so dumb that he took it as a threat that the Trump Campaign was going to send people to his house to get him to stop talking. I just can't.
Nope to the nope nope nope.
We call that the American Spirit.
Well, what if this is the plan? For Biden to make that call and the Military then has to make a decision and that is the day that the storm arrives and the military takes down the cabal.
Wonder what his stance will be when Obama is indicted for his hotdog party
Probably claim that he was acting in his official capacity as Presodent during that party.
Wasn't something supposed to occur under the guise of riot control.
Through Chevron
I didn't see an argument in that
I can't do another 4 years
Have you cleared that with CatsFive?
Not here, that would just get us banned.
I would love to know how many Regulations have been placed on states by FNS and how this will impact SNAP and other welfare services.
I agree with your take
I hope that does happen and I hope it's obama under there.
Oh what a Great Awakening.
I hate that there are drains next to those kids in the painting
Might cause them to think twice before trying to hurt our President.
when does the bird sing???
Another BS Bill she signed requires a drivers license for ATVs and proof of having taken a safety course.
it's pretty damn dark. I am pretty sure we are going to go through some food shortages before this is over.
When food prices sky rocket even further and Public Assistance recipients start to really feel it, I think a few more might wake up from their slumber.
Or the courts will reverse the shit just like they've done with COVID fines. I get it's easy for me to say this because it isn't my home at risk but if your going to lose your livelihood no matter what choice you make, why would you make it easier on these evil ass people. Stop complying with Satan.
They fined businesses for staying open and now courts are erasing those fines.
too much. Understand that this is a research board. If you post, you have to be prepared to be asked for the sauce.
Looks like RICO is on the menu.
Citizenship is verified before "doling" out public welfare in Arizona now.