Pedo Romney just said that same thing in an interview a few days ago!
But, I DO HAVE A CHOICE you stupid faggot! Go stop breathing now Gates.
Sorry Bobby, NOT!
NOPE. GO WOKE, GO BROKE! Sorry, your little past time now needs to go!
Makes you wonder why California has now allowed the illegals to vote huh.
Excellent commentary!
T H I S !!!!!!!
A M E N Brother You GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is no longer Ft Bragg. Fort Liberty now. Sad. FYI Son is on Post there.
I think the same guy with a face lift. ear lobe gets attached after some procedures.
Who cares. offspring who?
F.U. CUCK willie boy smith
Unfortunately, the USA is still asleep and waiting for the white knight or hat to ride in and save the day. WE ARE WEAK!
Was a Paramedic/Fireman for over 26 years and I only had one case of a teenager dying of heart issues. Congenital heart defect. I was forced out due to mandatory clot shot at dept. Many more cases of teens dying now, Info from friends still on the job. Terrible.
Pot calling the kettle black much Danny boy? Bought and paid for cuck Crenshaw...P O S !!!
Imagine if all of these POS people were not longer with us. How much better would we be?
Same thing in Colorado. Denver, Boulder, now Ft Collins all filled with Dems and libs. Cheating is in place as well and CO is now blue. But, it's not.
Because you are way too lazy to do any research. So here. Go back to the kids table.
You are completely incorrect. There are several peer reviewed studies now that show the spike production is half-life-ing. There are additional studies that have shown substantial benefits of taking certain supplements that are accelerating this process. Cheers.
They took bribe money! HANG THEM ALL... TRAITORS