Allergic_to_Blueshit 1 point ago +2 / -1

It is imperically true that Trump holds a lot of interviews.

Bondi doesn't nearly do a many interviews as Trump. And yet they question ifvshe is working for doing anything? That is emotional and absurd.

If she can't do her job because of a handful of interviesvtgan Trump can't either.



"The tabulation, compiled by George Condon of National Journal and published Tuesday, blows away prior presidents — including Joe Biden’s first-month total of 141 questions.

Former President Barack Obama took 161 inquiries over the first 31 days of his first term in 2009.

Trump is taking far more questions than he did even in 2017 when he fielded 199 between Jan. 20 and Feb. 20 of that year."

...but obviously, both aren't true.

So, who is an idiot? You talking to yourself?

Bring your receipts not your emotions.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 16 points ago +16 / -0

I love how they think "see you in court is a flex"

Allergic_to_Blueshit 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry y'all are falling victim to just slang by the way. The black national anthem quote unquote isn't actually called the black national anthem nor is it to replace the national anthem. I don't know who started to give it that title it's probably just made up by someone and it caught on. The actual name of the song is Lift Every Voice and sing. And it has nothing to do with being "Black America" at all it is no different than saying like read the lyrics of the song.

Its was written over a hundred years ago to celebrate Abraham Lincoln.

So calm your tits and learn something before you assume something.

....that being said I bet most black people don't even know that.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand your point my point is that money being funneled is not the same thing as being paid for and he got paid for the contract that he gave and fulfilled for them that is not money funneling.

If you actually did research on Elon Musk you'll see that he's formed dozens of companies that have let him up to having a contract for SpaceX private and and non private government-funded companies that is not money funneling.

I don't understand what *you don't get about that.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 5 points ago +5 / -0

And one last thing being racist is not a permanent state of being. I've known people who grew up racist and thinking that one ethnicity was inferior to another ethnicity which is the true meaning of racist. They saw the light. They got exposed to other cultutes and people and got over their fears and Prejudice. People can grow people can learn people can change being racist at one point in your life out of ignorance does not brand someone as a racist forever. It is just literally ignorance and people can reverse ignorance.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 9 points ago +9 / -0

First question where are the tweets actually waste racist I believe the only one I heard of was that he wouldn't marry someone of a different ethnicity that isn't actually racist that's just like someone saying that is homophobic to say that you wouldn't want to sleep with someone of the same sex.

I happen to be in a mixed ethnic relationship I don't find that comment especially racist there are black people who will only marry and date black people is that racist if a black person were to say that?

I think people need to stop labeling everything as racist ...some things are prejudice some things are preferences there are difference in nuances between these things second of all someone's allowed to be racist and still do their job do you know how many people are actually racist or Prejudice who are still able to do their f****** job?

Allergic_to_Blueshit 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't understand what the original posters Point is. Spinning is on money on what? Yes musk is a tech software developer he runs businesses businesses make money and they get contracts that pay them to make stuff. We live in a capitalist free market society. What is the point\ your problem I don't understand what the problem is you mad cuz he's rich?

Allergic_to_Blueshit -2 points ago +2 / -4

Unfortunately, I have to admit I disagree. It might be because I take the Bible literally and that we're moving further and further away from Perfection closer to the ending of the world which means that more and more people will become more and more deceitful and corrupt....and more and more under the sway of Ha'Satan. Power corrupts ultimately.

I do believe that this will be a reprieve but by no means do I think the influence of the devil has retreated and gone back to the pit in which it came from and that Humanity is relieved from corruption and deceit

...sorry y'all

Ok... I'm ready for my down doots

Allergic_to_Blueshit 6 points ago +6 / -0

Non X-ers, literally just do a web search for: OVERRIDE: INSIDE THE REVOLUTION REWIRING AMERICAN POWER

And a bunch of sites that copied it will pop up.

Including substack.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 2 points ago +2 / -0

🐶🐶🐶"Wroo wroo woo winning"

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah it was really really really sad and pathetic.

It was like you could see all of these old dinosaur politicians trying to harken back to the 1960s in there vim and vigor days being revolutionary commies and trying to incite the crowd. It was just like watching a hand of fingers of floppy dicks trying and shoot a deflated basketball for a 3 pointer and dropping a deuce instead.

It was embarrassing. It was pathetic. It was sad. And only the lamest Trump deranged of the Trump deranged would have been gas lit by that amount of tap dancing to hide and distract from obvious corruption.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 7 points ago +7 / -0

So...tldr we can defeat them by making sudden moves, making loud noises, and being our actual sex.

Roger that.

Allergic_to_Blueshit 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree and plus world leaders wouldn't announce something without having discussed it first. I think net and Netanyahu looks more like he's trying to see how other people are reacting to what Trump is saying

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