You get files, you ain't getting arrests. So now as anons you gotta pick what you want. Do you want Investigations and apprehensions or do you want to run shit thru Grok and ChatGTP and be able to log into X and make a 50 thread breakdown about how you found out Will Ferrell and Bill Murray were on the island and you can 'prove' it to the percentage of already awake people who will believe it and the rest who will disregard because they don't trust you as a source for anything.
We wanted Hillary and Pizzagate. We get Manbun Liberals with car keys.
Better not be. Q's post on how long it would take ends July 2025.
People of this ilk have zero character and will be sniveling little pansies rolling on everyone as well. They are like "the asian guy on the tv screen" in the Dark Knight.
Gotta be status quo until you're not. Hulk Hogan walks down the aisle to help Randy Savage then bounces off the ropes for the leg drop on him.
I'm sure there's a ton of baddies out there we don't know of especially with nondescript names. But are you asking do I want it to be SCOTUS Roberts? Yes.
Flynn is a white hat operative. He is a piece to the puzzle and plan just as Trump fronts like he’s on Israel’s side. This is textbook wrestling work. It’s why they are “saved for last”.
It’s a work!
I'm back and forth on this one. There's probably hundreds of thousands of people named John Roberts.
I saw some special years and years ago on History where they took Oswalds Rifle and the same bullets and fired into a stunt limo/gel bodies and 'replicated' the magic bullet's trajectory twisting and turning all over the place...I am wondering now if that was a psyop.
Also should be running these thru GROK, I'm positive ChatGTP is compromised.
I surmise we'll only need hospitals for broken bones, surgery and physical means soon, and prob even that will go away with Ai tools/bots to perform them.
All these files and roads lead to one group of people, hence why they've been saved for last. Islam is toast first.
I suspect these files will lead back to one group of people. As will Epstein's. As will RFK's. As will 9/11's. And on and on.
I cannot believe he literally posted "2 more weeks" to us. hahahah.
We need crime to be almost completely phased out then we need Police to be mostly phased out after, at least militarized ones. Oh and you can throw in the red light cameras and other shit no one ever voted for.
Exactly. Everyone is talking about it and whining. This is good. It's fully back in the ether.
Epstein lists & files means = no arrests. If you think the plan is real then the evidence will be brought to trials, not smacked on X for 'Prophet17warrior' and other Q paytriots to 'comb thru'.
If we're saving a specific place for last, and literally all those files lead to them, timing will be everything.
This is correct. And of course cancer and other cures for everything will come out during his term and a small percentage of TDS Tards will still be furious.
I think he's going to phase income/property taxes etc out completely. No Tax on Tips is the lil normie butter to get people licking their lips.
We better fucking get March Madness this year. Ffs.
Nice summary, but also horrible you just potatoed my mass arrest Pizzagate at the clock hand timer fantasy.
Yeah they will be null and void. It's the Fraud Vitiates Everything gimmick. Anons called it years ago and this is being pumped into the public consciousness for normies.
It's so silly to think that Pappa Trump and Q team 'wouldn't know this' when the NSA is literally tapped into everyone on the planet's digital information like the end of the Dark Knight.
True, but you have no idea how this represents the 'remaining liberals', this shit is impossible to defend. You start adding the "Summer of Love riots' and their magical ability to suddenly be anti-israel and pro Palestinian with everything else they've done in the past 8 or so years, they are getting utterly destroyed.