy and normal

I'll always appreciate the SCOTUS decision that states they are unavoidably unsafe. They know. I cannot wait until the truth rolls forward like a mighty river crushing evil beliefs and the pharmacological subjugation of most of humanity. I know it's not the mark of the beast but I do think, the more I learn, that it is A Mark of the Beast. It is truly evil clothed in sheep's clothing to fleece the people of money, cause chronic illness and even death

5Solasreformation 11 points ago +11 / -0

I cannot wait for NATO and the UN to be shut down permanently. Both are evil satanic organizations.

5Solasreformation 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most people need methylated folate not folic acid, because I firmly believe those of us who are more sensitive to jabs of any kind have been target via the MTHFR gene. We don't process folic acid (most processed food is fortified with folic acid) but need methylated folate and b vitamins. I'm guessing there are other specific genes/genomes targeted after what we learned over COVID and "Ukraine war" since Russia is the one who brought to our attention that the biolabs were targeting certain genetic groups.

5Solasreformation 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly. So many acquaintances have doubled down on Ukraine good Russia bad since the other day. I know Z has been persecuting the true Church in Ukraine but so many "Christians" post about how Ukrainians have solidarity with Z, Z is the best, Z's political opponents are actually the bad guys. . . . Russia is bad. Trump and Vance made fools of us all . . . It's mind numbing how blind people are.

5Solasreformation 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of the people I know, many would fall for round 2 of scary viruses. Many still buy all of the pharma lies. I look forward to the day when the truth is so in your face it's undeniable: vaccines are not safe and never have been, they do not produce immunity and never have, they have poisoned and killed us for over 200 years with vaccines and they knew exactly what they were doing. That they are inextricably linked to the murder and sale of murdered babies (and probably to trafficked humans as well).

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm gonna say fake, in that while some people have measles, it is likely vax driven (read Marcella Piper-Terry on FB, she just posted a lengthy piece on this and is a good one to follow) AND that those who have it are likely NOT being treated properly in that no one is giving vit A. Instead recommending more massive and widespread jabs which will hurt more kids and be blamed on "measles".

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. I don't believe in coincidences anymore. Especially when those evil freaks stated ahead of time that they planned on making self-spreading Vaccines to target those who refused to get them. I remember drawing this to the attention of a family member long before COVID and how heinously evil that was and he backed up the vax makers/inventors as "just trying to do good". I tried to explain how that violated every thing in medical ethics, nope he still sided with the jabs makers.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree. From anecdotal evidence. I had a miscarriage followed by cancer dx around time jabs started up (none of my immediate family took them, but hubs entire side did and we were around them a lot), and since then if we get together inside for any length of time the kids are sick within 24-48 hours. Not the normal 3-7days post exposure to something. 2 kids have much worse nosebleeds since the jab campaign started as well as potential menstrual issues in girls hitting puberty. My best friend's daughter is totally normal 18, went thru puberty during COVID and has never had a cycle. She is of normal weight, healthy, active, fun. Is it related??

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

The one recent study I saw seems to explain maybe part of what is going on. It said that basically the jabbed keep making spike now as it's part of their genetics, it gathers in the lungs and is being spread all the time to those around thus causing illness in a variety of ways to susceptible people (we knew from early on some DNA types are more likely to have issues with the jabs and were likely targeted). A Midwest Doctor Substack wrote an article on shedding and how real it is. Also the symptoms people have around the jabbed including weird smells. I think shedding is real and very dangerous. My best friend's functional medicine doctor has told her that shedding is very real and he thinks it's the cause of the severe upper respiratory illnesses going around

5Solasreformation 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think the normies will ever get this. Even the other Yale study that just came out about the damage/shedding. Yet I still get told constantly that shedding is a conspiracy theory. And that it doesn't matter anyway.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thing is the words are actually synonyms that the left hijacked.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm hoping and praying for complete abolition. These demons prey on the most helpless in society on so many levels and profit off them. Whether it's the mother who was potentially raped, trafficked then forced to kill her baby, the babies, the dads who potentially want those children, the entire vax industry is supported by the live harvesting of tissues from aborted babies and sold to the highest bidder for research. It's so evil. Societies in the past offered their infants alive in the fires to Molech or other satanic pagan gods but this society today is no different. I long for a society that treasures each child as they are a gift from God Almighty, our Creator and redeemer, not as something to throw away for profit or because of "inconvenience"

5Solasreformation 5 points ago +5 / -0

Who is at risk? Only the jabbed? Since we know they shed and we know unjabbed pure bloods are having similar issues since the rollout and we know they planned on creating self-spreading Vaccines, I'd venture many are at risk.

5Solasreformation 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've known about the black box on vit K for almost 12 years. Didn't get it for my 2 youngest. I was strong-armed by pedi to give my 10 yo 1 combo which caused immediate nut allergy for her (I was breastfeeding and eating nuts daily, after that jab she immediately got hives when I'd eat nuts). No more jabs ever. They are far healthier than my older 4. Have severe vax regret for my older kids.

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