Being afraid, is what got us here. It's long past due to stand up proud, for what's right. We outnumber the evil ones a zillion to one. All we have to do, is stand up, and stand together. That's all we ever had to do. Their power thrives, in our fear.
Add to this a cooking class. Teach the techniques for cooking, baking, frying, and grilling from scratch. Learn how to identify good cuts of meat and poultry. How to find quality fruit and vegetables, and how to properly store them. Learn what method of cooking works best for what you're trying to accomplish. Learn how to properly use herbs and spices. My hope is, on the other side of this fast food and processed supermarket food will become, something that we look back on with disdain.
It may work for a time, in the south. However, it won't work very long in the Great Lakes region, where we have snow. Salt and calcium chloride eat our vehicles up fairly quick, unless you're very diligent about keeping it clean throughout the season.
I thought it was hanger 18.