I bought a rife machine. I've used it a few times so far, and it seems to work. I used it on 2 other people before I tried it myself mainly because their issues were needing to be sorted before mine. Both people were skeptical going in but actually had found a decent level of relief post treatment
I had a kink in my neck where I couldn't look to the left without turning my whole torso. 30 mins with the TENS pads on the back of each hand, and I could actually turn my head again.
The pain was still there to some degree, but I gained full range of motion in 30 mins, where it would normally be a 3 day ordeal for me and my neck problems.
I don't want to advertise for the company more or less, but you can look up spooky2 if you want to see what I am using.
Honestly I'm looking at setting up a room in my house to treat people for next to nothing or by donation, as it fits my other lines of work, as well as my GF is a Reiki practitioner. It can't hurt lol.
Page 71. Him and his wife. He co chaired a fundraiser for Hilary Clinton in 2016 as per Wikipedia.
Not sure if he was involved, but he definitely would have rubbed shoulders with the Clinton's.
3/4 of it is cannabis based products.
Not really a win by today's standards.
1/4 was other harder narcotics, which is a good thing. But punishing people in 2023 for a plant like cannabis is foolish. Ruining lives for nothing but pharma control and profits.
Lawless of which laws? The laws of man? Yes. And rightfully so.
I would see him as the ANTE-CHRIST, as in the one who comes before to clean house for Christ.
Just as John the baptist came before to announce the coming, so too does Trump come to ready the stage for the real Christ to take his kingdom back.
Mirror world.
One of many examples of comparing sun myths to the story of Napoleon. This one is quite old as well.
Cliff uses software he started writing back before 9-11. It basically crawls the internet looking for hot keywords and themes, which ended up becoming a tool for predicting events through the mass consciousness analysis.
If a particular term or theme starts becoming used a lot in social media and other sources, his program will assign a numerical score to it.
If the score goes over a threshold, it alerts him to that particular subject.
He has explained it in a few videos.
I got the 2 xm generator kit. Not the expensive ones though.
There are a ton of videos available on YouTube and their website for tutorials for your specific machine, what part are you having trouble with? I don't know if you have plasma, scalar, or contact units to suggest how to get using it.