Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

The percentage of fake peer reviewed published papers across all fields is staggering.

Personally I'd hazard a guess at 80% fake or skewed on the peer reviewed paper front.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

People underestimate how racist real data is (especially when the real data is hiding the systemic racism by not clearly showing it to be there). It takes an expert on race to be able to massage the data and kneed the data and bake the data and recognize when the data requires some injections of racism through arbitrarily weighting the result set to skew it for the correct result. This professor is a proven expert in his field and clearly trailblazed showing systemic racism exists by heroically ignoring actual data and manufacturing his own preferred data like the expert he is. And look here, now he's proven that too by being racistly fired from his job at a systemically racist academic institution that has now proven beyond doubt how racist they are by firing this professor whom posted fake racism data on systemic racism.

What a hero that man is.

Anon_69E0A63BD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stunning and brave prosecutor Fani Willis will be convening grand juries and indicting (in the spirit of the ham sandwich) over half the population of the USA.

In the ultimate power move, this Fulton County DA will show the world that she has the power from her state of Georgia Fulton county DA position to indict anyone and everyone whom said, wrote about, dreamed about, or even those whom ever had a passing thought about the stolen illegitimate election that was 2020 and desired to have that election be righted. Yes, Fani has discovered that she has the longest arm of the law at her disposal of any county DA prosecutor of any state in this nation, and she had determined that nothing will prevent her from extending her freakishly long horribly disfigured arm to it's full length.

All this she does for the sake of the "Just Us" group whom are constantly being threatened and harassed by the masses of criminals (aka the people) because the people just don't understand that the system is setup to prevent their choice in electing leaders while only giving the appearance that a choice was available.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only problem with my musing here is I don't know if this generates the mass pop awakening in the way intended or not.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

So let's game out Biden falls ill and is incapacitated. Harris assumes presidency. Truth continues to come out on all the things (Election fraud, covid origin story, Jan6, FBI CIA DOJ involvement in all the scandals and in trying to take down Trump both now and while he was sitting President, her actual inelligability to be a sitting president, and more).

How competent will Harris be at responding to these significant problems all of which threaten the legitimacy of Biden and therefore her presidency. Often a VP who becomes president doesn't get along great with the former presidents cabinet. Could cause a lot of problems with consistent messaging and unified response. If Biden's cabinet gets really hostile, it could make the Harris ineligible thing go mainstream and then we get a the rhino McCarthy.

Not sure where things go from there, but from election standpoint, Biden would be out and it would be Trump v Kennedy. Neither of which, I think, would be cheating. 2024 is thus a real election.

Anon_69E0A63BD 6 points ago +6 / -0

That and comms.

Funny how they neglected to include the comment about being thankful to have been fully vaxed and boosted. Used to be part of the required liturgy when declaring one was covid positive.

On a completely speculative front:

I remember the odd way so many politicians and high level officials recited the full liturgy of Covid+ declaration. Could Jill be suggesting throwing in the towel rather than going thru another election cycle plus four years of office dragging her addle brained husband around in the to date most public example of elder abuse we have ever seen?

And of course, Biden, being too compromised to recognize his cognitive failings is disagreeing since he is always a legend in his own mind.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

September 31? Seems odd to me that someone would write on such a form a non-existent date.

Are we sure this is a real document for proofs?

Anon_69E0A63BD 6 points ago +6 / -0

Defending the indefensible.... Free Millstones for everyone involved.

Anon_69E0A63BD 12 points ago +12 / -0

I believe that he says basically the same thing about this time every year.

I do recall seeing notables about this for the past several years.

Anon_69E0A63BD 4 points ago +4 / -0


Nothing is more frightening than a country or society that turns away from God and embraces sin and rebellion while no judgement befalls that group or nation. They will have no reason to question their behavior and direction, no reason to search for answers about what has caused the judgement, no reason to repent and seek salvation in Jesus Christ. They will continue on their path undeterred to death and eternity separated from Creator God. Their first, only, and final judgement will be at the Great White Throne of Christ. They would find themselves thrown in the lake of fire for eternity.

It is better that we experience hardship and judgement on this earth while living so that we might repent and look to Jesus for our salvation. This is why it is a merciful God who allows trials and tribulations and who sends earthly judgements on rebellious peoples who do not know or follow Him.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

The US government has many times attacked or abandoned its own. Tuskegee syphilis experiment, MK Ultra, just about any EPA super fund project, the human radiation experiments and the biological warfare experiments (unsuspecting population), the Mandalay Bay shootings, many mass shootings where the FBI is alerted by multiple people to the person who ends up committing the shooting but somehow they just never get around to following up on their leads, the drug trade that has put hard drugs on the streets in many cities and ruined, killed, maimed many lives of the poor all to fund the CIA , the operations like Fast and Furious where we send guns to cartels across the border which end up shooting out own countrymen, and the more obvious ones like The Branch Davidians in Waco getting burned alive after the standoff which the government knew would happen and made sure it did happen that way (instead of grabbing the cult leader off the street when he went to town).

Now we have Lahaina and the devastation of a government hostile eminent domain operation. If you didn't sell to them willingly, they will kill you and burn everything you have to the ground because the government intends you to own nothing and be happy.

It's not surprising, just a more obvious in your face FU type statement to the population from the government.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny you should mention fatty liver. So I have had out of spec lab results for over a decade. ALT / AST / GGT (in the last 5 years). This coincided with increased sensitivity to sugar and carbs in the sense that eating high carbs or sugar things would result in issues such as diarrhea later and/or becoming excessively tired and napping.

Over the past 2 years, I took two coarses of ivermectin at different times. My liver values only improved a little, but GGT kept staying elevated.

Last year I took up intermittent fasting. Began with a full fast (only drink water) for 3 full days. Then I did a 6 hour meal / eating (1meal + 1 snack) and 18 hour no food.

I am glad to report that my latest labs showed all indicators in the normal range. Also, I am less tired all the time and have more energy again. I have lost some weight as well (could afford to lose more still). I was very strict about the intermittent fasting for the first 3 months but I got sick last winter and took a break for that. Since then I'm mostly still doing it, but on weekends I might eat lunch and dinner, instead of just lunch.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Seems like this could be a great explanation of why we need 10 days of darnkess somewhere along the way in this movie.

Anon_69E0A63BD 6 points ago +6 / -0

Get cash for 10 days? Because everyone will need cash for 10 days, in the interim of collapsing the electronic banking systems, before they bring CBDC online?

Why implement it in a way that reinforces having cash on hand if they planned to eliminate cash permanently with CBDC?

Wouldn't it make more sense to undermine cash while bringing CBDC online so the population won't have a recent memory or reminder of why having cash is important.

Anon_69E0A63BD 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wonder if it could be killing off the mosquito gut bacteria Asaia which (from my very limited understanding) might cause the mosquito to not be able to digest the blood products it feeds on.

Anon_69E0A63BD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense to me. The judge is just as compromised as Hunter and Joe. So she is a sure bet to put the legal screws to Trump because should Trump be acquitted or charges dropped, he will be President (officially for the public) again and everybody who sold out the country gets exposed and goes to Gitmo for their military tribunal and subsequent hanging after conviction for treason and sedition.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

That depends on how honest the eulogy will be. If it is 100% honest, he can deliver. If it is a political campaign for democrats and deep state, like the Paul Wellstone memorial then Trump won't even be there.

Anon_69E0A63BD 7 points ago +7 / -0

Thank you OP for linking this.

I got to 1hr 9 minutes or so for part 1 and it appeared the beginning of the movie was looped again after what appeared to be the end of the actual movie. I went to the very end of part one and recognized having watched that same scene in the first hour and 9 minutes.

Now I've opened part 2 which started with a scene that was also within the first hour and 9 minutes of part1.

So did this movie presentation get looped 2x or is something odd happening for me?

Anon_69E0A63BD 13 points ago +13 / -0

Reminds me of the pastors of churches where they would rail and scream from the pulpit about how evil homosexuality is (often to the point the pastor became known for that specific thing in the community) and those engaging in that sin are going to hell and on and on. Of course the pastor is not wrong that it is a sin according to scripture and not wrong that people living in that perversion lifestyle do need redemption and salvation in Jesus which would also lead to repentance. But often these preachers were over the top angry, vitriolic, aggressive and over focused on that single issue in their presentation.

Fast forward a few months or years and the same pastor ends up being outed as engaging in homosexual relations. Often ruins the church, his marriage, screws up his kids, causes some to decide they hate Jesus because of what occurred as they do not separate Jesus from the pastor's hypocritical vitriolic preaching vs lifestyle.

Seems like the pedos are just as likely to follow the same pathology of behavior. Their supposed activism is their beard of sorts.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like bait to me.

OP, where did you source these images?

Pence worked hard to foster a "fake" conservative "fake" Christian first persona. I wouldn't be surprised if he is a closet homo and I do suspect he has participated in child sexual abuse / murder rituals as he is clearly initiated into the club.

However, this is far too blatantly obvious and public in my opinion to be some kind of blackmail photo released to public and it seems unlikely he would walk out there to be photographed like that when it would torpedo his carefully constructed persona.

Anon_69E0A63BD 1 point ago +1 / -0

With so many upcoming bad news releases for Biden's corruption cover up team (aka DOJ), I won't be surprised if in a few weeks they indict Trump for federal felony jaywalking that they will swear he committed on J6 sometime after his speech and sometime before he "grabbed the steering wheel in the Beast" while "assaulting his secret service agents" and trying to drive it back to the "insurrection"

Anon_69E0A63BD 38 points ago +38 / -0

I wonder if they are expecting his car to spontaneously generate an accidental, uncontrolled thermite reaction regrettably destroying the vehicle and its occupants on the way to congress.

You know the same kind of thing they made happen to the boyfriend of the Georgia governors daughter to send a message in 2020.

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