Antenna 2 points ago +3 / -1

This makes absolutely no sense, especially the first sentence which states TWO GOOD EXAMPLES THAT GOD IS CLEARLY IN CHARGE. Why is this stickied?!?

Antenna 11 points ago +11 / -0

Please. We're Pure Bloods. "Unvaxxed" is my dead name.

Antenna 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been thinking for months about going to church. Then happened upon this sign at an antique store. I read the first line and felt God was talking to me. I had to have it. I tried to buy the sign but the store owner wouldn't take my money. "Just take it. It's free. You should have it" he said. It's in my house now and I practise memorizing it every day.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have come to the right place LadyB. I found this sign at a local antique store today. May it bring you comfort.

Antenna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Study any recent economic crash (like Cypress) and you'll see that CASH is always what everyone has on hand and what everyone is willing to accept as payment. That is why it makes sense to have more than $20 cash on you when you find yourself locked out of bank.

Antenna 12 points ago +14 / -2

• Funny how Juan O Saven just disappeared there for a while. Why does he never show his face, only his $3,000 shoes? Why do interviews with him never start with a bio blurb telling us what he has done and what his credentials are? Who is he? What's his real name? Why should we listen to him or trust what he says?

• Remember how he rounded up all the top tier Truthers for a private showing of the child sex trafficking movie? What happened to that? It was supposed to be released to the pubic in the Fall of 2021. Remember how they all came back raving about how great the movie was and how he took them out to eat at some elite place? Other than pushing his book and his incredibly boring movie that was just endless footage of those boots walking somewhere, what has he done for the Republic, for fixing our elections, taking down the Globalists? BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is true. I keep hearing about the "Great Awakening" yet virtually everyone around me is in a deep blue pill sleep. If I bring up vaccine truths, election truths, climate truths, tranz truths, Trump truths, BLM truths, abortion truths, Global cabal truths - they freak out.

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

Start now getting fit & trim.

Antenna 4 points ago +4 / -0

I no longer have confidence in Mike Flynn & family. I feel he is gearing up to run against Trump. I don't see Flynn focusing on "Fix 2020". Also, he is getting paid something like $50K for those speeches he's giving all over to hopeful MAGA supporters. It's like he's campaigning...

Antenna 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah, anyone who "took" the experimental injection will be dead 10 years from now.

Antenna 4 points ago +4 / -0

• Funny how Juan O Savin just disappeared off the main Truther circuit. Why does he never show his face in interviews, only his $3,000 shoes? Why do interviews with him never start with a bio blurb telling us what he has done and what his credentials are? Who is he? What's his real name? Why should we listen to him or trust what he says? • Remember how he rounded up all the top tier Truthers for a private showing of the child sex trafficking movie? What happened to that? It was supposed to be released to the pubic last Fall (2021), remember? Other than pushing his book and his incredibly boring movie that was just endless footage of those boots walking somewhere, what has he done for the Republic, restoring our elections, or taking down the Globalists? BE CAREFUL WHO YOU FOLLOW.

Antenna 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there some reason we can't just SEE THE DAMN MOVIE?!?!

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