AmazingZombie 5 points ago +5 / -0

I’m surprised they haven’t arrested him already…. They don’t need to charge him, just throw him in jail with the January 6ers.

Ya see they already showed us that they can get away with having political prisoners and nobody will stop them….


Everybody talks about it but nobody does anything.

Epstein made to look like a suicide… nothing happens.

Somebody steals the FBI files on republicans in the White House for two years …. Nothing happens.

What about 33 thousand emails being destroyed.. that were evidence no less…. Nothing happens.

Remember when Trump first became president…. Didn’t he or someone say something about a list with a fund…. To pay kinda like hush money to silence congress people’s affairs? Haven’t heard anything about that again, You?

What about Epsteins list of clients and famous pals…. Anything happen, nope.

And finally…. Didn’t we see an article or something about adding trumps votes to Biden votes, and there being more votes then registered voters…. Nothing happens….. NOTHING HAPPENS…… I’m done


AmazingZombie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry somehow I missed the author….. still says opinion


AmazingZombie 2 points ago +3 / -1

I have problems with articles like this……. Here’s why

The article is listed as “opinion” piece… opinions can be right, wrong, exaggerated, biased, stupid, and of course and opinion can be based on truth or a lie.

Listed are Burger King, McDonalds, Dominos and Pizza Hut…. So is it safe to assume then that Arby’s, Popeyes, Wendy’s, and Papa John’s are safe because the writer only writes about those four fast foodies?

So the article is incomplete…. And has the opinion of… no author.

Besides, I like fast food sometimes and I will continue to like it.

And I like coconut rum and drinking can give you liver damage.

Hello….. enjoy the time you have left

Amazing Zombie

AmazingZombie 3 points ago +3 / -0

There’s no reason to make an arrest Haven’t you ever heard of Democrat Privilege?

Ask Hillary Ask Comey Ask Biden Ask Cuomo Ask Ted Kennedy…… kinda hard to ask him while he’s breaking rocks


AmazingZombie 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that if she is a he… there must be an adams apple. I keep looking, but so far, no luck. Zombie

AmazingZombie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Ya know……. Wouldn’t Steve Jobs have used it to save him from his cancer ? And Rush

I always thought…. If they could really grow back hair, Trump and Howie Mandel and Bruce Willis……. And many more rich famous people would have used the cure.

James Taylor is like the number one hair loss guy….

I hope there is truth to Ivermectin curing cancer…. And if there is a cure, Can they make ivermectin in …. Like lifesavers size candy size.

Enjoy the Coconut Rum…. Zombie

AmazingZombie 2 points ago +2 / -0

First they need to see who else has and is ….. abusing the system,
Next make a list from the past five years of Republicans that made investments that would be considered cheating if it were done by non congress members. And make a five year list of democrats as well. Next thing to do is to show it to the voters and and run on it being considered cheating and abusing the system. Lastly, make it retroactive going back five years.

It’s easy to see that’s this is a conflict of interest… And if it’s not obvious to Pelosi, she is not smart enough to be a law maker…


AmazingZombie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Simple solution….. drop them in an active volcano…. And enjoy the Rum.

AmazingZombie 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don’t bother arresting any of them..... If I don’t show up for work, or if I abandon my post..... I would be fired. They all need to be fired.... they abandoned their posts. They didn’t show up to do their job....... Fired!

Send a message....... Fire their asses

AmazingZombie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m in Brevard near downtown Melbourne.. pretty much back to normal.... just waiting for Meg O Malleys to reopen.

Nobody I know has died from covid.... many have had it though

Still can’t get over those stupid Democrats without masks in the airplane... smiling for the camera.... should have been dropped off at the biggest losers island.... is there such a place?

I’ll have a Guinness today..... chears

by BQnita
AmazingZombie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just add it to the Democrat playbook

No Talking

No Thinking

No meat

No Choices

No Christ

No Cops

No History

No Whites

No Votes

No Reasoning

No Wall

No Fox News

No Wood

No Oil

No Rush

No Trump

No Jokes

No America

No Wonder.... Sleepless nights

by Tradox
AmazingZombie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where are the transgenders when ya need them?

AmazingZombie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sent to me by my liberal son...... I asked for the source but haven’t received one yet. Any ideas?

AmazingZombie 3 points ago +3 / -0

I must say.... a voice of sensibility.... I agree with you

AmazingZombie 6 points ago +6 / -0

So how soon before BLM shows up at this patriots house do you think?

He’s gonna need surveillance cameras......

Now my thoughts show you how the left has gotten into my head.... It’s a long journey back to the freedoms we have always taken for granted. But... this man alone can inspire a nation.

Roots Rock Reggae

AmazingZombie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watching Biden get slapped might be something enjoyable... But a true masterpiece would have been.... when Pelosi started the big rip..... Trump turning around and giving her the big smack..... I think many loyalists would have lined up to do the time.....

What a jack ass she looked like that day

AmazingZombie 1 point ago +1 / -0

There has to be a reason for this that we are not aware of..... I don’t like O’Reilly and he is a phony, pompous ass. But......Mr. Trump trusts him and knows him for a long time.

There has to be a reason

Never underestimate the underestimated..... especially now

AmazingZombie 4 points ago +4 / -0

I won’t try to change your mind..... However, The Great Awakening has become one great news site. And.... a great news site that covers Q and keeps Q relevant. Also covers Trump and gives his voice ...... Respect.

Many of us here share similar loses.. Such as Drudge Report turning communist, The death of Rush Limbaugh, The stealing of the election, and the insulting way our great President has been treated.

Every post is not Q relevant... but Q is relevant.... and here Q is respected, And here Q researchers are respected.....

So..... Carry on my wayward son.... they’ll be peace one day.

Try the coconut rum

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