AmateurExpert 6 points ago +6 / -0

What if this has been going on for decades and it’s just that we are only now finding out about it.


AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Always fun when you write a post for an hour, only to have the tab suddenly refresh.

Anyhow, as a short version, there are several scriptural indicators that could be read to imply the concept, but I’m not aware of any explicit scriptures.

However, if you test “the fruits of the spirit” and “the works of the flesh” and look at where each of those acts end a man and society, pragmatically, in combination with verses like “the gentiles will be a law unto themselves” (paraphrased), you can definitely come up with biblical support of “nature’s law”.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

You do a phenomenal job here!

I shaped my comment poorly. Let’s revel in them needing to deploy more ammunition instead.

Luke 10:2 - And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good question.

It might depend on if the people remember or are reminded that we are the military, and how such a scenario would play out downstream of that in modern times.

God may allow us to walk in circles for 40 years if we don’t do our part.

We may be able to expedite the process as “mass-deployed” “civilian” “military”.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

Have a tiebreaker updoot.

You’d think if “we are the news now” that we’d welcome the ability to defend, challenge, and question our positions and claims to better make sure they’re right.

Yet those pesky downdoots…

Been an awful lot of new accounts show up since the election.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +3 / -2

So I got stuck defending Crenshaw yesterday, for which I thank everyone, as I can’t stand him, but truth and doing things the right way matter more than ousting someone we don’t like.

If the numbers in that post are correct, he would indeed be crooked. Do we have sources other than Twitter claims, because these numbers are nowhere near the numbers I was seeing yesterday.


If we think this is true, let’s get some solid evidence on it and get him gone, but we can’t just go around making cheap claims with no sauce.

  • His dirty stock trading profits him ABOVE Pelosi’s trading! — by the numbers GGRocks posted to me from another thread (https://greatawakening.win/p/19A0tUvX67/x/c/4ZHjydn3cfM), he’s only about 40% above average, which isn’t crazy, and well below Drunken Aunt Nancy.
  • Today, his net-worth is $4.4 million+ — the numbers I saw placed him between 1.4 and 2.2, which are also not ridiculous, and frankly neither is 4.4, unless that all happened in 6 years. A significant chunk of it appears to be in his house, while his stocks allegedly made up about $300-350k
  • In 2021, Crenshaw voted on a National vax database, to keep track of who did/did not get the jab. He pushed to keep the Covid jab mandatory in the military. — this one is believable. What was the bill name?
  • Crenshaw’s campaign paid his wife’s firm “Pink Cilantro” more than $350,000, and according to the FDR, reported it as ‘spouse salary.’ — looks true, but details matter - https://hotair.com/jazz-shaw/2022/10/17/did-dan-crenshaw-get-caught-paying-his-wifes-firm-with-campaign-money-n503917 - who seems to have cited their sources appropriately

My sources for his stock trades are in the other thread. We won’t get rid of a corruptocrat with false claims. His screaming at detractors is a very bad look as far as being innocent.

We posted a few days ago that this is seen as a top-tier research board. Whether the claims against Crenshaw are right or wrong, let’s do a good job of proving our work.

Why defend him? Because I want any claims against him to stick. Throwing poo wildly just makes us look bad. At that point, if he’s against us, our claims are worthless, and if he’s for us (Ha!) we accused him falsely and took down an ally.

Edit: Aaaaand a downdoot for testing claims and pointing to sauce. Let’s go by emotion!

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Read “Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates”.


“No one rules if no one follows”

Wouldn’t it be funny if instead of rulers acting as bad shepherds to lead sheep to slaughter, we used some other method to lead those bad shepherds to slaughter?

But then what’s the organizing principle that replaces that system? A bunch of sheep just walking around aimlessly? Pretty sure God said He never wanted Israel to have any other king but Himself…

AmateurExpert 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is the criteria to approve a bill just that it’s under 150 pages now?

Just reading it?

Comprehending it?

Understanding the nuances?

What about spirited debate?

Public insight into what their laws will be and ability to also understand and approve of the bill?

What if 20 items are phenomenal things we’ve all wanted for decades, and one item stealthily gives the key to total unilateral authority to Caesar?

We should make these reps famous FOR upholding the duty of their office, not for voting down a “better, but still bad, if only by how it was presented” bill, just because it came from “our guy”.

AmateurExpert 4 points ago +4 / -0

Does anyone have any experience on dealing with unions? Is it best to just ignore them, or say they’re not welcome, or ask if they’ve accepted Christ, or what?

It seems fair to assume they are filming everything and waiting to use it as “gotcha” “we’re so oppressed” propaganda.

“This man hates fair wages!!!”

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

My guess is that if you don’t beat them using their own game, they have the excuse to go violent, and take out our leaders, which creates chaos and destruction, “lawfully”. In order to stay peaceful, have to stay meek, which requires staying within their statutes.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

[They] claim autism is only going up because of diagnosis, and that it’s just perception, just gaslighting, just conspiracy and paranoia.


Raw data. From autism groups and documented legal events. Doesn’t prove causation, but shows strong correlation, based on events that could very easily be causing the impacts.

The bigger question is why genpop people insist on keeping their eyes closed. I see a few possibilities: spiritual blindness, and complicity/conflicts of interest/terror of being guilty.

AmateurExpert 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve seen a few things floating around here about chelation being able to help, any experience with that?


I’ve been trying to find efficacy and long-term safety studies on it (that I could understand), looking at a separate issue.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not sure about seizure-type epilepsy, but there’s an old treatment that cures absence style epilepsy pretty well in full if you’re aware of it.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m hoping for it to be relatively limited in scope, but still enough for every knee to bow.

AmateurExpert 2 points ago +2 / -0

In future retrospect, the original name being DWAC was a bit of a giveaway…

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

I definitely can’t argue that I’m not long-winded.

AmateurExpert 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do they actually have the manpower to investigate California?

I’d be happy to volunteer if they’re going to outsource the investigation to us anons.

AmateurExpert -1 points ago +1 / -2

I try to do plenty of homework, here.

You made the claim. Don’t make the claim then act like someone else is the lazy one because they aren’t researching it.

Sorry, but your handful of words with no sauce, or even crumbs, aren’t worth hours of research unless I have an interest, which without sauce in this case, I don’t.

I may suspect he is dirty, and strongly dislike him, but that’s different than asserting he is dirty.

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