Was watching the most recent NewsTreason episode with Mike King and they were talking about the coincidences surrounding this crime. They were specifically talking about Trump serving fries from McDonald's and the arresting officer's last name is fry and the kid was caught at McDonald's. Sure are some strange happenings.
Agreed! I think that is what is happening. When they come out publicly against then all of a sudden, they're voting for the person they came out against. They should just shut the hell up until they have spoken with the nominee but no, they look like the fools they are.
You know it's been a while. Tell me someone here remembers the talk going around that the five eye countries would be pulled in under the US because they committed an act of war against President Trump and the American people? They would all become territories of the US? I think it's been 4 years or better I heard or read this.
Yes, I believe that is POTUS Trump.